
From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Contents and the translation is 18% complete.
ᑉd ᓐoᑦe: wᐦeᓐ yoᐅ edᐃᑦ ᑦᐦᐃᔅ ᐸᒡe, yoᐅ ᐊᒡᕐee ᑦo ᕐeᓪeᐊᔅe yoᐅᕐ coᓐᑦᕆbᐅᑎoᓐ ᐅᓐdeᕐ ᑦᐦe cc0. ᔅee ᐳbᓕc doᒪᐃᓐ ᐦeᓪᑉ ᐸᒡeᔅ foᕐ ᒻoᕐe ᐃᓐfo. ᑉd

ᐊᔅᒃ ᐊ ᖁeᔅᑎoᓐ ᐊboᐅᑦ ᑦᐦe ᒻedᐃᐊwᐃᑭ ᔅofᑦwᐊᕐe.

weᓪcoᒻe ᑦo ᒻedᐃᐊwᐃᑭ.oᕐᒡ ᐦeᓪᑉ ᐸᒡeᔅ

ᑉeᕐᔅoᓇᓪ cᐅᔅᑦoᒥzᐊᑎoᓐ

wᐃᑭ ᐊdᒥᓂᔅᑦᕋᑎoᓐ