A list of mistakes you can correct with our grammar checker tool

Spelling Mistakes

This is the most common type of error students make. We show multiple suggestions for each incorrect word formation.

Sentences Redundancy

This is an exclusive feature which allows the removal of unnecessary use of sentences that are not relevant to the flow of content.

Error with punctuations

The grammar checker tool is thorough with each incorrect punctuation whether it be comma semicolon, question marks etc.

Incorrect verbs and tenses used

Not using proper verb forms can downgrade the quality of your sentences. This advanced grammar checker tool can provide improvement for those as well.

Inconsistency in pronoun usage

It happens that you continue using nouns which makes your content seem unprofessional Using pronouns is necessary, our grammar checker tool can take are of that.

Error with active and passive voice

It isn't always clear which voice to use in your content. The grammar checker tool analyses and shows suggestions according to the overall tone of the content.