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The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name... In Spanish
soncoman21 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like every other day or so there are news reports of the latest state to honor marriage equality, either through the legislative process or through a court rejection of discrimination. The tide has turned quickly in this country on the issue of gay civil rights, and it's obvious to all but the most closed of minds that's in no longer a question of "if" but "how soon" before the gay community is seen as just another fully acknowledged component of our magnificent multicultural society.

In other countries - not so much. Putin's anti-gay crusade in Russia and his counterpart in Uganda demonstrate that simply being gay is still a dangerous proposition in many parts of our world. This global struggle, reduced to the microcosm of two young men in Cuba, is at the heart of "The Last Match" (La Partida), director Antonio Hens' latest examination of the lives of gay youth.

Reinier (Reinier Diaz) and Yosvani (Milton Garcia) are two young men surviving in the barrios of Havana. Reinier, who is married and has a child, supports his family (with the explicit approval of his mother-in-law) by prostituting himself to wealthy male tourists. Yosvani, engaged to the daughter of a black marketer, is living off the largesse of his soon-to-be father-in-law (Luis Alberto Garcia). The two come together on the local soccer field and become fast friends. After a night of partying at a local disco, they find themselves sharing a quick kiss. This initial physical interaction leads into a physical relationship that quickly grows into a deep, emotional bond.

But life in Cuba is not easy, and being gay in Cuba isn't going to make it any easier. Reinier is more grounded in reality, as harsh as that reality may be. One escape for him may be to go back to Europe with a wealthy tourist (His mother-in-law's preferred action. She wants him to go back to Spain and marry the guy – because it's legal there - then send for her and his family.) Another escape may be via joining a national soccer team.

Yosvani wants nothing more than to be with Reinier. He sees money as the solution to their problem. With enough money, they can just leave and go anywhere they want and be together. Rainier's simple, pitiful response – "Where?"

"Where?" indeed. Both young men act on their desire to escape, culminating in a quietly devastating conclusion that is sure to annoy some. Director Hens may be accused of adding another entry to the long line of "gay lovers are doomed" canon, but an honest examination of the story and the circumstances portrayed should lead one to see that it really couldn't end any other way.

As the leads, Diaz and Garcia give affecting performances. While the film has its sexually explicit moments (and there is obviously a level of commitment and comfort required to pull those scenes off) it's in the quieter moments that these young actors really impress. One gets a real sense of the longing and passion these two characters share for each other, and one's heart breaks (as Yosvani's does) as the passion gives way to practicality.

With genuine, heartfelt performances by the two leads (and good supporting work from Luis Alberto Garcia as the menacing profiteer), "The Last Match" is a well written and sensitively directed look at love from a different cultural perspective - the love that, sadly, still 'dare not speak its name' in too many languages and in too many places in this modern world.

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The secrets of Cubans
fabiog-26-3588853 October 2014
Being a teenager or young is difficult in all modern societies. And being gay adds some extra speculations and fears. I am gay and I am from Argentina, and in the mid nineties (when I was 25) I was fortunate to travel alone to Cuba on vacations. There, I met a Cuban young man of the same age as me, "by chance" in the streets of La Havana, and I had a little romance with him during my staying in this beautiful and romantic country. Due to this, I could live some of the situations portrayed in the film and I can say in that sense it is rather accurate. In Cuba there is not classical "poverty". They lack of desirable capitalist goods (like electronics or branded shoes, etc) but they are not hungry or without health care, education, etc. And the means to obtain these goods is through the tourists from Europe and Latin America. Well, the weather is hot all the year long, the same as the people doing things outside their houses until very late in the night. And Cubans are very romantic people in general. Well, my "Cuban boyfriend" lived with his family there. And he was openly gay. He (as the one in the film) presented me to his parents and brothers, the second day after we met. Well, the economic situation of the country (little communist island commercially blocked by its neighbor the superpower with the supportive superpower recently disappeared) took us to an uneven relationship (I had the dollars to spend), though not so much because my origin, age, job, etc.. But thanks to him, many things we did were done using "services and fares for Cubans" (not the ones for tourists). My country and specially my city is rather open to gay people, since those years. and I perceived a similar "air" in La Havanna. OK, There was not "gay dance clubs", but we went to dance to ordinary places and we danced together only taking care of not to kiss each other in public but we did it in familiar places. Well, this is my context to evaluate the film from there I feel it was well exposed by the script and director. In this case, both characters are young men, supposedly heterosexual, living and being maintained by their respective girlfriends' family, who fell in love of each other. The end of the film could be in the way it is or being more or less tragic. For me, the value of this movie is to have transporting me back to the Cuba I have known.
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Love and Poverty
derrickluciano29 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A tragic love story between two soccer mates Reinier and Yosvani amidst the neighborhood slums of Havana and prostitution. What makes me love the movie is that you get to root for these seemingly real characters until the very end. We see Reinier's hand-to-mouth existence to survive for his wife and child. We see Yosvani's dependency on his girlfriend and her shark father. We see the male prostitution in the streets and how Reinier's family approves of this work to live. And then we see how the love blossom between two macho individuals living in poverty and ask themselves in the process where would this lead to. Although both are dreamy characters, Reinier is more practical in views on love and money.

It is not a feel-good film but will certainly have an impact on you after watching the film.

Natural acting from the main leads who are both good-looking. Fast-paced and never boring. Good slum photography.

A film worth watching.
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Desperate times call for desperate measures...
BeneCumb6 April 2015
I am sure life was not easy in Cuba before the Castros, but in spite of their nice slogans and levelling activities (often compelling), living conditions have worsened, particularly after the collapse of the socialist camp since 1990ies. So many continue or have been forced to live in poverty, and those wealthier are often engaged in dubious trades.

All this we can see in Spanish-Cuban La Partida, where daily life is ruled by earning and adoring money, and even sexuality is subject to this, no matter what God or nature has determined. And deviations from this, including feelings and caring, do not end / work out as in fairy-tales... Performances are brave and distinct, at least 1 point from me for that, plus the viewers obtain images how living and infrastructure in present Havana look like, and probably would feel pity and sad.

In XXI century, Cuban people deserve much more than doddering revolutionaries are willing and able to offer.
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Another good movie that falls on its face
JJ-Chi27 February 2021
Decent story, good acting and well produced ...with no proper ending. Completely fizzles and just ends up being another average film with nothing memorable. Many unanswered questions and simply disappointing.
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The usual gay film drama, but this time set in Cuba
euroGary30 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I did tick the 'spoilers' box, but it doesn't seem to be showing, so: Spoilers apply!

I don't know what the legal status of homosexuality is in Cuba, but 'La Partida' is set in Havana and tells the tale of Reinier, a young father who pays for his taste in new clothes by turning tricks on the seafront at night. By day he plays football on some waste ground with a bunch of mates. One of those mates is Yosvani, who makes his living by working in the import business run by his fiancée's thuggish father. A drunken kiss from Reinier one night confuses Yosvani - he's repelled by the excesses of the seafront rent boys, but is unable to resist starting an affair with Reinier.

The friend who watched this film with me pointed out that gay dramas often end with one of the protagonists dying - and so it is here, with one of our boys not alive as the end credits roll. For many film-makers, it seems, the only way for a gay romance to end is fatally! But apart from that this is an engrossing film: not so much for the romance, which follows predictable film lines, but because of the fact it is set in Cuba: how accurate is its portrayal of poverty there I am not qualified to judge, but given the self-imposed Castro regime isn't brave enough to allow free and fair elections I suspect it's fairly accurate. As for the acting, the two young leads do not disgrace themselves: Milton García as Yosvani is especially good in portraying the journey from macho tough guy to bewildered dumped lover. So this is definitely worth watching, at least once.
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The Last Match
CinemaSerf28 June 2024
A tough and gritty insight into young gay life in Cuba. Milton Garcia ("Yosvani") a small time rent boy and Reinier Díaz ("Reinier") an aspiring footballer live and work in poverty selling whatever they can - including themselves - just to keep their heads above the water. Needless to say, whilst their prostitution is accepted to some extent; any sort of homosexual relationship with affection, let alone love, is still very much a taboo. Antonio Hens gets the two young men to deliver strong, convincing performances as they take us through a fairly hairy story and try to give their love a chance to thrive. It's quite a tough watch and it doesn't pull it's punches...
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Great love story
Falconeer18 April 2015
I've seen so few good 'gay-themed' films. "La partida" aka "The Last Match" is one of the great ones. From the director of another excellent film, "Clandestinos," we have a rare instance where gay characters aren't portrayed as ridiculous, clown-like stereotypes. The leads don't wear eyeliner, and they aren't go-go boys who hang out in bars, and they don't have drug problems. Instead we have two leads who are just regular people, who discover that they have a mutual attraction for each other. Living in Cuba, with a wife that supports him financially, Reinier is an avid futbol player, who is hoping to go pro, as a way of escaping a country where freedom does not exist. He also wants to escape the poverty that envelops him and his family and mates. So desperate for a way out, his own mother pushes him towards male prostitution, hoping that her young son will marry a foreigner, and thus give them all a way out of Cuba. Likewise Yosvani is in an unhappy relationship with a female, also supporting him. The two guys figure out that they like each other more than they should, and soon it turns into love. From that point everything and everyone seems set on destroying what the two have found with each other.

This is a sad story. It is romantic in a way that so few movies of this genre are. The two lead actors are great, especially Milton Garcia as Yosvani. He loves his friend in this intense way that we all wish we could be loved. His eyes are so sad, as though he knows from the start, that the love story will never have a happy ending. But he doesn't give up. This guy was brilliant.

Director Antonio Hens has a way of showing his audience a different kind of gay world, one that is free of dumb stereotypes. In "Clandestinos" we have a gay terrorist. And here we have a guy who plays football, and a street thug, who just happen to be attracted to the same sex. Films like this are so important, in that they teach the uninformed that gays are not "freaks," but in many cases completely typical men and women that just happen to be drawn to the same sex. As long as they are portrayed as silly stereotypes, the hatred and prejudice will be perpetuated. We need more cinema like this. It's a great love story, well-made and beautifully written. I recommend this movie as well as "Clandestinos," for people looking for something different.
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"The Last Match: A Tender Exploration of Love and Identity in Contemporary Cuba"
doyler7925 April 2024
"The Last Match," directed by Antonio Hems, delicately navigates the complexities of love, identity, and societal expectations in contemporary Cuba. The film chronicles the clandestine romance between Reinier and Yosvani, capturing the tender intimacy and passionate trysts amidst a backdrop of economic hardship and cultural norms.

Hems artfully portrays the evolving relationship between Reinier and Yosvani, highlighting their differing attitudes towards love and commitment. While Yosvani falls deeply in love, Reinier appears more reserved, perhaps influenced by societal pressures and his own uncertainties.

The film skillfully weaves in details about the characters' lives, such as Reinier's mother's approval of his relationship with Juan, adding depth to the narrative. Additionally, Hems explores themes of masculinity and sexuality, shedding light on the complexities of Cuban machismo culture and the challenges faced by individuals navigating their sexual identities.

The performances by the central male actors, García and Díaz, are captivating, conveying the emotional turmoil and vulnerability of their characters. Hems' casual portrayal of nudity underscores the raw emotions at play, adding authenticity to the film's portrayal of intimacy.

However, "The Last Match" falters in its melodramatic climax, which feels forced and detracts from the otherwise compelling narrative. Despite this misstep, the film remains a poignant exploration of love, desire, and the human experience in a challenging social context.

Overall, "The Last Match" is a thought-provoking and visually arresting drama that resonates long after the credits roll, offering a glimpse into the complexities of life and love in contemporary Cuba.

#TheLastMatchFilm #miltongarcia #reinierdiaz.
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Brilliant and Perplexing
donwc19961 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There is no question this film is a brilliant achievement, yet it posed some large issues for me. First, it was filmed in Cuba and that really was a shock because of the U.S. boycott on all things Cuban which has existed for decades and which I have never really understood. Let's not forget that President Kennedy was killed specifically because of U.S Cuban policy which at the time was to assassinate Castro and destroy communism in Cuba. How we can justify the complex relationship we have with Communist China and still boycott Communist Cuba is a conundrum to say the least. The other issue for me with this film was the fact that I was under the distinct impression that tragic gay love stories were passé and something that was better left to a previous era. This tragic gay love story for all its modern aspects still smacks of something from a lost age and that did dilute the impact of the story for me. However, there is no denying that on many levels this film is brilliant and should be part of any serious film collection on this genre.
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above all a memorable love & solid performances
casey-3957331 July 2019
Sure, elements of this are maybe reminiscent of other gay titles, but these themes are based on real trends of the gay experience, so it's important to be patient with similarities across films from different cultures, each of which deserve their own nuanced stories told. Reiner and Yosvani's love story is memorable in their acting, the circumstances, and their decisions. Homosexuality is portrayed here not as fully forbidden but in a state of simultaneous acceptance and denial, which makes the story so unique. Both character's female partners and some family members are aware of their male lovers. I think the sad ending falls just short of being necessary based on the plot that leads up to it, but when I went back and rewatched it I felt like it did make sense the way it all played out.
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Absolutely fantastic. A must swatch.
bruno_black-0956919 September 2021
I will only say a few words. I gave this beautiful movie ten out of ten because it a must watch movie. Both the leads are authentic, watchable and convey a sense of realism. The director should be congratulated for not turning this into your typical, stereotypical 'gay' movie. Enough said. Watch it.
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Brilliant sexy heartbreaking
george-3746911 December 2022
A brilliant, heartbreaking sexy drama where gay isn't the problem, poverty is. Well written, acted and directed. The two leads generate a lot of heat and pathos. Their respective lives and complex and tough and you see how hard it is for the characters to live and thrive. The men's friendship is deep and fraught and their sexual connection is hot. There's no extra material, everything serves the theme. Great supporting cast as well. An interesting glimpse of Cuba, the old buildings, the culture, three daily life, and the relationship to foreign visitors and money. You may be surprised at the casual, open presence of prostitution in the community.
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A watchable gay film
viaradar2 September 2021
The background, the carachters, the acting, the script, the photography and the lighting are above the average of most gay films. It lacks in the fields of direction (the use of the camera in some dialogs), the sound (some words are missing due to the lack of vocalization of the actors and the level of sound) and a more elaborated and credible ending. Anyway, it is worth watching this Spanish film.
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A sad but authentic Cuban gay love story
johannes2000-123 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love Hispanic gay-themed movies, they somehow seem to be more authentic, honest and realistic than the polished gay movies from the US. Here that's definitely the case: it's a gay lovestory, but an awkward and grim one, set against the background of the harsh daily life in Havana, Cuba.

Reinier and Yosvani are both young adults who meet at the local soccer-field. Reinier, an opportunistic and streetwise young adult, sells his body to male tourists for the urgently needed cash, encouraged by his greedy mother-in-law; Yosvani is a closeted gay who lives with his fiancée and her intimidating criminal father. Both guys start a passionate love-affair, that has to stay hidden at all costs. While Yosvani loses himself in romantic fantasies of one day leaving together, Reinier stays pragmatic and more self-centred; towards the end he chooses a chance at financial security, and discards his lover. Then tragedy strikes.

As some other reviewers mentioned, it seems that serious gay-themed movies always have to end with the death of one of the lovers. Of course such a thing often fits the story, but I wasn't too happy with this one: the fatality came a bit out of the blue and turned what could have been a sad but realistic ending into a tearjerking melodrama. One of the deleted scenes in the extras on my dvd showed an alternative outcome, but the makers apparently decided against it. A bit of a pity.

Both actors Milton García and Reinier Díaz give a fine and convincing performance, and the bleak, decayed streets and dilapidated houses of Havana make a fitting background for this unhappy story.
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After finding love you can't survive without it
amheba17 July 2021
I really enjoyed this story. I find it great to watch a gay love story that actually has a plot. And this one has it and quite fast paced.

Cuba is the main protagonist in this show. In ways it reminded me of my childhood days when just getting a candy or a flashy colored t shirt in a flimsy plastic bag was a treasure to me. Unfortunately here we see that this simplicity it's too much on the line of poverty.

It caught my attention how in Cuba a family man can openly be a male prostitute servicing men to provide for his family, role that in any other country is taken only by a woman and with shame.

A tough story but also a beautiful one. Definitely not your average gay themed film, which makes it already worth watching and made me give it an extra star.
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