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Small Business Brand Kit

Build your brand—no design skills required.

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Get on the fast track to branding your business

Have you dreamt about starting a business? Or maybe you have one that’s in need of TLC. Shutterstock’s Small Business Brand Kit will set you up for success. This first-of-its-kind guide features easy-to-follow steps for creating a compelling and cohesive brand for your business. Coming up against unknowns in isolation is a common struggle for solopreneurs. Let’s face it—newness has a learning curve and this guide exists to help eradicate “I don’t know,” “I can’t,” and “I’m overwhelmed.” What’s inside: • An intro to logos, typography, graphics, and other visual elements • A decision tree to help you identify your small business persona • Color-coded tracks to follow based on your level of expertise • A social media sizing cheat sheet • A 30-day productivity calendar • A checklist for the 7 must-dos • Worksheets to help you define your branding goals • Access to thousands of free design templates to customize as you go • And so much more! Share your email to download this kit today!

Set up a free account to download the Small Business Brand Kit

Click the red button below and create a free Shutterstock account before you download the kit. Simply share your email address, choose a password, and hit “get started.” We’ll send you straight to a page where you can download your free kit.

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An interactive journey
Get started building or enhancing your brand. This downloadable kit includes brainstorming activities and practice prompts that will help you make mood boards, color palettes, and font choices like a pro—no design experience required.
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What Is a Solopreneur?

Learn the true meaning of the word and how to become your own boss.

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How This One-Person Show Gets it Done

See how a passionate solopreneur built their business from scratch.


Announcing the Small Business Brand Kit

Have an amazing small business idea but don’t know where to start? We’ve got the guide for you!


What is a brand kit?

As a solopreneur, maintaining a consistent and recognizable brand is crucial to your success. That's where a brand kit, also referred to as a brand identity kit, comes in. It's a valuable resource that outlines your brand guidelines and provides clear instructions on how to use them to maintain consistency across all channels. A brand kit is essentially a collection of essential visual components that make up your brand's identity, including your company logo, brand assets, color palette, typography, and contact information. By putting together a comprehensive brand kit, you can establish a cohesive and professional image for your brand, which will help you stand out in your industry, and attract new customers.

Why do businesses need a brand kit?

When it comes to maintaining a consistent and recognizable brand, a brand kit is an indispensable tool for any business. As your team grows, this comprehensive guide provides graphic designers, employees, and partners with the information they need to ensure that all branding efforts align with the company's visual identity. With a brand identity kit, businesses of all sizes can unite their branding elements, from their logos and brand assets to color palettes and typography. By ensuring consistency across all channels, a brand kit helps to establish trust with customers and build brand recognition. For these reasons, a brand kit is a critical investment for any business looking to establish a strong and consistent brand identity.

What’s the difference between a solopreneur and an entrepreneur?

The differences between entrepreneurs and solopreneurs mostly comes down to scale. Solopreneurs typically operate solo, running their businesses on a smaller scale than entrepreneurs who may have multiple employees and offer a range of products and services. While a solopreneur may specialize in a particular product or service, an entrepreneur might expand their business into different niches or industries. For instance, a solopreneur may create and design T-shirts, whereas an entrepreneur may run a full-fledged clothing brand with a team of designers, production staff, and marketers. Regardless of the size of the business, both entrepreneurs and solopreneurs can achieve success in their respective fields with hard work, dedication, and a solid business plan.

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