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Explore millions of royalty free images

With millions of royalty free images in our catalog, and more added every day, you’re sure to find the perfect image or graphic for your next project at Shutterstock. Our entire collection of images is royalty free, meaning you can use them in just about every application possible without paying a royalty fee for each time you use the image.

Need an eye-catching image that you can use time and again across various platforms? To do this legally you’ll need a royalty-free image. Shutterstock has got you covered. Thanks to thousands of contributors who regularly add their high-quality visuals to our library, Shutterstock is the best place to find royalty-free photos, illustrations, vectors and more. With over 150 carefully curated image category and subcategory pages for you to explore, you are sure to find that the creative possibilities here are endless.

Frequently asked questions about royalty free images

What are image categories?

With our Image Category pages, Shutterstock has anticipated your image needs. Think of each image category page as a curated museum of rich visual content. You can find photos, vectors, and illustrations perfectly suited to your next creative project. From “The Arts” to “Technology” and everything in between, Shutterstock’s Image Category pages make it easy for you to quickly narrow down your image search. Need an image that is of-the-moment? Go to the “Editorial” image category page. There you’ll find high-quality shots from the news and recent current events. Looking for something a bit more timeless? Take a look at the “Vintage” image collection. Subcategory pages such as “Retro styles” and “Antiques/Collectibles” make finding your ideal image that much easier. Many image category pages also include tips on how best to incorporate that type of image into your website, social media platforms, and more.

What are royalty free images?

The term “royalty-free” describes certain types of intellectual property, such as images, that one can use without worrying about paying any royalties. And what exactly are royalties, anyway? Typically, when it comes to copyrighted material, recurring payments or a percentage of earnings made from such material must be paid to the creator or intellectual property owner. These payments are referred to as royalties. If you are planning to use images on your website or social media channels, it is crucial to only select those that are royalty-free, otherwise you must pay royalties to the intellectual property owner. Failure to pay royalties can result in legal consequences for using copyrighted material without permission. Thanks to Shutterstock, however, such worries need never cross your mind. All of our content is royalty-free. Shutterstock compensates its contributors fairly so that you can use the high-quality royalty-free images as you please after paying a single fee.

Is royalty free and copyright free the same?

No, royalty-free and copyright-free are not the same. There are some key differences image users ought to be aware of. When it comes to royalty-free images, users must make an initial payment. After that payment, the image can be used multiple times without the user worrying about paying additional or ongoing fees. The original content creator, or licensor, retains the rights to the image, while the person who paid the initial fee has become a licensee. Copyright-free images, on the other hand, are part of the public domain. This essentially means that a user can utilize the image as they see fit. Attribution or payment to the original content creator is not necessary. There are no legal repercussions one might face from using copyright-free images because there is no one person that can claim sole rights to a given image.

Where can I get royalty free images for free?

Shutterstock has a number of free image collections filled with royalty-free images for your use. Links to such collections can be found at the bottom of some of the Image Category pages. If you explore the “Abstract” page, for example, you will see a red link to “Download free images.” The high-resolution photos, vectors, and illustrations available in these free collections offer a small taste of the rich variety in our full collections.

How can I find high quality images for my projects?

With Shutterstock’s powerful search engine, finding high-quality images for your projects has never been easier. Type your keyword into the search bar and explore the vast results presented to you. If you find the millions of images a bit overwhelming, you can quickly and easily narrow your search results by utilizing the filter options. Specify the type of image you want (photo, vector, or illustration) by clicking the dropdown menu beside the search bar that initially reads “All Images.” You can also select the orientation of the image (horizontal or vertical) and a color you want featured prominently in your image. If you are looking for a shot that includes people, click the “With People” filter option. You can further specify by selecting your chosen Age, Ethnicity, Gender, or Number of People from the filter options. With so many filters available, you are sure to find the perfect image for your project in no time.

Browse best-selling royalty free images

How to find and use royalty free images creatively

Use royalty-free images on social media Social media research has shown that regularly posting content is one of the keys to audience engagement. Don’t have the time to walk around snapping photos for your Instagram? Don’t worry. Shutterstock’s immense library of royalty-free images is here to help. Say you want to post an inspirational quote, for example, and you think the words would pair best with a stunning sunrise shot. If you don’t want to wake up early to take the picture yourself, you can simply type “Sunrise” into Shutterstock’s search bar and take your pick. Do you have a specific color palette that you use on your Instagram but the photo you have found in our library doesn’t quite match? Use Shutterstock Editor to adjust the colors of your royalty-free image. Download your edited creation and share. Use royalty free images in marketing campaigns Add an authentic air to your next marketing campaign with royalty-free pictures. It should come as no surprise that consumers respond more positively to genuine-looking people in the ads they come across. Stiff, posed people with forced smiles won’t help sell your product. Fortunately, Shutterstock’s library is full to bursting with royalty-free photos of natural-looking people. By using Shutterstock’s filter options, you can specify the age, gender, ethnicity, and number of people in your image. Want to encourage consumers to book a trip through your travel agency? A royalty-free picture of a family laughing on a tropical beach or a man kicking up his feet as he sits back in a poolside lounger is sure to inspire the desire to take a vacation. Or perhaps the holidays are approaching and you want to gently remind consumers that the gift-giving season is upon them. In your next marketing email, try including a photo of a delighted child unwrapping a present beside the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree. Use royalty free visuals in website design Spice up your website design and stand out from the crowd with royalty-free visuals. Try exploring Shutterstock’s curated “Abstract” image page. Within that page you will even find a subcategory page for “Abstract Backgrounds” to further save you time on your image search. You can also check out the “Backgrounds/Textures” image category page or simply type a keyword into the main search bar to find any sort of background you may have in mind. Use Shutterstock’s filter options to select the main color you want featured in your image. Make sure the colors of your company logo and website background complement one another. This will help give your website a cohesive, professional look. Want a royalty-free visual to use as the backdrop for your product? Search “Product” and you will find a vast array of royalty-free podiums, sleek stone slabs, simple wooden tables, and more, just waiting to hold up an image of your product. Such visuals are an easy way to take your next slideshow presentation to the next level. Royalty free images for creative projects With millions of royalty-free visuals to choose from and an ever-growing image library, Shutterstock is sure to have the photo, illustration, or vector to meet your creative needs. Our images are perfect for a wide range of situations and projects, from website backgrounds to wedding invitations, Facebook cover photos to Instagram stories, and so much more. Get started today.

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