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foundations of physics discrete mathematics and 'three spin-1 (massive) gauge bosons';" a bas 'one spin-3/2 fermion' including: 'four charge-less raight-handed spin-1/ and t symmetries definable for interacting fields" p foundations of physics; new axiomatic-mathematic energy-momentum as a basic rational-valued physica "axiomatic prediction of eight new elementary part determining certain forms of gauge symmetries corr 'a spin-3/2 fermion' new tensor representations of bispinor fields of m direct relation of baryon asymmetry and a certan g new axiomatic-mathematical derivation of the laws fundamental laws of nature and their logical/mathe monopoles and the issue of their existence in natu relation of charge-less raight-handed spin-1/2 fer and 'three (massive) spin-1 bosons'." time-revers ontology discrete physics the fundamental forces of nature. algebraic structures deterministic algorithms the category of almost primes algebra
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