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Building LLM
A 50-hour roadmap
A comprehensive roadmap to building large language model
applications in ~50 hours
Types of generative AI models
Text-based models
Image-based models
Foundation models & LLMs
Encoder decoder
Attention mechanism
Transformers model and BERT model
Intro to Image Generation
Image captioning models
Diffusion models
Generative AI applications
ChatGPT & Bard
DALL-E & Midjourney
Quick overview of generative AI, LLMs, and foundation models. Learn more about how
transformers and attention mechanism works behind the text and image-based models:
Introduction to Generative AI
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Large language models and foundation models
Vector databases, embeddings, and LLM cache
Prompts and prompt engineering
Context window and token limits
Embeddings and vector databases
Build custom LLM applications by:
Training a new model from scratch
Fine-tuning foundation LLMs
In-context learning
Canonical architecture for an end-to-end LLM application
Understand the common use cases of large language models and the fundamental building
blocks of such applications. Learners will be introduced to the following topics at a very high
level without going into the technical details:
Emerging Architectures
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Review of classical techniques
Review of binary/one-hot, count-based, and TF-IDF techniques for vectorization
Capturing local context with n-grams and challenges
Semantic encoding techniques
Overview of Word2Vec and dense word embeddings
Application of Word2Vec in text analytics and NLP tasks
Hands-on exercise
Creating a TF-IDF and semantic embeddings on a document corpus
In this module, we will be reviewing how embeddings have evolved from the simplest one-hot
encoding approach to more recent semantic embedding approaches. The module will go over the
following topics:
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Text embeddings
Word and sentence embeddings
Multilingual sentence embeddings
Text similarity measures
Dot product, cosine similarity, inner product
Hands-on exercise
Calculating similarity between sentences using cosine similarity and dot product
Attention mechanism and transformer models
Neural machine translation (NMT) and sequence-to-sequence models
Attention mechanism components
Self-attention and multi-head attention
Transformer networks: Tokenization, embedding, positional encoding, and transformers block
Hands-on exercise
Understanding attention mechanisms: Self-attention for contextual word analysis
Dive into the world of large language models, discovering the potent mix of text embeddings, attention mechanisms, and the
game-changing transformer model architecture. This module consists of:
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Attention Mechanism and Transformers
Data Science for Everyone
The rationale for vector databases
Importance of vector databases in LLMs
Popular vector databases
Indexing techniques
Product quantization (PQ), Locality sensitive hashing (LSH), and Hierarchical
navigable small world (HNSW)
Retrieval techniques
Cosine similarity
Nearest neighbor search
Hands-on exercise
Creating a vector store using HNSW
Creating, storing, and retrieving embeddings using cosine similarity and nearest
Learn about efficient vector storage and retrieval with vector databases, indexing techniques,
retrieval methods, and hands-on exercises:
Vector Databases
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Understanding and implementing semantic search
Introduction and importance of semantic search
Distinguishing semantic search from the lexical search
Semantic search using text embeddings
Exploring advanced concepts and techniques in semantic search
Multilingual search
Limitations of embeddings and similarity in semantic search
Improving semantic search beyond embeddings and similarity
Hands-on exercise
Building a simple semantic search engine with multilingual capability
Understand how semantic search overcomes the fundamental limitation in lexical search i.e. lack
of semantics. Learn how to use embeddings and similarity in order to build a semantic search
Semantic Search
Data Science for Everyone
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Prompt design and engineering
Prompting by instruction
Prompting by example
Controlling the model output
When to stop
Being creative vs. predictable
Saving and sharing your prompts
Use case Ideation
Utilizing goal, task, and domain for perfect prompt
Example use cases
Summarizing (summarizing a technical report)
Inferring (sentiment classification, topic extraction)
Transforming text (translation, spelling, and grammar correction)
Expanding (automatically writing emails)
Unleash your creativity and efficiency with prompt engineering. Seamlessly prompt models, control
outputs, and generate captivating content across various domains and tasks. This module includes:
Prompt Engineering
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Fine-tuning foundation LLMs
Rationale for fine-tuning
Limitations of fine-tuning
Parameter efficient fine-tuning
Hands-on exercise
Fine-tuning and deploying the OpenAI GPT model on Azure
Discover the ins and outs of fine-tuning foundation language models (LLMs) through theory
discussions, exploring rationale, limitations, and parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT):
Fine-Tuning Foundation Models
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Why are Orchestration Frameworks (OF) needed?
Eliminate the need for foundation model retraining
Overcoming token limits
Connecters for data sources
Explore the necessity of orchestration frameworks, tackling issues like foundation model retraining,
token limits, data source connectivity, and boilerplate code. Discover popular frameworks, their
creators, and open-source availability:
Orchestration Frameworks
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Introduction toLangChain
Schema, models, and prompts
Memory and chains
Loading, transforming, indexing, and retrieving data
Document loader
Text splitters
LangChain use cases
Summarization: Summarizing long documents
QnA using documents as context
Extraction: Getting structured data from unstructured text
Evaluation: Evaluating outputs generated from LLM models
Querying tabular data without using any extra code
Hands-on exercise
Using LangChain loader, splitter, and retrievals on a pdf document
Build LLM apps using LangChain. Learn about LangChain's key components such as models,
prompts, parsers, memory, chains, and QnA. Get hands-on evaluation experience:
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Agents and tools
Agent types
Conversational agents
OpenAI functions agents
ReAct agents
Plan and execute agents
Hands-on exercise: Create and execute some of the following agents
Excel agent
JSON agent
Python Pandas agent
Document comparison agent
Power BI agent
Use LLMs to make decisions about what to do next. Enable these decisions with tools. We’ll learn
what they are, how they work, and how to use them within the LangChain library to superpower our
LLMs. In this module, we’ll talk about:
Autonomous Agents
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Ethics, bias, fairness
Sources of bias in acquisition/annotation of training data, model building
Precautions against safeguarding the model from bias
Review some of the regulations/legislation
Principles of responsible AI
Fairness and eliminating bias
Reliability and safety
Privacy and data protection
Transparency and explainability
Accountability and governance
Inclusivity and accessibility
Review some of the tools available to assess the following in a large language model
Correctness and security
Bias, fairness, and explainability of the model
Bias can creep in at any stage of the lifecycle of a model. While large language models offer
tremendous business value, humans are involved in all stages of the lifecycle of an LLM from
acquisition of data to interpretation of insights. In this module, we will learn about the following:
Bias, Fairness and Explainablity
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Virtual assistant: A dynamic customer service agent designed for the car manufacturing industry.
Content generation (Marketing co-pilot): Enhancing your marketing strategies with an intelligent
Conversational agent (Legal and compliance assistant): Assisting with legal and compliance
matters through interactive conversations.
QnA (IRS tax bot): An intelligent bot designed to answer your questions about IRS tax-related
Content personalizer: Tailoring content specifically to your preferences and needs.
YouTube virtual assistant: Engage in interactive conversations with your favorite YouTube
channels and playlists.
Recommended Projects
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Learn to Build
LLM Applications
New York
December 4-8, 2023
Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
Data Science for Everyone
Join this 5-day | 40-hour bootcamp to get started with building
large language model applications on your enterprise data
September 18-22, 2023
Washington, D.C.
October 16-20, 2023
November 6-10, 2023
January, 2024

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Large Language Models Bootcamp

  • 1. Building LLM Applications A 50-hour roadmap A comprehensive roadmap to building large language model applications in ~50 hours
  • 2. Types of generative AI models Text-based models Image-based models Foundation models & LLMs Encoder decoder Attention mechanism Transformers model and BERT model Intro to Image Generation Image captioning models Diffusion models Generative AI applications ChatGPT & Bard DALL-E & Midjourney Quick overview of generative AI, LLMs, and foundation models. Learn more about how transformers and attention mechanism works behind the text and image-based models: Introduction to Generative AI Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 3. Large language models and foundation models Vector databases, embeddings, and LLM cache Prompts and prompt engineering Context window and token limits Embeddings and vector databases Build custom LLM applications by: Training a new model from scratch Fine-tuning foundation LLMs In-context learning Canonical architecture for an end-to-end LLM application Understand the common use cases of large language models and the fundamental building blocks of such applications. Learners will be introduced to the following topics at a very high level without going into the technical details: Emerging Architectures Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 4. Review of classical techniques Review of binary/one-hot, count-based, and TF-IDF techniques for vectorization Capturing local context with n-grams and challenges Semantic encoding techniques Overview of Word2Vec and dense word embeddings Application of Word2Vec in text analytics and NLP tasks Hands-on exercise Creating a TF-IDF and semantic embeddings on a document corpus In this module, we will be reviewing how embeddings have evolved from the simplest one-hot encoding approach to more recent semantic embedding approaches. The module will go over the following topics: Embeddings Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 5. Text embeddings Word and sentence embeddings Multilingual sentence embeddings Text similarity measures Dot product, cosine similarity, inner product Hands-on exercise Calculating similarity between sentences using cosine similarity and dot product Attention mechanism and transformer models Neural machine translation (NMT) and sequence-to-sequence models Attention mechanism components Self-attention and multi-head attention Transformer networks: Tokenization, embedding, positional encoding, and transformers block Hands-on exercise Understanding attention mechanisms: Self-attention for contextual word analysis Dive into the world of large language models, discovering the potent mix of text embeddings, attention mechanisms, and the game-changing transformer model architecture. This module consists of: Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Attention Mechanism and Transformers Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 6. Overview The rationale for vector databases Importance of vector databases in LLMs Popular vector databases Indexing techniques Product quantization (PQ), Locality sensitive hashing (LSH), and Hierarchical navigable small world (HNSW) Retrieval techniques Cosine similarity Nearest neighbor search Hands-on exercise Creating a vector store using HNSW Creating, storing, and retrieving embeddings using cosine similarity and nearest neighbors Learn about efficient vector storage and retrieval with vector databases, indexing techniques, retrieval methods, and hands-on exercises: Vector Databases Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 7. Understanding and implementing semantic search Introduction and importance of semantic search Distinguishing semantic search from the lexical search Semantic search using text embeddings Exploring advanced concepts and techniques in semantic search Multilingual search Limitations of embeddings and similarity in semantic search Improving semantic search beyond embeddings and similarity Hands-on exercise Building a simple semantic search engine with multilingual capability Understand how semantic search overcomes the fundamental limitation in lexical search i.e. lack of semantics. Learn how to use embeddings and similarity in order to build a semantic search model: Semantic Search Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer
  • 8. Prompt design and engineering Prompting by instruction Prompting by example Controlling the model output When to stop Being creative vs. predictable Saving and sharing your prompts Use case Ideation Utilizing goal, task, and domain for perfect prompt Example use cases Summarizing (summarizing a technical report) Inferring (sentiment classification, topic extraction) Transforming text (translation, spelling, and grammar correction) Expanding (automatically writing emails) Unleash your creativity and efficiency with prompt engineering. Seamlessly prompt models, control outputs, and generate captivating content across various domains and tasks. This module includes: Prompt Engineering Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 9. Fine-tuning foundation LLMs Rationale for fine-tuning Limitations of fine-tuning Parameter efficient fine-tuning Hands-on exercise Fine-tuning and deploying the OpenAI GPT model on Azure Discover the ins and outs of fine-tuning foundation language models (LLMs) through theory discussions, exploring rationale, limitations, and parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT): Fine-Tuning Foundation Models Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 10. Why are Orchestration Frameworks (OF) needed? Eliminate the need for foundation model retraining Overcoming token limits Connecters for data sources Explore the necessity of orchestration frameworks, tackling issues like foundation model retraining, token limits, data source connectivity, and boilerplate code. Discover popular frameworks, their creators, and open-source availability: Orchestration Frameworks Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 11. Introduction toLangChain Schema, models, and prompts Memory and chains Loading, transforming, indexing, and retrieving data Document loader Text splitters Retrievers LangChain use cases Summarization: Summarizing long documents QnA using documents as context Extraction: Getting structured data from unstructured text Evaluation: Evaluating outputs generated from LLM models Querying tabular data without using any extra code Hands-on exercise Using LangChain loader, splitter, and retrievals on a pdf document Build LLM apps using LangChain. Learn about LangChain's key components such as models, prompts, parsers, memory, chains, and QnA. Get hands-on evaluation experience: LangChain Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 12. Agents and tools Agent types Conversational agents OpenAI functions agents ReAct agents Plan and execute agents Hands-on exercise: Create and execute some of the following agents Excel agent JSON agent Python Pandas agent Document comparison agent Power BI agent Use LLMs to make decisions about what to do next. Enable these decisions with tools. We’ll learn what they are, how they work, and how to use them within the LangChain library to superpower our LLMs. In this module, we’ll talk about: Autonomous Agents Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 13. Ethics, bias, fairness Sources of bias in acquisition/annotation of training data, model building Precautions against safeguarding the model from bias Review some of the regulations/legislation Principles of responsible AI Fairness and eliminating bias Reliability and safety Privacy and data protection Transparency and explainability Accountability and governance Inclusivity and accessibility Review some of the tools available to assess the following in a large language model application Correctness and security Bias, fairness, and explainability of the model Bias can creep in at any stage of the lifecycle of a model. While large language models offer tremendous business value, humans are involved in all stages of the lifecycle of an LLM from acquisition of data to interpretation of insights. In this module, we will learn about the following: Bias, Fairness and Explainablity Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 14. Virtual assistant: A dynamic customer service agent designed for the car manufacturing industry. Content generation (Marketing co-pilot): Enhancing your marketing strategies with an intelligent co-pilot. Conversational agent (Legal and compliance assistant): Assisting with legal and compliance matters through interactive conversations. QnA (IRS tax bot): An intelligent bot designed to answer your questions about IRS tax-related topics. Content personalizer: Tailoring content specifically to your preferences and needs. YouTube virtual assistant: Engage in interactive conversations with your favorite YouTube channels and playlists. Recommended Projects Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com
  • 15. Learn to Build LLM Applications New York December 4-8, 2023 Roadmap to become an LLM applications developer Data Science for Everyone https://datasciencedojo.com Join this 5-day | 40-hour bootcamp to get started with building large language model applications on your enterprise data Seattle September 18-22, 2023 Washington, D.C. October 16-20, 2023 Austin November 6-10, 2023 Singapore January, 2024