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treatment sign and symptoms investigation causes examination complication classification moa of drugs angiofibroma diagnosis complications lymph node node side effect of opiods moa of opiods types of opiods opiods drugs treatment of hernia location of receptors types of receptors receptors bone resorption antiviral drugs types of csom csom symptoms pathogenesis of retinopathy managment of epistaxes causes of epistaxes epistaxes fine motor skills gross motor skills motor skills developmental milestone supportive care down syndrome treatment of anemia investigation in anemia etiology of anemia causes of anemia iron deficiency anemia anemia causative organisms prevention causes of sepsis sepsis in neonates drugs of choice prognosis types of emergency obs emergencies investigation of cervix diseas premalignant diseases malignant diseases diseases of cervix life cycle of malaria etiology of typhoid fever malaria enteric fever investigations ovarian tumors gtn's malignant disease benign disease gestational trophoblastic dise gtds types of stone renal stone disease level of lymph node cervical axillary lymph node examinatio examination of lymph node breast auscultation purcussion palpation inspection abdomen examination abdominal groin axillary lymph nerve examination of lower lim neuromasculae examination neurological examination lower iimb examination opiods types of mood stabilizer drugs mood stabilizer drugs pathogenesis bipolar disoerder bipolar disorder side effect of atidepressants types of antidepressants pathogenesis of depression antidepresent drugs types of antipsychotics drugs antipsychotics drugs causes of herm frature of hernia types of hernia anterior wall hernia ventral wall hernia hernia antiplatelets drugs moa of angina drugs treatment of angina antiangina drugs angina drugs for htn treatment of hypertension hypertension moa of hyperlipidemic drugs drugs for hyperlipidemia hyperlipdemia expectorants caugh drugs antiaalergic drugs antihistamine drugs side effect of anticancer drug name od anticancer drugs anticancer drugs type 1 reseptors effect of intracellular recept intracellular receptors supression of receptors regulation of receptors receptors supression receptors interaction regulaion of receptors drugs receptors drugs dose response phenomena factors affecting maintainance dose loading dose haif life bioequavillence bioavaiability factor effecting elimination elimination of drug clearance of drug p450 metabolism of drug phases of metabolism metabolism of drugs volume of distribution factors affecting distribution drug distribution barrier of absorption mechanism of absorpion factor for absorpion absorpion of drugs factors control effusion transport of drugs passive diffusion history of drug pharma defination movement of drugs absorpion of druds metabolism of druds general pharmacology factors of hormone secretion effect of groth hormone secretion of hormone insuline like growth factor somatomedins function of growth hormone effect of steroids effect of streoids function of stroids stroids hormone of adrenal cortex adrenal cortex role of ank role of pyrophosphate role of npp1 bone remodling normal value of calcium rankl pathway osteocytic osteolysis effect of pth role of pth pth side effects virus treatment of amd diagnosis of amd symptoms of amd sign of amd types of amd pathology of amd amd armd macula's function function of eye treatment of csom symptoms of csom pathology of csom csom atticoantral anatomy of tympanic anatomy of ear symptoms of neck mass sign of neck mass types of neck mass lump neck mass treatment of throat pain symptoms of throat pain sign of throat pain causes of throat pain throat pain treatment plan serous otitis media treatment of vocal nodule causes of nodules vocal nodules hoarseness treatment of rhinitis diagnosis of rhinitis symptoms of rhinitis sign of rhinitis pathogensis of rhinitis allergic rhinitis treatment option of csom diagnosis of csom investigation of csom sign and symptoms of csom causes of csom preventive measure history points treatment of otitis externa type of otitis externa otitis externa sign $ symptoms of rs rhinosinositis treatment of nasal polyps sign of nasal polyps causes of polyps nasal polyps etiology of angiofibroma little's area treatment of angiofibroma causes of angiofibroma sign of ludwigs angina ludwigs angina risk factor sign inguinoscrotal swelling symptoms of retinopathy sign of retinopathy risk factor of retinopathy causes of diabatic retinopathy diabatic retinopathy surgery of cataract treatment of cataract investigation of cataract sypmtoms of cataract signs of cataract causes of catract cataract pathphysiology types of conjuctivitis function conjuctivitis clinical feature of glaucoma treatment of glaucoma sign and symptoms of glaucoma types of glaucoma causes of glaucoma open angle glaucoma little area blood supply of nose treatmrnt foreign body in ear ear wax trauma toear canal truma to aurical trauma to ear tinnitus vértigo vertigo and tinitus investigaion clinical feature pathophysiology meneir disease dds types otosclrosis
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