Clapham Junction

Britain’s busiest interchange station

Clapham Junction station sees thousands of trains pass through every day, making it one of the busiest stations in Britain in terms of the number of people who pass through the station every day.

Clapham Junction station

Station address

Clapham Junction station
St John’s Hill
SW11 2QP

Station map

Information about the station

South Western Railway manages the station and provides assistance to passengers.

We maintain facilities including toilets, induction loops and other accessibility features. Train operators sell tickets to passengers and provide the train services.

British Transport Police

The British Transport Police office is located between platforms 7 and 8.

For help call 0800 40 50 40 (24 hours), text 61016 or speak to a member of station staff. In an emergency call 999.

British Transport Police in our stations

Train operators at this station

Train operators sell tickets and provide the train services.

Get in touch

Whether you have a question about this station or want to provide feedback, visit our contact us page for ways you can get in touch.