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hydraulic fracturing fracking marcellus shale natural gas shale drilling pennsylvania utica shale shale gas shale gas drilling research new york ohio pipeline regulation oil epa litigation shale report eia anti-drilling dep jobs andrew cuomo west virginia lng marcellus lawsuit study economic impact utica wastewater marcellus drilling ferc odnr dpr jlcny energy chesapeake energy water usgs joe martens severance tax dec act 13 pipelines public opinion moratorium sgeis ban dominion shale energy drilling methane drilling productivity midstream global warming poll shale oil cabot oil & gas gas williams supply chain impact fee taxation range resources exports natural gas liquids maryland legislation new york state puc air pollution fossil fuels ngls kinder morgan article 78 court production ngl economics map oil & gas regulations gas drilling eqt environment climate change royalties antero resources iea susquehanna county landowner injection well tom corbett investment lease price databook api atlantic coast pipeline electric generation delaware riverkeeper fugitive methane nirav shah hydrualic fracturing permits sierra club zoning pennfuture dép supreme court tom wolf ethane drill cuttings rice energy new england pa survey radiation infrastructure export groundwater norse energy ihs investor presentation blm wet gas doe natural gas drilling barack obama eric schneiderman cove point presentation propane forced pooling bankruptcy deloitte lycoming county investor manhattan institute health impacts wv rex energy rule rules constitution pipeline oil and gas marcellus shale coalition gao congress drbc duke university horizontal drilling bill conventional electricity ngsa illegal accident landfill fossil fuel ethane cracker petrochemical driller cssd tenorm bp mineral rights cng prediction binghamton regulatory air emissions coal dimock canada fracking ban transco unconventional big green chemical spectra energy sunoco logistics employment nova scotia magnum hunter ipaa southwestern energy methane migration markwest energy osu government clean air act acc energy policy mdn dryden propaganda legal safety exxonmobil imports democrat tom west msc appalachia michigan water testing brine pnas court of appeals emissions earthquakes john kasich penn state law ghg beck energy volatile organic compounds srbc marcellus shale gas eastern shore natural gas easements economic boom steo gorsline idiots divestment frack ban john quigley corrosion babst calland anti-fossil fuel et rover ned northeast energy direct kathleen kane shell m&a penneast pipeline boom bust mariner east decision earthquake economy impacts water quality markwest crude oil pioga injection wells consol energy president obama washington county pa upper devonian mde ligitation unitization methane emissions town ban water contamination middlefield ernest moniz ooga benesch nisource radioactivity inflection energy world energy outlook reserves pa dep new jersey radon aubrey mcclendon federal land anadarko doi executive order broome county energy outlook greenhouse gas exxon mobil monroe county oh manufacturing marcellus gas drilling voc food & water watch opec xto energy property rights fairfield township tetco royalty costs sab haynes and boone cleveland state university philadelphia intervenor pgw fsgeis sham northeast electric lines ac electricity chapter 78 compressor station river leases dcnr mariner east 2 massachusetts lpg waste matt cartwright bricker & eckler maine eclipse resources delaware river basin sham report phmsa railroad southwest pa obama clean power plan fraud greene county pennyslvania wackos greene county pa chevron ifo pollution columbia pipeline update gulfport energy liberal iso new england frack wastewater drilling productivity report power generation chamber of commerce investigation university of michigan settlement takings naro mtgmr maria van der hoeven commodity price potential gas committee performance standards certification center for sustainable shale development wvu best practices operational update financial update air quality proved reserves world energy unconventional energy mwcd dnr sgicc brad gill liquefied natural gas anti-fracking housing ng vehicles fayetteville shale s&p tax pwc chemicals earthworks drilling permits netl gathering pipeline radioactive quinnipiac poll bakken resolution aquifer estimated reserves public land ohio state university university of pittsburgh anga ernst & young university at buffalo williams partners ioga-ny gas lease co2 maps marcellus drilling news youngstown small business court case nrdc earthjustice fracing cornell shale lease ultra resources cornell university earl ray tomblin marcellus gas minimum royalty post-production celdf putz 2q16 quarterly update mountain valley pipeline fairy tales national grid trailer park nam wayne national forest onerous corruption energy transfer investments renewables politics bradford county flummery paris demchak mhr curtis jones rig tour audit maura healey superior court wotus commodity seismicity stone energy keep it in the ground ngpl tennessee gas pipeline empire pipeline northern access national fuel gas australia tioga county dictator marathon petroleum miracle charlie schliebs stone pier capital shale tax section 3215 statistical review virginia force majeure debrosse memorial treatment drilling regulations new market project publicly owned streambeds oilfield services schlumberger 4q14 monaca cracker public lands 40 cfr part 98 train radical environmentalists storage crestwood midstream wayne county texas gas transmission federal reserve bank of cleveland shake down bully drilling report attorney general ground water dma sleazy politician access northeast well pad maya van rossum pike county fracking fluid mergers open season bakken crude lngl eugene depasquale pipleine anr east project transcanada joint venture rogue agency economic benefits sustainable carbon pedf refrac frac windfall oil and gas flaky clearfield county atlantic sunrise project eis 2014 upstream state land forests well integrity eagle ford lanco 7h well fire taxes eminent domain boardwalk pipeline partners odebrecht cracker plant environmental extremists economic miracle 2013 business operations states rights federal overreach fine silica benesch law capex hess standards outlook annual energy outlook halcon resources decline rates demand waste treatment corporation tds fraser institute barge energy trends eqb binghamton university shale gas roundtable evep ev energy partners processing plant hallowich stacked play clean water act federal cwa pennenvironment ny steptoe & johnson sb259 mark houser mlp bluegrass pipeline fayette county home rule oil gas migration halliburton renewable energy well production international energy agency mtomr seneca resources ny supreme court appellate division ioga environmental ebook porter wright brookings institution anti-driller wildlife chenango county point pleasant crs assembly columbia gas transmission delay stalling munroe falls gas production 2012 norm predictions seneca lake white paper politicians statoil accenture donna lupardo natural gas vehicles contamination water test coalition academic freedom barnett shale accidents stray gas environmental risks health risks recoverable assessment us senate diesel chemical contamination pavillion wyoming environmentalism wacko environmentalists protesters nyc energy in depth siena college research institute dte energy water well adam sieminski commonwealth court kathryn klaber john holko uk carbon dioxide shale map fugitive emissions oil drilling smb robert howarth senate drinking water drilling impact thomas dinapoli ub albany landowner coalition ohio shale 40 cfr part 63 shale jobs education school carbon tax shalenavigator american petroleum institute landowners environmental impact ny supreme court crime university of texas hb1950 white house drilling rules pavillion wy otsego county gas drilling regulations epa regulation trucking tioga county pa fracking wastewater seismic testing siena college poll sustainable energy unconventional shale surface water marist marist poll michael krancer ballot measure ngl pipeline ethics commission game commission capouillez synapse energy economics haynesville financial statement bear head lng legislature wilmot township frackibacter bacteria ducs asthma false bogus delmont line 27 penn-jersey system inspection repair texas eastern pipeline aopl rff volatility wellpad leidy south dti shale well thomas murt hb 2277 bond pennsylvania general energy grant township crazies indiana county pa utopia 8-k fairy tale myth iroquois gas umh affordable housing downeast lng black & veatch security deals acquisitions bullies exxonknew bullying criminal cabal emergency foreigner hunter leidy southeast biggest loser dalton expansion georgia norton rose fulbright auburn gas gathering epsilon energy funk v wolf environmental rights amendment debt equity chapter 11 pre-packaged delaware nazis environmentalist wackos steve piper electric market deutsche bank title washing herder spring hunting club drone faa system reliability project white oak mainline expansion schneiderman corrupt nutjob cu colorado clinton trump article 78a sb 1229 expansión karst geology barbara lifton dangerously stupid atlantic sunrise private equity rio grande lng ceri rusty braziel domino effect interview mayor public hearing atlantic coast nutjobs progress status bakerhostetler import tom daschle lobbyist low carbon threats funding gap underinvestment energy risk energy security energy efficiency sb 805 sb 562 regulatory oversight sb 279 sb 1195 ceo fugitive icf route friends of wintergreen destroyed value cnbc summer pricing 2016 jerks environmental justice strategic plan unconstitutional power grab hb 540 jack cera scandal fired email oma amicus cei terryville field cotton valley play memorial resource development tree clearing power-grab umh properties noble energy cris dush environmental quality board dept. of environmental protection rhinestreet shale huron shale cuddy partners zoning ordinance south fayette township expiration bureau of land management environmental assessment atlantic bridge teresa heinz-kerry hypocrite anti-drillers frack you factivist bs trust fund brookings institute withdrawal cnx igu lng18 perth ingaa alpha natural resources truck traffic southern reliability project nj garden state expansion project distribution mountaineer gas methane challenge energy hub osha dust energy production loughman millennium pipeline eastern system upgrade charleston valuation carbon tracker institute state of the markets chicago safe haters public citizen office of public participation petition connecticut expansion walt hufford nuclear aim property value dowtherm mx mobley spill asinine regulations gp-5 independent fiscal office financial sb 508 nuisance hb 4426 petroleum geopolitical crestwood equity partners raging capital management interior real property sb 257 hupp mergermarket onerous regulations class ii saltwater well peer review investors property values macroeconomics lease terms alex cooper world oil outlook fossil energy tenmile creek climate hoax cop21 big environment senator john barrasso markwest energy partners investor day merger dallas salazar magnum hunter resources activist investor system map consensus cop-21 nuttery court order extractive industries hillsdale college grange nexus gas transmission electric chmura economic & analytics carbon footprint port ambrose veto jones beach liberty natural gas trinidad form 10-q short-term energy outlook dormant mineral act lisa baker rural pipelines sb 1044 saltwater injection greenhunter resources dartmouth college economic impacts columbiana county chapter 78a greenhouse gas reporting methane leakage centre for policy studies pipeline safety coalition lynda farrell utilities schumaker & company sue and settle radical misty mountain patricia wright appeal tri-state agreement army corps of engineerings sixth circuit usace threatened endangered species amw acid mine water eva statefirst initiative streams mary field shut-in gdp bureau of economic analysis rates ieca violation wvdep avner vengosh zealots r street institute environmentalist barclays shaheen cheniere energy corpus christi universities erie county nexus natural gas public parks technology nfg dpu berkshire gas ohio-louisiana line n frac fluid clarington project allegheny defense project cnx gas chesapeake exploration indiana university of pennsylvania tom steyer environmental abuse collusion armour lawless cbr shipments crude by rail yogaville letter carole king hippie iroquois gas transmission environmental prostitutes cna u.s. forest service george washington national forest gastar draconian cuts brookings conventional drilling stephen arata blue racer midstream rich gas record scotts run 591340 report lei processing plants mplx sb 886 scott hutchinson municipal waste clarence moore lands gov tom wolf loyalsock state forest junk science health issues plos one national governors association reform oren cass playbook drilling waste commission clinton sandstone rbn energy event conference findings statement idiotic cuomo butt kisser government policy intervene title 58 secession big data harvard university harvard business school state senator methanol fake research health heniz endowments birth weight norfolk southern lunatics big oil hedge fund hirzel capital management crestwoood midstream order hsbc navigant army corps of engineers swiw abuse charlatan endangered species northern long-eared bat usfws threatened tab screwups technical advisory board johns hopkins epa-hq-ow-2014-0598 screwed up mountaineer xpress penneast ucs motion energy transfer partners sunoco logsitics tyler county ridgetop capital cunningham energy windsor ny leatherstocking gas positive externalities negative externalities environmental impacts access midstream kickback rico shale deals law firm hb2688 class ii well class ii well irrational frack waste waste facilities mariner east 1 econsult solutions youth schools center for rural pennsylvania colcom foundation wacko leftists environment america faux research dopra defense of property rights act tom reed sleazy politician andrew cuomo layoffs pittsburgh open pipeline texas eastern belmont county nexus gas state lands pennsylvania environmental defense foundation health impact trout unlimited radical green trenton black river chemung county anschutz ohio citizen action cbo impact american shale howard zucker reports pipeline route chmura economics property tax hydrocarbon gas liquids hgl olefins shortages new hampshire regency energy partners pvr partners solid waste grants higher education rice university frack water pira energy gasoline price government abuse ohio-louisiana access project eog resources anadarko petroleum dr. robert bruno john rafferty andy dinniman sb 1499 october 2014 wri alternative energy brian bolus environmental services minuteman natural resources political hack christopher abruzzo resignation gwpc activist shareholders dormant minerals act citizens guide disgusting hb 2508 hugg v beck energy democrats class ii wells hotel racketeering bill schuette false pretenses migrating methane harris poll shale leases fema discrimination flood assistance clean water action warren pa duke energy quinnipiac university eip sham study amwell township impoundment financing larry cathles leach xpress rayne xpress dept of environmental protection pai george soros fire makovsky social media light crude dot rulemaking imf book analyst southern tier time warner siena college biased poll geology rock layers public utility clusters parkersburg wv pira energy group rhodium group csis cpp kill coal horse manure inspector general keystone pure water new technology anaylst presentation energy 11 american energy partners blind pool eisenbarth open records gag rule shale miracle interim y-grade kpmg energy independence greenhunter water towson university utility air regulatory group unconventional resources donors campaign contributions steel dumping aam supplies gas storage municipalities safe disposal max environmental utlity bills 2014 disbursements drillers fascism stupidity citi refineries benzene liquefaction hei health effects institute constitution federal takeover anpr reporting swn analysis us capital advisers peak natural gas peak oil league of women voters art berman well failure bogus report lies crap cheseapeake energy hb 1684 shale thickness wireline logs national fuel gas company tuscarora lateral project road damage rand corporation kirkwood gas coalition chris denton kentucky phillip shepherd piedmont lake howard weil howard weil howard weil tom witt us conference of mayors horn river basin eco-terrorists terrorism earth first econazis warming kool aid drinkers warming alarmists wheeling april ntsb accident report explosion sissonville chemical tank sb373 debrosse memorial report flowback voinovich school ou ohio university debate oig underground injection control program guidance #84 soviet central planning nature conservancy landfills hb 4411 hb 4558 gates mills oh cleveland land trust pr media bias binghamton press & sun-bulletin industrial waste ceramics proppant sand draft eis rwqmn susquehanna river basin teppco crisis enterprise products partners natural gas production advisory commission energy plan natual gas cleveland state energy forecast sidney judge john lambert delaware county ny doug lawler spineless politician pa supreme court david crane charif souki platts u.s. energy information administration aeo y-grade pipeline energy research vodenichar guidance accf seqra ditherer consent decree warren susuehanna county cost of production cuomo lawsuit west law firm global petroleum survey construction engineering events ngvs risk gas wells spud coast guard southwest pennsylvania super-rich gas swepi guernsey county american energy drp decline rate gas vs coal electrical generation energy consumption gina mccarthy j russell porter gastar exploration gary evans david paterson howarth ingraffea climate research integrated assessment cabot pittsburgh airport allegheny county airport authority fracking rule michael mccawley workforce sealed document enervest ohio utica shale leased acreage la times water sales reservoir chartiers ambient air gag order arsenic university of texas arlington eos american geophysical union nuclear waste sdwa well count shale basin rig count baker hughes john dunham harford fair picnic bonding trans energy rent aeo2013 35 csr 8-1 ohio state furthermore hannah wiseman information forcing legal issues carnegie mellon create lab swpa-ehp mcwa strategy credit suisse ev energy georgetown university speech obama climate policy case western reserve law review rochester ny city council 2012-269 democratic party insanity fifth district court of appeals sidney ny extremists municipality boundaries keith hall soctt pruitt landscape commonwealth pipeline hopewell big woods gas liquids c2es ecology drilling impacts deforestation routh-hurlbert real estate mahoning valley scott kurkoski analyst presentation eur economic benefit marshall university leak gradient fluid energy investment energy vision garbage trucks edf ubs harris interactive bipartisan policy center royalty check tom wilbur oil gas lease arkansas applied geochemistry sbe council quarterly results national fuel jennifer huntington cooperstown holstein pdc energy denver state college rexx catskill green nazis ecoology consultant nypirg harvard law school regulatory compliance fracfocus pew research nttc ota g70-a chesapeake recoverable gas americans against fracking energy secretary dept of energy drilling innovation oil production robert bryce u.s. debrosse hb 828 landman registration landmen the play drilling rig toxics targeting walter hang allegheny county stephanie chris hallowich production results btu mmcf/d water impoundment water pit susquehanna river u.s. geological survey h.b. 950 greg vitali state forest water impacts total organic carbon toc federal reserve beige book pennsylvanina federal policies sheldon silver political jihad sleazy politics 5424-a columbus market intelligence task force towns carbon monoxide co gas law capital budget pennsyvlania emergency response unconventional well 3p earnings report ioga of ny auburn line ugi permafix energy markets gathering lines patrick henderson catskill citizens for safe energy acid mine drainage undercount environmental practice western maryland charles lavine ny assembly richard gottfried robert sweeney dan fitzsimmons progress report extreme drilling xdl forecast health review nera economic consulting censorship ccp scholarship community college of philadelphia charles groat ut ng surface rights owners matthew hamblet judge hurd david hurd ioga ny wild accusation municipal revenue e ivan white jesse white rent control icf international american clean skies foundation tara upadyay kendra smith smith butz political endorsements republican shale resources and society institute ub clear witch hunt siena research institute fc business intelligence unemployment median income public health health risk tompkins county anschutz exploration energy companies standard and poor's industrial hygiene srsi shale institute suny lease payment farmers national lease bonus oil gas royalties royalty owner energy prices pricewatershousecoopers permit integrated water technologies road salt jeffrey v city of binghamton ferris lebous matt ryan diesel fuel town of chenango land use lisa sumi extreme environmentalism lies about fracking environment maryland 350.org edward markey apga sustainability irrational environmentalism utica-collingwood vertical drilling potter county civil disobedience radium spe jean-yves chatellier seismic event john brodylo michel rehault questerre energy guillaue matton michael bloomberg pre-drill sampling flaming faucet gasland josh fox gasland 2 eid oil gas regulation electrical power natural gas technology advertisement bluestone pipeline oil gas zoning psats oil gas permits eo 2012-11 national ground water association homeowner proven reserves estimated gas reserves sheldon reaven daniel rozell stony brook risk analysis wells lynn anspaugh risk assessment rsi university of cincinnati lenape predatory leasing oil lease mark okey water contaminiation harvard water restrictions shale business fracking support solar energy wind power energy alternatives john hanger real science battelle lenape resources avon ny terry engelder buell 8h buell well ligigation shareholder presentation norway gas reserves south newark basin drilling ban royal society royal academy of engineering sunoco refinery marcus hook cost benefit analysis yale mh4 fracking plan mike dewine fraud investigation stock price devon energy senate environment and public works darren smith western energy alliance lisa jackson andy harris nyc watershed larry wickstrom geologist boom/bust entrepreneur fearmongering louie gohmert federal legislation james inhofe s.2248 aga fracking study shareholders board of directors sb 315 energy law blame media negative press ohio business roundtable violations data david healy university of aberdeen irish epa public utility commission county sales tax 43 cfr part 3160 schoharie county natural gas pipeline dry gas super-rich wet gas cuadrilla resources blackpool bowland shale decc sabine pass eastern ohio gas drillers unconventional gas federal regulation unconventional gas drilling lpg fracking gasfrac school taxes broome community college careers broome-tioga workforce tioga county ny statoilhydro municipal zoning oil well production gas well production oil and gas law wells fargo marcellus shale drilling pa jobs pipeline safety gathering pipelines carbon emissions mit gas pipelines shale drilling permits major drillers directory of drilling companies shale wells advanced resources international unconventional drilling ohio taxes income tax new york city drilling reparations new york watershed resolution no. 40 delaware county northstar injection well shale wastewater sustainable investing si2 polish geological institute poland ohio shale coalition cooperstown holstein corporation town of middlefield justice center for research nyrad environmental defense fund groundwater contamination environmental study energy legislation drilling violations us energy natural gas exports judith enck wellington resources shale gas regulations state of the state address mayor matt ryan natural gas regulations scott ely urs corporation drilling accidents energy costs delaware river basin commission middle class energy industry oil gas research opinion poll marist college south fayette pa south fayette shale drilling regulations judge susan tucker poll results commonwealth foundation progressives liberals marcellus road damage potter county pa susquehanna river basin commission green fracking solution marcellus landowner seismology economic growth penn state university gas drilling moratorium drilling moratorium andrew rumbach tourism oil alternatives state college pa new york department of environmental conservation ny dec new york state department of environmental conserv morgantown wv northeast natural energy new york state opinion new york opinion poll methane contamination ordinance radioactive water shawn garvin hydrofracking
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