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Best Practices for Using Layers

Best Practices for Using Layers

Try Shutterstock Create, the easy and efficient design application. Craft professional social posts, promotions, presentation slides, email headers, and more.

In graphic design software, layering is a way to keep each element organized while also allowing it to be individually edited without disrupting the rest of the design.

In other words, working with layers means isolating the text box without having to drag the background image along for the ride. Pretty handy, right?

There are a few best practices for using the Layers tool inside Shutterstock Create that can be implemented when working collaboratively or on your own. These guidelines hold true whether you’re working on a print or digital design.

Here’s what to know. . . .

What Are Layers?

Whether starting from scratch with a blank canvas or pre-made template, the Layers tab lives on the bottom-right corner of the screen. We also like to refer to it as the pancakes icon.

Once you click it, you’ll see the menu bar pop up for both Pages and Layers.

The difference between Pages and Layers is intuitive.

Pages designate how many pages you have for slideshow presentations, social media carousel posts, and the like. Within each page are layers.

Layers include every single asset on the canvas, like graphics, text, images, and background textures.

If you ever want to add more layers, you can:

  1. Find a ready-made template that comes with multiple pages
  2. Or, simply right-click > Add a page or Duplicate layer based on your needs

Note that you can also always locate each layer on the canvas. But, again, the Layers panel makes isolating each asset clean and easy.

Now, let’s chat about all the ways you can use Layers inside Create. . . .

1. Replace Images

Essentially, every layer capability lives within the click of a button—the right-click button to be exact. Different options will pop up for you based on the asset you click.

For example, since this template is made in a collage format, right-clicking the image cell offers various replacement options.

Now, this collage template actually makes it easy to separate layers, but other templates or designs may have layers, well, layered on top of each other.

If you have a cell like this one designated to an entire image, right-click > Replace image for easy access.

2. Move Layers to Front or Back

When designing, you might find that a text box moves behind an image when you want it to be at the forefront. If this is the case, don’t fret!

Right-click > Move layer to front (or back) to position everything as you desire.

From this panel, you will also find options to delete or duplicate layers, crop images, and flatten.

What’s flattening, you ask?

Say you want to put a textured overlay on this middle cell, but it only applies to the background. Flattening layers treats all assets like one layer, so you can create overlays as you wish.

3. Group Layers

Grouping layers makes it easy to treat each layer as one. To start, hold down the Shift key, then select all the layers you wish to group. Then, click Group layers in the top-left corner.

Once you do this, check back in with the Layers panel, as you’ll see there are fewer than before.

4. Locking Layers

You can easily lock and unlock layers with the click of a button! Ultimately, locking layers won’t let you edit them, whereas unlocking layers does.

In the Layers tab, simply find the lock button on the side of the layer. Click it to lock or unlock, depending on your design needs.

Again, this asset makes it easy to mobilize the elements you wish while keeping others stagnant for a speedy design process.

A few other quick tips for mastering layers in design? You got it!

Globalize Elements

Sometimes designers get carried away with layers. Even once layers have been grouped together, they might still be too numerous to track easily. However, some layers can be globalized for further simplification.

Globalized elements will appear the same on any design they are applied to. This saves designers the considerable task of reproducing an element on a series of projects.

For example, a brand logo might appear several times in a design. Instead of creating a layer for each one, you can create a master layer for the logo. Anytime you change the logo, that change will reflect across each appearance.

Consistency and time saved—two things designers love!

Regularly Delete Unnecessary Layers

Sometimes layers are created by mistake, or they’re created, barely used, and then forgotten about. Browse through your Layers panel from time to time and delete any layers that don’t serve a purpose. This keeps your project tidy and easy to navigate.

Before you delete any layer, make sure that it’s visible and not playing a hidden role in any grouping or globalized collection. Check visibility and other settings, then make sure that your design still looks and functions correctly before deleting the next layer.

Use the Alignment Tool

If you don’t or haven’t yet grouped your layers, seek the aforementioned guidance to do so. This makes aligning every layer pristine without any guesswork.

Notice that when you drag each element, red lines will pop up, also known as the Alignment tool. Use it often to ensure everything is in line and symmetrical.

This tool is extra important for those working with blank canvases.

Design with Confidence

Layers are a valuable tool in design software, but they’re not essential to good design.

If you don’t have access to expensive design software, or if your designs don’t require complex elements like layers, you can use Shutterstock Create to achieve the same professional quality without the design know-how.

Simply select an image from the Shutterstock library or upload your own image, then add text, filters, shapes, and other elements to fully customize the design.

The Layers panel is a great complement to all of Create’s other design assets, found on the left and top toolbars.

To add text, click Text > Add heading. For textures, click Textures. It really is that easy.

Small businesses, social media managers, content marketers, or anyone who simply needs high-quality creative can meet the growing demand for beautiful design across departments and industries with Shutterstock Create

It’s a fast, simple, and streamlined tool to help you create with confidence. See for yourself!

License this cover image via Cast Of Thousands and speedmanstudio.

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