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MEEA’s Midwest Industrial Initiative

 Combined Heat and Power as a
Boiler MACT Compliance Strategy

           January 30, 2013
           1:00-2:30PM CST
MEEA’s Role in the Midwest
• Non-profit serving 13 Midwest states
• 10+ years serving state energy offices, utilities,
  ESCOs, state and local government, manufacturers
• 150+ Members
• Staff of 25 in Chicago
• Actions
  –   Advancing Energy Efficiency Policy
  –   Promoting Best Practices
  –   Delivering Training & Workshops
  –   Coordinating Multi-Utility Program Efforts
  –   Designing & Administering Energy Efficiency Programs
  –   Evaluating & Promoting Emerging Technologies
  –   Regional Voice for DOE/EPA & ENERGY STAR
Midwest Industrial Initiative (MI2)


In Fall 2010, MEEA has created the MI2 in order to:
•    Promote adoption of energy efficiency in the industrial sector
•    Provide information on electric and natural gas utility energy
     efficiency rebates and programs
•    List national and local energy efficiency best practices and
     technology information
•    Offer catalog of case studies of successful energy efficiency
MI2 Activities
• Quarterly regional utility calls
• Midwest presence for SEEAction Industrial working
  group and CHP group
• Developing Midwest CHP working group
• MI2 to be conduit of efficiency information to
  industrial companies and industrial associations
• Promote successful efficiency programs,
  technologies and financing mechanisms
• Dedicated website on Industrial Efficiency
  in the Midwest
  – Utility, state and local case studies
  – Catalogue of utility industrial contacts
  – Utility programs
  – Industrial opt out and self direct policies
  – EIA data by state and fuel
• Social media presence
  – www.twitter.com/industrialEE
MI2 Upcoming Webinars

• Mitsubishi – review of manufacturing
  facility improvements
• Baltimore Gas & Electric – CHP as part of
  cost effective efficiency program
• Solid State Lighting case study in
  Midwestern facilities

• Dates Forthcoming…
Reminders for Today’s Webinar

• Submit questions in the chat box in the
  right panel
• Q&A will take place after the presentation
  is complete
• Presentation will be available on
  midwestindustrial.org within 48 hours
Combined Heat and Power as a
Boiler MACT Compliance Strategy
   Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Webinar Series
            Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

                          John Cuttica
              Director, Energy Resources Center
                University of Illinois at Chicago
        US DOE Midwest Clean Energy Application Center

DOE Boiler MACT Technical Assistance
o Katrina Pielli --- DOE Headquarters
o Patti Garland --- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
o Bruce Hedman & Anne Hampson --- ICF International
o John Cuttica & Cliff Haefke --- Midwest CEAC
o Jim Freihaut --- Mid Atlantic CEAC
o Beka Kosanovic--- Northeast CEAC
o Isaac Panzarella --- Southeast CEAC
Presentation Message / Take Away
o December 20th, 2012 U.S. EPA finalized Clean Air Act pollution
  standards which include:
   – Emission Standards for Major Source Industrial, Commercial, and
     Institutional Boilers and Process Heater (ICI Boiler MACT)

o Affected facilities are developing compliance strategies:
   – Significant costs involved

o Those large affected boilers utilizing coal or oil may consider:
   – Adding control technologies to existing boilers … Cost of compliance
   – Switch to natural gas boilers ………………………Cost of compliance
   – Consider natural gas fueled gas turbine CHP …...Investment vs. cost
                                                        of compliance
Presentation Message / Take Away
o DOE currently (through its 8 regional Clean Energy Application
  Centers – CEACs) provides:
   – technical information and assistance
   – market development, and
   – education on Conventional CHP, Waste Heat to Power, and District
     Energy CHP options

o DOE, through the CEAC network, is supplementing this ongoing
  effort by providing site-specific technical and cost information on
  clean energy compliance strategies to those major source facilities
  affected by the Boiler MACT rule currently burning coal or oil.

o These affected facilities may have opportunities to develop
  compliance strategies, such as CHP, that are cleaner, more energy
  efficient, and that can have a positive economic return for the plant
  over time.
Presentation Message / Take Away
o Combined Heat & Power (CHP) is an important energy resource
  that provides
   – Benefits for U.S. Industries
     • Reduces energy costs for the user
     • Reduces risk of electric grid disruptions
     • Provides stability in the face of uncertain electricity prices

  – Benefits for the Nation
     • Provides immediate path to increased energy efficiency and
       reduced GHG emissions
     • Offers a low-cost approach to new electricity generation capacity
       and lessens need for new T&D infrastructure
     • Enhances grid security
     • Enhances U.S. manufacturing competitiveness
     • Uses abundant, domestic energy sources
     • Uses highly skilled local labor and American technology
Presentation Message / Take Away
o Take advantage of the DOE Boiler MACT Technical Assistance
  Program (Decision Tree Analysis):

   Contact us at:
                                 Decision Tree Analysis
National Emission Standards for Hazardous
     Air Pollutants for Major Sources:
  Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional
       Boilers and Process Heaters
   (Boiler Maximum Achievable Control
        Technology – Boiler MACT)
o DOE efforts are focused on Major Source Boiler MACT
o Standards for hazardous air pollutants from major sources:
  industrial, commercial and institutional boilers and process
  heaters (excludes any unit combusting solid waste)
o Major source is a facility that emits:
   – 10 tpy or more of any single Hazardous Air Pollutant, or 25 tpy or
     more of total Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)
o Emissions limits applicable to new and existing units > 10
   – Mercury (Hg)
   – Filterable Particulate Matter (PM) or Total Selective Metals (TSM) as
     a surrogate for non-mercury HAP metals
   – Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) as a surrogate for acid gas HAP
   – Carbon Monoxide (CO) as a surrogate for non-dioxin/furan organics
EPA ICI Boiler MACT (cont’d)
o For new and existing units < 10 MMBtu/hr – the rule establishes a
  work practice standard instead of numeric emission limits
  (periodic tune-ups)
o Rule significantly impacts oil, coal, biomass, and process gas
   – Emission limits must be met at all times except for start-up and
     shutdown periods
   – Controls are potentially required for Hg, PM, HCI, and CO
   – Also includes monitoring and reporting requirements
   – Limits are difficult (technically and economically) for oil and coal
     boilers (especially older units)

EPA ICI Boiler MACT (cont’d)
o Existing major source facilities are required to conduct a one-time
  energy assessment to identify cost-effective energy conservation
o Compliance must be met within 3 years from the publication of
  the final rule ---existing boilers may request an additional year if
  technology cannot be installed in time.

Compliance Strategy
o Standard Control Technologies for Existing Boilers
   – Mercury (Hg): Fabric filters and activated carbon injection are
     the primary control devices
   – Particulate Matter (PM): Electrostatic precipitators may be
     required for units to meet emission levels
   – Hydrogen Chloride (HCl): Wet scrubbers or fabric filters with dry
     injection are the primary control technologies
   – Carbon Monoxide (CO): Tune-ups, replacement burners,
     combustion controls and oxidation catalysts are the preferred
     control technologies
Required compliance measures for any unit depend on current
   emissions levels from the units and the control equipment
                        already in place
Compliance Strategy
o Convert boilers to burn natural gas (refinery & blast furnace
  gases are treated as natural gas in the rule)
   – Replace burners in existing boilers with natural gas burners
     (lose efficiency)
   – Replace boiler with natural gas boiler
   – Compliance becomes straight forward (tune-ups in lieu of
     more rigorous control options)
Compliance Strategy
o Install a natural gas fueled Conventional CHP system
   – Gas turbine/generator produces electricity
   – Turbine waste heat generates steam through a HRSG

o Represents a tradeoff of benefits versus additional costs
   – Represents a productive investment
   – Potential for lower steam costs due to generating own
   – Higher overall efficiency and reduced emissions
   – Higher capital costs, but partially offset by required
     compliance costs or new gas boiler costs
Defining Combined Heat & Power (CHP)
              The on-site simultaneous generation of two forms of energy
                (heat and electricity) from a single fuel/energy source

                                   Conventional CHP
            (also referred to as Topping Cycle CHP or Direct Fired CHP)

             Heat recovery
             steam boiler                       Simultaneous generation of heat
                                                 and electricity
                                                Fuel is combusted/burned for the
                                                 purpose of generating heat and
             Prime Mover
   Fuel           &          Electricity
                                                Normally sized for thermal load
                                                 to max. efficiency – 70% to 80%
 Recip. Engine                                  HRSG can be supplementary
 Gas Turbine
                                                 fired for larger steam loads
 Fuel Cell                                      Normally non export of electricity
 Boiler/Steam Turbine
                                                Low emissions – natural gas
 Combined Heat and Power as a Boiler MACT Compliance Strategy (Slides only)
Defining Combined Heat & Power (CHP)
           The on-site simultaneous generation of two forms of energy
             (heat and electricity) from a single fuel/energy source

                             Waste Heat to Power CHP
       (also referred to as Bottoming Cycle CHP or Indirect Fired CHP)

                                                    Fuel first applied to produce useful
                                                     thermal energy for the process
       Steam Turbine                                Waste heat is utilized to produce
                             Heat                    electricity and possibly additional
                                                     thermal energy for the process
                                                    Simultaneous generation of heat and
       Heat recovery                                 electricity
       steam boiler
                                                    No additional fossil fuel combustion
                                                     (no incremental emissions)
                     Waste heat from the
                     industrial process
                                                    Normally produces larger amounts
         Energy                                      electric generation (often exports
        Intensive                                    electricity to the grid; base load
        Industrial                                   electric power)
                           Heat produced for the
                           industrial process       Normally requires high temperature
                                                     (> 800°F) (low hanging fruit in
                                                     industrial plants)
CHP Is Used at the Point of Demand
4,100 CHP Projects

81,800 MW

Saves 1.8 quads of
fuel each year

Eliminates 241 M tons of
CO2 each year

CO2 reduction
equivalent to
eliminating forty 1,000
MW coal power plants

    Source: ICF International
Existing CHP Capacity
o ~ 8% US generating capacity

o ~ 12% total annual MWh

o Industrial applications represent
  87% of existing capacity

o Commercial/institutional
  applications represent 13% of
  existing capacity:
   – Hospitals, Schools, University
     Campuses, Hotels, Nursing Homes,
     Office Buildings, Apartment
     Complexes, Data Centers, Fitness

                                        Source: ICF International
Why U.S. Businesses Invest in CHP
(> 4,100 installations & ~ 82 GW installed capacity)
o Reduces energy costs for the end-user
o Increases energy efficiency, helps manage costs, maintains
o Reduces risk of electric grid disruptions & enhances
  energy reliability (Hurricanes Katrina & Sandy; 2004
o Provides stability in the face of uncertain electricity prices
o Used as compliance strategy for emission regulations
  (Boiler MACT & Reduced Carbon Footprint)
Why More Businesses Do Not Invest
            in CHP
o Economics not right (long payback periods)
   – Spark Spread not favorable
   – Capital Cost
o Competing for tight capital budgets
o Too much of a hassle
   – Working with utilities may be seen as impediment
o Lack of accurate knowledge & lack of resources to
o To lesser degree, financing and permitting

Attractive CHP Markets

Industrial                  Commercial                 Institutional        Agricultural
o   Chemical                o   Data centers           o   Hospitals        o   Concentrated
    manufacturing           o   Hotels and casinos     o   Landfills            animal feeding
o   Ethanol                 o   Multi-family housing   o   Universities &       operations
o   Food processing         o   Laundries                  colleges         o   Dairies
o   Natural gas pipelines   o   Apartments             o   Wastewater       o   Wood waste
o   Petrochemicals          o   Office buildings           treatment            (biomass)
o   Pharmaceuticals         o   Refrigerated           o   Residential
o   Pulp and paper              warehouses                 confinement
o   Rubber and plastics     o   Restaurants
                            o   Supermarkets
                            o   Green buildings
Affected Facilities by CEAC Region
                                          Number of Number of
                   Number of Number of
       CEAC Region                        Heavy Oil Light Oil
                    Facilities Coal Units
                                            Units     Units
       Gulf Coast      15        16                11                 0
       Intermountain   17        29                 3                 3
       Mid-Atlantic    104       153               55                33
       Midwest         195       360              64                 58
       Northeast       55        19               83                24
       Northwest       20        23                8                15
       Pacific          8         5               12                 1
       Southeast       142       186              83                81
       Total           556       791              319               215

 This table includes only industrial/commercial/institutional boilers
  burning coal and oil
                                     © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved.
Affected Boilers in the Midwest

  Fuel Type           Number of Units          Capacity (MMBtu/hr)

  Coal                       360                           84,197

  Heavy Liquid               64                             9,936

  Light Liquid               58                             5,375

  Total                      482                           99,508

   Includes industrial, commercial and institutional boilers only

                                   © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved   .
Affected Coal and Oil Boilers in the
    Midwest by Market Sector
  Application             # Facilities      # Units
  Food                        46               92               21,460
  Paper                       28               55               13,433
  Petroleum and Coal          5                13                3,219
  Chemicals                   29               65               10,452
  Plastics and Rubber         6                17                1,488
  Primary Metals              9                22                9,011
  Fabricated Metals           2                5                  664
  Machinery                   5                14                5,276
  Transportation Equip.       18               80               12,036
  Educational Services        18               44                8,753
  Other Applications          29               75               13,717
  Total                      195              482               99,508

                              © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved. 31
Affected Coal and Oil Boilers in the
                              # Coal # Heavy # Light Oil
  State          # Facilities                                         Capacity
                              Units Oil Units   Units
  Iowa               18       39           3             5             15,217
  Illinois           23       36           2             7             10,241
  Indiana            22       37          14             14            14,986
  Kansas             2         1           4             0               685
  Michigan           29       72           7             0             18,630
  Minnesota          15       16          12             7             4,955
  Missouri           8        22           0             8             3,442
  North Dakota       6         6           3             1             3,838
  Nebraska           6         6           4             0             2,554
  Ohio               37       77           3             10            14,179
  South Dakota       1         5           0             0             1,651
  Wisconsin          28       43          12             6             9,131
  Total             195       360         64             58            99,508

                                © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved. 32
        Technical Assistance Program
The U.S. DOE Midwest CEAC is supplementing its normal
CHP services by:
 Providing site specific technical and cost information to the
  195+ major source facilities (~ 480 boilers) in 12 states
  currently burning coal or oil (Decision Tree Analysis)
 Meeting with willing individual facility management to discuss
  “Clean Energy Compliance Strategies” including potential
  funding and financial opportunities.
 Assisting interested facilities in the implementation of CHP as
  a compliance strategy
Technical Assistance Approach
o Contact each facility explaining the program and the
  analysis being offered (Decision Tree Analysis)
o “Soft Sell” – not attempting to sell a CHP system, rather
  providing information on an alternative approach that
  you should consider as you develop your compliance
o Verify the specific site assumptions being used in the
o Conduct the decision tree analysis (simple spread
  sheet) comparing strategy options.
Decision Tree Analysis
 o Provides comparative cost of compliance options for
   coal and/or oil fired boilers:
    –   Installing control technologies on existing boilers
    –   Replacing existing boilers with new natural gas boilers
    –   Converting existing boilers for operation on natural gas
    –   Replacing existing boiler with a natural gas fueled
        combustion turbine CHP system
Decision Tree
o Provides available data:
   – General Site information
   – Boiler
   – Compliance and
     conversion cost estimates
o Calculations
   – Average Steam Load
   – CHP Sizing
   – CHP Paybacks compared
     to other options
   – 5 and 10 year cash flows
   – IRR and NPV
Comparative Cost of
Compliance Options
o Calculates the annual
  fuel use, fuel costs,
  O&M costs for each
o Compares the annual
  operating costs and
  capital costs
o Calculates simple
  payback of CHP
Cash Flows, IRR, NPV
o 5 and 10 year cash flows are calculated for each
  compliance option
o The 10 year internal rate of return (IRR) and net present
  value (NPV) are calculated for CHP versus installing
  compliance controls
Frequently Asked Questions
 How accurate is the Decision Tree Analysis results?
The results are only as good as the assumptions utilized. We expect the
facilities will update the assumptions after the one-on-one meetings.
 What are the sources of the facility and unit data assumptions?
ICR – Survey data on boilers, process heater and other combustion units, submitted to EPA
(facility & unit level data)
ECHO – EPA Enforcement & Compliance History Online database (facility level data on major
source polluters)
REPIS – NREL Renewable Electric Plant Info System database (facility and unit level data for
biomass facilities)
MIPD – Major Industrial Plant database (facility data for large industrial plants
LBDB – Large Boiler database (facility & unit level data – boilers > 250 MMBtu/hr
ELECUTIL – ICF Electric Utility database (facility & unit level data for utility boilers
EPA GHGRP – EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (facility and unit level data for large
GHG emitters)
Frequently Asked Questions
 What is the value of an option that has such a significantly larger
  first cost?
Investment (with payback) versus a cost - higher efficiencies & lower
emissions – potential for lower steam costs
 As a “rule of thumb,” which boilers are most favorable for a CHP
  control strategy?
Older coal and oil boilers where installing standard control technologies
is very expensive and/or converting the existing boiler to natural gas is
an option.
 If the facility wants to further explore CHP, what specific services
  can the CEAC provide?
Assist in scoping the project (level 1 sizing, costs, design options);
assist in securing needed engineering, financial and installation support
Next Steps – Midwest
o Midwest CEAC will send letters to all affected facilities (coal and oil)
  explaining the technical assistance program, and follow up with
  phone calls to establish contacts and obtain permission to continue
  with analysis
    – If decision tree analysis is favorable, site visits will be made to discuss
      analysis results. Report will be provided to facility.
o Continue technical assistance as appropriate
o Looking to work with in-state trade associations, utilities and others
  to spread the word and verify facility contacts
o Midwest Prioritization:
    – Ohio pilot winding down
    – Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana next up (~ 92 sites)
    – Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, N. Dakota, S. Dakota,
      Nebraska to follow (~ 66 sites)
DOE & Midwest CEAC Contacts
   DOE Headquarters                            Midwest CEAC

                                            Co-Directors: John Cuttica;
            Katrina Pielli                 312/996-4382; cuttica@uic.edu
        Senior Policy Advisor
   Office of the Deputy Assistant            Cliff Haefke; 312/355-3476;
   Secretary for Energy Efficiency                 chaefk1@uic.edu
    U.S. Department of Energy
          Washington DC                     www.midwestcleanenergy.org

http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufact   States Covered: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
  uring/distributedenergy/ceacs.html   Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
                                        Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South
                                                Dakota, Wisconsin
MEEA Staff Contacts
• Jay Wrobel, Executive Director
• Stacey Paradis, Deputy Director
• Chelsea Lamar, Senior Program Associate
• Rick Holmes, Senior Advisor, Industrial Initiatives,
Thank you!

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Combined Heat and Power as a Boiler MACT Compliance Strategy (Slides only)

  • 1. MEEA’s Midwest Industrial Initiative Webinar: Combined Heat and Power as a Boiler MACT Compliance Strategy January 30, 2013 1:00-2:30PM CST
  • 2. MEEA’s Role in the Midwest • Non-profit serving 13 Midwest states • 10+ years serving state energy offices, utilities, ESCOs, state and local government, manufacturers • 150+ Members • Staff of 25 in Chicago • Actions – Advancing Energy Efficiency Policy – Promoting Best Practices – Delivering Training & Workshops – Coordinating Multi-Utility Program Efforts – Designing & Administering Energy Efficiency Programs – Evaluating & Promoting Emerging Technologies – Regional Voice for DOE/EPA & ENERGY STAR
  • 3. Midwest Industrial Initiative (MI2) www.midwestindustrial.org In Fall 2010, MEEA has created the MI2 in order to: • Promote adoption of energy efficiency in the industrial sector • Provide information on electric and natural gas utility energy efficiency rebates and programs • List national and local energy efficiency best practices and technology information • Offer catalog of case studies of successful energy efficiency implementation
  • 4. MI2 Activities • Quarterly regional utility calls • Midwest presence for SEEAction Industrial working group and CHP group • Developing Midwest CHP working group • MI2 to be conduit of efficiency information to industrial companies and industrial associations • Promote successful efficiency programs, technologies and financing mechanisms
  • 5. www.midwestindustrial.org • Dedicated website on Industrial Efficiency in the Midwest – Utility, state and local case studies – Catalogue of utility industrial contacts – Utility programs – Industrial opt out and self direct policies – EIA data by state and fuel • Social media presence – www.twitter.com/industrialEE
  • 6. MI2 Upcoming Webinars • Mitsubishi – review of manufacturing facility improvements • Baltimore Gas & Electric – CHP as part of cost effective efficiency program • Solid State Lighting case study in Midwestern facilities • Dates Forthcoming…
  • 7. Reminders for Today’s Webinar • Submit questions in the chat box in the right panel • Q&A will take place after the presentation is complete • Presentation will be available on midwestindustrial.org within 48 hours
  • 8. Combined Heat and Power as a Boiler MACT Compliance Strategy Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Webinar Series Wednesday, January 30th, 2013 John Cuttica Director, Energy Resources Center University of Illinois at Chicago US DOE Midwest Clean Energy Application Center www.midwestcleanenergy.org
  • 9. DOE Boiler MACT Technical Assistance Team o Katrina Pielli --- DOE Headquarters o Patti Garland --- Oak Ridge National Laboratory o Bruce Hedman & Anne Hampson --- ICF International o John Cuttica & Cliff Haefke --- Midwest CEAC o Jim Freihaut --- Mid Atlantic CEAC o Beka Kosanovic--- Northeast CEAC o Isaac Panzarella --- Southeast CEAC
  • 10. Presentation Message / Take Away o December 20th, 2012 U.S. EPA finalized Clean Air Act pollution standards which include: – Emission Standards for Major Source Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heater (ICI Boiler MACT) o Affected facilities are developing compliance strategies: – Significant costs involved o Those large affected boilers utilizing coal or oil may consider: – Adding control technologies to existing boilers … Cost of compliance – Switch to natural gas boilers ………………………Cost of compliance – Consider natural gas fueled gas turbine CHP …...Investment vs. cost of compliance
  • 11. Presentation Message / Take Away o DOE currently (through its 8 regional Clean Energy Application Centers – CEACs) provides: – technical information and assistance – market development, and – education on Conventional CHP, Waste Heat to Power, and District Energy CHP options o DOE, through the CEAC network, is supplementing this ongoing effort by providing site-specific technical and cost information on clean energy compliance strategies to those major source facilities affected by the Boiler MACT rule currently burning coal or oil. o These affected facilities may have opportunities to develop compliance strategies, such as CHP, that are cleaner, more energy efficient, and that can have a positive economic return for the plant over time.
  • 12. Presentation Message / Take Away o Combined Heat & Power (CHP) is an important energy resource that provides – Benefits for U.S. Industries • Reduces energy costs for the user • Reduces risk of electric grid disruptions • Provides stability in the face of uncertain electricity prices – Benefits for the Nation • Provides immediate path to increased energy efficiency and reduced GHG emissions • Offers a low-cost approach to new electricity generation capacity and lessens need for new T&D infrastructure • Enhances grid security • Enhances U.S. manufacturing competitiveness • Uses abundant, domestic energy sources • Uses highly skilled local labor and American technology
  • 13. Presentation Message / Take Away o Take advantage of the DOE Boiler MACT Technical Assistance Program (Decision Tree Analysis): http://www.1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/distributedenergy/boilermact.html Contact us at: Decision Tree Analysis
  • 14. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters (Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology – Boiler MACT)
  • 15. EPA ICI Boiler MACT o DOE efforts are focused on Major Source Boiler MACT o Standards for hazardous air pollutants from major sources: industrial, commercial and institutional boilers and process heaters (excludes any unit combusting solid waste) o Major source is a facility that emits: – 10 tpy or more of any single Hazardous Air Pollutant, or 25 tpy or more of total Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) o Emissions limits applicable to new and existing units > 10 MMBtu/hr – Mercury (Hg) – Filterable Particulate Matter (PM) or Total Selective Metals (TSM) as a surrogate for non-mercury HAP metals – Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) as a surrogate for acid gas HAP – Carbon Monoxide (CO) as a surrogate for non-dioxin/furan organics 15
  • 16. EPA ICI Boiler MACT (cont’d) o For new and existing units < 10 MMBtu/hr – the rule establishes a work practice standard instead of numeric emission limits (periodic tune-ups) o Rule significantly impacts oil, coal, biomass, and process gas boilers – Emission limits must be met at all times except for start-up and shutdown periods – Controls are potentially required for Hg, PM, HCI, and CO – Also includes monitoring and reporting requirements – Limits are difficult (technically and economically) for oil and coal boilers (especially older units) 16
  • 17. EPA ICI Boiler MACT (cont’d) o Existing major source facilities are required to conduct a one-time energy assessment to identify cost-effective energy conservation measures o Compliance must be met within 3 years from the publication of the final rule ---existing boilers may request an additional year if technology cannot be installed in time. 17
  • 18. Compliance Strategy o Standard Control Technologies for Existing Boilers – Mercury (Hg): Fabric filters and activated carbon injection are the primary control devices – Particulate Matter (PM): Electrostatic precipitators may be required for units to meet emission levels – Hydrogen Chloride (HCl): Wet scrubbers or fabric filters with dry injection are the primary control technologies – Carbon Monoxide (CO): Tune-ups, replacement burners, combustion controls and oxidation catalysts are the preferred control technologies Required compliance measures for any unit depend on current emissions levels from the units and the control equipment already in place
  • 19. Compliance Strategy o Convert boilers to burn natural gas (refinery & blast furnace gases are treated as natural gas in the rule) – Replace burners in existing boilers with natural gas burners (lose efficiency) – Replace boiler with natural gas boiler – Compliance becomes straight forward (tune-ups in lieu of more rigorous control options)
  • 20. Compliance Strategy o Install a natural gas fueled Conventional CHP system – Gas turbine/generator produces electricity – Turbine waste heat generates steam through a HRSG o Represents a tradeoff of benefits versus additional costs – Represents a productive investment – Potential for lower steam costs due to generating own power – Higher overall efficiency and reduced emissions – Higher capital costs, but partially offset by required compliance costs or new gas boiler costs
  • 21. Defining Combined Heat & Power (CHP) The on-site simultaneous generation of two forms of energy (heat and electricity) from a single fuel/energy source Conventional CHP (also referred to as Topping Cycle CHP or Direct Fired CHP) Heat recovery Steam steam boiler  Simultaneous generation of heat and electricity  Fuel is combusted/burned for the purpose of generating heat and Prime Mover Fuel & Electricity electricity Generator  Normally sized for thermal load to max. efficiency – 70% to 80% Recip. Engine  HRSG can be supplementary Gas Turbine fired for larger steam loads Micro-turbine Fuel Cell  Normally non export of electricity Boiler/Steam Turbine  Low emissions – natural gas
  • 23. Defining Combined Heat & Power (CHP) The on-site simultaneous generation of two forms of energy (heat and electricity) from a single fuel/energy source Waste Heat to Power CHP (also referred to as Bottoming Cycle CHP or Indirect Fired CHP)  Fuel first applied to produce useful thermal energy for the process Electricity Steam Turbine  Waste heat is utilized to produce Heat electricity and possibly additional thermal energy for the process  Simultaneous generation of heat and Heat recovery electricity steam boiler  No additional fossil fuel combustion (no incremental emissions) Waste heat from the industrial process  Normally produces larger amounts Energy electric generation (often exports Intensive electricity to the grid; base load Fuel Industrial electric power) Process Heat produced for the industrial process  Normally requires high temperature (> 800°F) (low hanging fruit in industrial plants)
  • 24. CHP Is Used at the Point of Demand 4,100 CHP Projects 81,800 MW Saves 1.8 quads of fuel each year Eliminates 241 M tons of CO2 each year CO2 reduction equivalent to eliminating forty 1,000 MW coal power plants Source: ICF International
  • 25. Existing CHP Capacity o ~ 8% US generating capacity o ~ 12% total annual MWh generated o Industrial applications represent 87% of existing capacity o Commercial/institutional applications represent 13% of existing capacity: – Hospitals, Schools, University Campuses, Hotels, Nursing Homes, Office Buildings, Apartment Complexes, Data Centers, Fitness Centers Source: ICF International
  • 26. Why U.S. Businesses Invest in CHP (> 4,100 installations & ~ 82 GW installed capacity) o Reduces energy costs for the end-user o Increases energy efficiency, helps manage costs, maintains jobs o Reduces risk of electric grid disruptions & enhances energy reliability (Hurricanes Katrina & Sandy; 2004 Blackout) o Provides stability in the face of uncertain electricity prices o Used as compliance strategy for emission regulations (Boiler MACT & Reduced Carbon Footprint)
  • 27. Why More Businesses Do Not Invest in CHP o Economics not right (long payback periods) – Spark Spread not favorable – Capital Cost o Competing for tight capital budgets o Too much of a hassle – Working with utilities may be seen as impediment o Lack of accurate knowledge & lack of resources to investigate o To lesser degree, financing and permitting 27
  • 28. Attractive CHP Markets Industrial Commercial Institutional Agricultural o Chemical o Data centers o Hospitals o Concentrated manufacturing o Hotels and casinos o Landfills animal feeding o Ethanol o Multi-family housing o Universities & operations o Food processing o Laundries colleges o Dairies o Natural gas pipelines o Apartments o Wastewater o Wood waste o Petrochemicals o Office buildings treatment (biomass) o Pharmaceuticals o Refrigerated o Residential o Pulp and paper warehouses confinement o Rubber and plastics o Restaurants o Supermarkets o Green buildings
  • 29. Affected Facilities by CEAC Region Number of Number of Number of Number of CEAC Region Heavy Oil Light Oil Facilities Coal Units Units Units Gulf Coast 15 16 11 0 Intermountain 17 29 3 3 Mid-Atlantic 104 153 55 33 Midwest 195 360 64 58 Northeast 55 19 83 24 Northwest 20 23 8 15 Pacific 8 5 12 1 Southeast 142 186 83 81 Total 556 791 319 215  This table includes only industrial/commercial/institutional boilers burning coal and oil © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved.
  • 30. Affected Boilers in the Midwest Fuel Type Number of Units Capacity (MMBtu/hr) Coal 360 84,197 Heavy Liquid 64 9,936 Light Liquid 58 5,375 Total 482 99,508 Includes industrial, commercial and institutional boilers only © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved .
  • 31. Affected Coal and Oil Boilers in the Midwest by Market Sector Capacity Application # Facilities # Units (MMBtu/hr) Food 46 92 21,460 Paper 28 55 13,433 Petroleum and Coal 5 13 3,219 Chemicals 29 65 10,452 Plastics and Rubber 6 17 1,488 Primary Metals 9 22 9,011 Fabricated Metals 2 5 664 Machinery 5 14 5,276 Transportation Equip. 18 80 12,036 Educational Services 18 44 8,753 Other Applications 29 75 13,717 Total 195 482 99,508 © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved. 31
  • 32. Affected Coal and Oil Boilers in the Midwest Total # Coal # Heavy # Light Oil State # Facilities Capacity Units Oil Units Units (MMBtu/hr) Iowa 18 39 3 5 15,217 Illinois 23 36 2 7 10,241 Indiana 22 37 14 14 14,986 Kansas 2 1 4 0 685 Michigan 29 72 7 0 18,630 Minnesota 15 16 12 7 4,955 Missouri 8 22 0 8 3,442 North Dakota 6 6 3 1 3,838 Nebraska 6 6 4 0 2,554 Ohio 37 77 3 10 14,179 South Dakota 1 5 0 0 1,651 Wisconsin 28 43 12 6 9,131 Total 195 360 64 58 99,508 © 2011 ICF International. Expanded Database. All rights reserved. 32
  • 33. DOE Boiler MACT Technical Assistance Program (Midwest) The U.S. DOE Midwest CEAC is supplementing its normal CHP services by:  Providing site specific technical and cost information to the 195+ major source facilities (~ 480 boilers) in 12 states currently burning coal or oil (Decision Tree Analysis)  Meeting with willing individual facility management to discuss “Clean Energy Compliance Strategies” including potential funding and financial opportunities.  Assisting interested facilities in the implementation of CHP as a compliance strategy
  • 34. Technical Assistance Approach o Contact each facility explaining the program and the analysis being offered (Decision Tree Analysis) o “Soft Sell” – not attempting to sell a CHP system, rather providing information on an alternative approach that you should consider as you develop your compliance strategy! o Verify the specific site assumptions being used in the analysis o Conduct the decision tree analysis (simple spread sheet) comparing strategy options.
  • 35. Decision Tree Analysis o Provides comparative cost of compliance options for coal and/or oil fired boilers: – Installing control technologies on existing boilers – Replacing existing boilers with new natural gas boilers – Converting existing boilers for operation on natural gas – Replacing existing boiler with a natural gas fueled combustion turbine CHP system
  • 36. Decision Tree o Provides available data: – General Site information – Boiler information/configuration – Compliance and conversion cost estimates o Calculations – Average Steam Load – CHP Sizing – CHP Paybacks compared to other options – 5 and 10 year cash flows – IRR and NPV
  • 37. Comparative Cost of Compliance Options o Calculates the annual fuel use, fuel costs, O&M costs for each option o Compares the annual operating costs and capital costs o Calculates simple payback of CHP
  • 38. Cash Flows, IRR, NPV o 5 and 10 year cash flows are calculated for each compliance option o The 10 year internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) are calculated for CHP versus installing compliance controls
  • 39. Frequently Asked Questions  How accurate is the Decision Tree Analysis results? The results are only as good as the assumptions utilized. We expect the facilities will update the assumptions after the one-on-one meetings.  What are the sources of the facility and unit data assumptions? ICR – Survey data on boilers, process heater and other combustion units, submitted to EPA (facility & unit level data) ECHO – EPA Enforcement & Compliance History Online database (facility level data on major source polluters) REPIS – NREL Renewable Electric Plant Info System database (facility and unit level data for biomass facilities) MIPD – Major Industrial Plant database (facility data for large industrial plants LBDB – Large Boiler database (facility & unit level data – boilers > 250 MMBtu/hr ELECUTIL – ICF Electric Utility database (facility & unit level data for utility boilers EPA GHGRP – EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (facility and unit level data for large GHG emitters)
  • 40. Frequently Asked Questions  What is the value of an option that has such a significantly larger first cost? Investment (with payback) versus a cost - higher efficiencies & lower emissions – potential for lower steam costs  As a “rule of thumb,” which boilers are most favorable for a CHP control strategy? Older coal and oil boilers where installing standard control technologies is very expensive and/or converting the existing boiler to natural gas is an option.  If the facility wants to further explore CHP, what specific services can the CEAC provide? Assist in scoping the project (level 1 sizing, costs, design options); assist in securing needed engineering, financial and installation support
  • 41. Next Steps – Midwest o Midwest CEAC will send letters to all affected facilities (coal and oil) explaining the technical assistance program, and follow up with phone calls to establish contacts and obtain permission to continue with analysis – If decision tree analysis is favorable, site visits will be made to discuss analysis results. Report will be provided to facility. o Continue technical assistance as appropriate o Looking to work with in-state trade associations, utilities and others to spread the word and verify facility contacts o Midwest Prioritization: – Ohio pilot winding down – Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana next up (~ 92 sites) – Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska to follow (~ 66 sites)
  • 42. DOE & Midwest CEAC Contacts DOE Headquarters Midwest CEAC Co-Directors: John Cuttica; Katrina Pielli 312/996-4382; cuttica@uic.edu Senior Policy Advisor Office of the Deputy Assistant Cliff Haefke; 312/355-3476; Secretary for Energy Efficiency chaefk1@uic.edu U.S. Department of Energy Washington DC www.midwestcleanenergy.org http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufact States Covered: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, uring/distributedenergy/ceacs.html Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
  • 44. MEEA Staff Contacts • Jay Wrobel, Executive Director jwrobel@mwalliance.org • Stacey Paradis, Deputy Director sparadis@mwalliance.org • Chelsea Lamar, Senior Program Associate clamar@mwalliance.org • Rick Holmes, Senior Advisor, Industrial Initiatives, rholmes@mwalliance.org