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ucsf ctsi research university of california san francisco clinical translational clinical and translational science institute institute data san francisco digital health california precision medicine mobile health electronic health records big data informatics university university of california san francisco science pcor standard procedures operating pcori symposium 2013 ucsf cer - comparative effectiveness community engaged research comparative effectiveness cer ctsi at ucsf ucsf profiles 5 years ctsi achievements and promise national institutes of health health patient centered health care research university of california profiles clinical research services patient centered research protocol participants training chr research networking processing sample social media compliance guidelines consent clinical research web analytics nih effectiveness comparative uc braid mentorship epidemiology mentoring recruitment twitter translational research comparative effectiveness research writing content katja reuter mdp nariman nasser disease cardiovascular therapy risk management monitoring celdac sets janet coffman policy funding service irb hiv clinical trial participant recruitment academia industry email marketing claire brindis pcori funding prs prevention populations vulnerable security regulation outcome networking biomedical research healthcare global health a/b testing accelerate investigators consultation linkedin clinical studies opensocial direct marketing google analytics user engagement user adoption ihps kathryn phillips mike potter cehp laura schmidt community engagement mike steinman ucsf cer #ucsf #ctsi #crs clay johnston social networks exercise participant recruitment service mentor jeanette brown technology stratification statin "mark pletcher" cvd biomarker calcium amendments responsibility role staff human research university standard non-compliant assent informed requirement committee subject human ethics state and federal regulations adverse documenting events process reporting hrpp audit fda patient access children services social marketing open social metrics contracting patients open usability grants organizational goals impact performance measuring balanced scorecard grant advice diversity clinical coordinator discovery translational science application communication promotion biomedicine collaboration research data delivery omop cdm ehr data for research ohdsi clinical research informatics diagnostics preclinical discovery data reproducibility irreproducibility therapeutics catalyst medical devices nih funding uccsc vivo learning healthcare system social media for researchers collaborative science open proposals crowdsourcing in academia open science onboarding amia symposium 2014 data repository open data gadgets diane allen celdac pcor health policy research health policy ucsf cer - policy research symposium 2013) population based networks tracy lieu research networks helen diller ccc san francisco bay area collaborative research netw sfbcrn research network volberding crs #khalili #volberding uc braid clinical research billing uc braid clinical trial contracting uc braid uc-rex uc braid irb mou uc braid d4 uc engage uc braid mona luke-zeitoun university of pittsburgh stanford university cystic fibrosis kids infection peter hunt multidisciplinary trial inhibition general hospital proposal database resources cores rachael sak braid uc revenue sustainability anirvan chatterjee tweet clinical trial recruitment advertising laurie herraiz imedris human research protection program study recruitment core composition physiology body metabolism neonatal pediatric san francisco general hospital sfgh san francisco general hopital tenderloin text messaging mobile phone sms jocel dumlao salesforce evaluation assessment mandana khalili ucfs translationa search engine optimization iphone data sharing seo json mobile app campus directory api management api android ios xml research networking systems ethnography implementation science qualitative methods best practice volunteers biomarkers decision model "stephanie earnshaw" "michael pignone" aspirin cost-effectivenes cardiovascular disease "philip greenland" pidemiology urology information protection control florinna dekovi record electronic clinical research coordinator core medical "danuta filipowski" "danusia filipowski" "susie corl" quality improvement "archer eller" hub "marlene berro" sponsor guidance resource cro methods charles mcculloch regression probability statistics observational university healthcare symposium science symposium evaluation pcor cer library randomized trial lisa bero reviews methodology cochrane ahrq michael steinman evidence-based practice medicine venous veins nursing mobile enrollment intensive care adults child care pediatrics medicare commercialization partnerships infectious disease brian schwartz presentation talk results sara ackerman warehouse nctt ctsa drug development susan old university of california biomedical research and development (uc braid) program integration editorial assistance for your manuscripts writing for the medical literature responding to reviews ida sim deborah learning clinicians mhealth postc strategic opportunities support sos international research advisory council (irac) international projects database resource description framework engagement crowdsourcing 5-second test kevin grumbach career development publications hire approval building phase credit contracts clinical trials structure research fellowship training in clinical research k2 scholars graduate education masters resident ticr students fellows phd cost recovery participant research networking tool research expertise research ethics human subjects research electronic submissions rks data security contracts and grants t1 translational catalyst award bench t1 product invention bedside violence community hepatitis san francsico population alcohol disparities healthy eating physical activity mental health tobacco childhood dental caries ibm social network service opensocial foundation university of california-san francisco marco sanchez san francisco bay area improve health overview facts retreat slideshare trials education t1 catalyst award functionality research services
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