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We live in a world where vast amounts of data are created at an accelerating rate from a proliferation of digital sources. This explosion of data flows through different storage catchments in ecosystems that include computing devices, the edge and cloud as data is generated, transmitted, analyzed and consumed. Silicon Motion works with a wide-range of technology partners by providing silicon and software controller solutions—currently mostly controllers for SSDs used primarily in PCs and data centers and eMMC/UFS controllers used mainly in smartphones—to address the challenges of managing the storage of data from our expanding digital universe. As a corporate citizen with a growing global presence, we are committed to environmental sustainability, operational excellence and supporting our employees and communities around the world.

Silicon Motion fully supports the vision and goals of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), and has adopted RBA's Code of Conduct in creating sustainable value for workers, the environment and our business and in collaborating with suppliers and stakeholders to improve working and environmental conditions by adhering to industry-leading standards and practices.

Silicon Motion is committed to the practice of being "By the people, for the people". Talent is our most important asset. We strive to create an inclusive and positive work environment where every employee feels they have a voice and a sense of belonging.

In response to the unstoppable wave of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) & DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) as well as considerable attention paid by transnational corporations, we hereby declare that Silicon Motion Technology Corp. participate in the event of“TALENT, in Taiwan, the Alignment of Sustainable Action” at such a crucial time.

We are committed to the following actions on essential categories for the sustainable development of human capital aiming to keep ahead of the competition.

  • 【Significance and Value】We articulate the intention and meaning behind our work, enabling employees to recognize the worth of their contributions.
  • 【Diversity and Inclusion】We nurture an ethos of equality and inclusivity through the fulfillment of working discipline, educational training and advocacy campaign.
  • 【Incentive and Reward】We propose a variety of allowance items that accommodate the diverse needs and benefit preferences of our employees.
We do constantly express our endorsement with actual deeds, stand with 《#Common Wealth Learning》, 《#Cheers Magazine》, 《#Cheers TV》and other four-hundred-plus participants to continuously advocate talent sustainability and jointly launch talent cultivation initiatives in an effort to get a brighter future for every worker.

※ We are also committed to the following actions on essential categories for the sustainable development of human capital since 2022:

  • 【Significance and Value】We demonstrate our corporate social responsibility with the aid of inspiring missions and visions.
  • 【Diversity and Inclusion】We are zealous in recruiting colleagues from all kinds of cultures or races.
  • 【Incentive and Reward】We offer fair and competitive compensation package under performance-based reward system.
  • 【Physical & Mental Health】We provide an occupational safety & health environment that surpass the conditions under the Labor Standards Act and deliver a sound & flexible employee welfare program. We formulate guiding principles and strict procedures to ensure a zero-tolerance policy workplace against inappropriate behaviors including discrimination, bullying and harassment.
  • 【Personnel Development】We devote to have our employees bring out their own advantages and potential. We conduct management training programs and competence building courses to develop talent echelon construction and multidisciplinary task forces that also reduce sexual, age & racial disparities in promotion prospects and career advancement opportunities.
  • 【Positive Communication】We utilize“listen to me / complaint reporting”channel to catch on real voices and suggestions from every employee. We deploy a productive collaboration platform that adds broad networking capabilities to foster plural voices in discussion and work process.