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acetylene cylinder 風煤樽

acetylene cylinder

據了解, 警方初步懷疑火警與漏電有關,會聯同機電工程署調查,而消防昨在工業村的三樓及四樓發現300支易燃物品及危險品,包括風煤樽、氧氣樽、殺蟲水及噴髮膠。

火場檢300易燃品 包括風煤樽 專案組開始蒐證 警疑關漏電 (2016年6月27日)。明報新聞網,取自http://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20160627/s00002/1466964066275

After recovering gas tanks and highly inflammable materials in the eight-story building Sunday, firefighters found more dangerous goods Monday, including aerosols, thinner and acetylene gas cylinders.

Roadside mourning ceremony held for firefighter. (2016, June 28). EJ Insight, Hong Kong Economic Journal. Retrieved from http://www.ejinsight.com/20160628-roadside-mourning-ceremony-held-firefighter/