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Facebook Event Covers - Hero

Facebook event cover photo design made easy

Take your Facebook event cover to the next level using Shutterstock's pro-designed templates. Add your own details and tweak the design all you want to make it truly unique.

How to make a Facebook event cover
How to make a Facebook event cover
1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor. 2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else. 4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
Pro design tools for memorable Facebook events covers
Pro design tools for memorable Facebook event covers
Unlock the secrets to irresistible Facebook event cover photos and keep that customer engagement rolling in. No matter what kind of page you run on Facebook, Shutterstock Create has the cover template for you. Tweak the colors to perfection, download Shutterstock images (or upload your own) for stunning collage covers, and add custom text to get your messaging to the world.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.

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Design et Facebook-forsidebillede for at promovere din kommende begivenhed

Fremme af din kommende begivenhed? Drej hoveder og saml klik med tip til at gøre stødende, effektive Facebook-begivenhedsbilleder.

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Sådan oprettes en Facebook-meddelelse

Sætter det gode ord ud på Facebook? Vi leder dig gennem oprettelse af den perfekte meddelelse om sociale medier, uanset hvad du ønsker at annoncere, og hvordan du ønsker at annoncere det.

Frequently asked questions about Facebook event cover photos

How do I add a cover photo to a Facebook event?

You can add a Facebook event cover to any event you host or cohost. First, log into your Facebook account and tap the button showing three parallel lines. This will give you a menu of options. Choose the one named Events (you may have to tap See More first). Go to Your Events, then Hosting. Select the event you would like to add a cover to. Tap Manage > Edit. Now you can tap Add Photo to either add a new cover photo or to replace an existing cover image. Once you've selected your new image, tap Done, then tap Done again in the top right. Boom, you have a brand new event cover!

What size should a Facebook event cover photo be?

Facebook recommends sizing your event covers at 1920 x 1005 pixels, or a 16:9 ratio. If your image is smaller, Facebook will stretch the image to fit, meaning that your image may end up being distorted. On the other hand, if your image is larger then Facebook may crop it, meaning part of your image (and possibly part of your carefully thought out messaging) will get cut off. Keeping an eye on your image size and designing your covers to carry the most essential information safely toward the center of the image will help prevent anything from obscuring that information.

Hvad skal jeg medtage i mit forsidebillede på Facebook-begivenheden?

Der er tre væsentlige elementer i en Facebook-begivenhedsdækning. Til at begynde med har du brug for et fantastisk billede til at basere dit cover på. Dette kan være dit eget billede, eller en licenseret. (Har vi nævnt, at Shutterstock har et bibliotek med over 4 millioner fotos, vektorer og illustrationer?). Næste vil du have dit logo, eller anden branding grafik dine kunder vil genkende. Langt om længe, skal du medtage de mest vigtige oplysninger om din begivenhed på selve begivenhedsdækslet. Hold din grafik og tekst på et minimum for at undgå rod i dit cover og forvirre seerne, men medtag nok detaljer, så dine deltagere ved, hvem du er, og hvorfor de vil komme til dit arrangement. Det er også bedst at holde dine vigtigste designelementer og information så tæt på midten af dit design som muligt. Dette forhindrer noget i at blive afskåret langs kanterne, når du uploader dit foto til Facebook.

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