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Good Boy (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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Keeps you curious
Night_springs116 September 2023
I've watched Good Boy in Lisbon during the horror festival MotelX. I had some expectations because the whole idea of having someone dressing up as a dog called my attention while scrolling through the movie list.

The flick starts great - the cinematography, atmosphere, acting and humorous moments felt truly genuine and you could feel the audience feeling it as well.

It keeps you curious on why the hell this guy has a person in his house wearing a dog custom, and your imagination starts wondering if it's really a human or another "thing".

It develops pretty well and you can tell the moment when it all turns south, this is perhaps the part that I didn't enjoy so much. When we all knew what was going on, I felt the acting went a bit too much and not in the best way. In my opinion, it didn't reach that "insane" psychopath status that leaves actors in the best performance lists. Even though there were some good parts in it.

Overall, still one of the best horror flicks I've watched this year, much more interesting than most high budget movies out there. Someone mentioned it was Viljar Bøe 3rd movie, which is insane in my perspective, in a good way.
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Wasted opportunity to make something disturbing
meinwonderland12 February 2024
Girl meets boy through a dating app only to find he lives with someone who believes himself a dog.

The bizarre premise is what brought me to this movie. It does a good job keeping you entertained and curious. The nature of the plot is unsettling enough to give this movie a chance. The dog costume, though simple, is disturbing, to say the least, as are many of the situations seen throughout the movie. However, I feel the end result is a wasted opportunity. The premise was a perfect recipe to make a disturbing movie. Good Boys has its moments, but in the end, it fails to deliver. The ending was not good.
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Good but not so disturbing as you think
pedroquintaoo13 October 2023
The film "Good Boy" is notable for its incredibly unusual and impactful premise, where a man behaves like a dog, creating a bizarre and unintentionally comical experience in certain scenes. While it may be slow for some viewers, the film's pace gradually becomes darker and more engaging. It offers an interesting critique of dating and modern relationships, delving into psychological analysis of love obsessions and power dynamics. However, it suffers from inconsistent writing, with the protagonist making implausible decisions, and it missed the opportunity to deliver a more impactful and disturbing narrative.
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Entertaning but ruined by clichés
lucas_isjustme4 November 2023
This small thriller tells the story of Sigrid, who meets this mysterious and charming guy on Tinder, only to discover that his dog is a real human being using a costume. Even with her instinct telling her to run away, she starts a relation with this guy.

Despite starting very strong at building the mystery and intrigue, by the third act you will see the same clichés of every thriller and horror movie that really ruin the atmosphere and logic. Once you see this, you can really anticipate how will end, and it ends very stupid.

The good thing is that is a very short movie so I would still recommend it to watch it at least one time.
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Intense and creepy guessing game
Nikkiangel00223 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sigrid meets a tinder date, he's very well dressed and courteous. She turns up very casual.. to say the least. But they hit it off....

So that did set alarm bells ringing... although maybe they do genuinely hit it off presentation aside.

I enjoyed this, well in that tense way. We like to be tormented by watching an uncomfortable film.

Even up til the last scene I was still questioning what was the real motive or reality behind it.... it surely couldn't be "that" simple?!

Without ruining anything... holding my tongue massively... I was waiting on a bigger twist than THEE twist.

Worth a look though...
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I'm screaming but not bc I'm scared
drewrysmith24 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care if it's a horror movie or not... you can't write half the movie in such a way that escape or fight are the only options and then have every moment ripe with those opportunities only to have the characters either utterly fumble or miss them entirely! I was rooting for Christian by the end because these victims were practically begging for it. I hate when movies write themselves into an ending like this... knives, windows, 2-on-1 for chrissakes! And cmon... she walks up behind him with a log, while he's got noise cancelling headphones on... and blows it? I just hate what was such an excellent premise and buildup to be ruined by the most feeble, badly scripted ending. They should be ashamed. There are a million ways tk achieve the ending without having made the third act unbearably maddening. I was just berating Sigrid at the end line "omfg stop crying get up and run" and "DUDE effing wail on the guy don't stop to ask Frank if he's okay you stupid *****!" Sorry this just really ticked me off. Woulda been a 6-7 score, possibly even 8, if they hadn't smothered this film with terrible, lazy writing when it mattered most.
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It was almost a bad movie before it turned out to be a great one
manuelasaez24 December 2023
I have to admit, the premise instantly piqued my interest, but unique premises in horror aren't really that hard to come by. Even with being the most ridiculed film genre, you'll be hard pressed to find more interesting stories than those found in horror, and this one is no exception. But at one hour and 12 minutes, it's really unfortunate that the potential of the premise wasn't fully realized, although the end result was more than satisfactory.

We have a tale about a girl who meets a man on a dating app, and that man happens to have a pet dog who is a man in a suit. Everything seems pretty "normal" for most of the movie (or as normal as anyone with a pet human dog can be), until things take a turn and everything is flipped upside down. But why is it happening? Why is Frank a dog to begin with? So many unanswered questions, that an hour and some change did not give adequate time to have answered. As such, I was really going to write this movie off as wasted potential, until that ending.....

I've seen some creepy stuff in horror, but that ending sent a shiver down my spine. The films entire runtime was banking on that ending, and for that alone, it went from a forgettable film to a (dare I say) great one that people will be talking about for quite some time. There is no gore, very little violence, and no nudity, but the creepiness scale stays at a 10 throughout almost the entire film, and for that, it deserves at least a watch. True horror fans will surely appreciate it.
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Movie ends when Frank reveals himself
seidel-2267430 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Damn man, this one had such potential to be a super hardcore psychological mind bender. Guy of her dreams. Super nice. But he's got this weird ass thing going being the caretaker of a guy who IS a dog. And there's something so demented yet noble about that. And then we get to the midpoint where she's at a cabin with the guy and Frank, and out of all the reveals and twists and turns the story could've taken, the writer chose to go in the most boring and predictable and cliche direction possible. And suddenly everything that was interesting and had it's own strange logic that worked, became unnatural and stupid and uninteresting.

I wish the writer would've spent a little more time with the second act and chose a path with more guts, cause then this film might've been a masterpiece.
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Suspenseful and Unsettling
nehpetstephen4 June 2024
This is a lean, taut suspense film--only 80 minutes long, and more than half of that is truly suspenseful and unnerving. There are only four actors in the movie, and they all do an excellent job of seeming like real people with real motivations, blind spots, and flaws. For the most part, writer/director Viljar Bøe does an excellent job of showing us things that don't quite make sense and convincing us that it's not necessarily irrational or unreasonable. He creates a feeling akin to being seduced into a toxic relationship, where in hindsight you realize how abundant all the red flags were but in the moment you're willing to rationalize and excuse every individual one. If this is allegorical horror, then its allegory is for the poor "NTA" victims on the Reddit thread "Am I The A**H***?", who post detailed narratives of having been gaslit by psychopaths yet seem totally clueless about the blame not being their own.

That said, once the mystery is revealed about midway through the movie, the movie does lose a great deal of its suspense as characters quickly devolve into horror movie stereotypes. While the second half is disappointing, it's not so bad that it brings the whole film down--plus, the final moments are fresh and surprising enough that they'll guarantee the film's haunting images will stick with you for a few days. On top of that, Bøe's writing wisely leaves a lot of backstory unsaid, leaving audiences with plenty of queasy questions that they won't want to think about the answers to. A lesser film would feel the need to tidy things up more.

I'd recommend this for anyone who's into disturbing thrillers. The strong acting, masterful editing, and original premise are enough to earn a solid recommendation, even if the final act doesn't fully live up to the movie's promised potential. I eagerly anticipate Bøe's next film.
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Too Good to be True
thesar-218 May 2024
Though I'm not a part of the Furries universe, I always say: "To each their own, as long as no one harms another." Well, I got burned here.

At first, I compared this to Fifty Shades of Grey, but definitely a better movie. Heck, even the main character is a rich, violent, jealous, obsessive, paranoid gorgeous loner named Christian with a fetish. At last, I would say it was better, but not by much.

This is so sad. I LOVED how this movie began. So richly original, intriguing, the sky was the limit. Despite that, I had to Google this movie 30 or so minutes in to make sure I was actually watching a horror movie. (I was pretty sure this was when I randomly selected it from an Amazon Prime recommendation.) It is horror, but it's gonna take a while to get there.

Christian meets Sigrid online, then in person and, slowly but surely, they warm up to each other. After they spend the night together, he finally introduces her to Frank, his "dog." Or a man who pretends to be a dog. Soon Sigrid will learn who's the b in this relationship.

Unfortunately, this movie becomes less and less realistic as it goes along. I mean, psychological holds only work so far. I really didn't buy the victims didn't have AMPLE opportunities to escape. Heck, a man always moving around on his knees has to be so painful after a while, he wouldn't even be able to move around as much as its shown.

This really sucks because, again, I loved the first half, the setup/premise. I love to be wowed with something new in horror or pretty much any cinema. But to botch it up so much like this. Such a pity.

A movie that starts off promising and unique suddenly becomes very predictable. Now that's a feat.


Final Thoughts: A character actually says the words "What could possibly go wrong?" They should've known straight from the Pitch Meeting.
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I apologize - I loved this
pahaake-474-83961015 June 2024
I tend to not do spoilers, so I won't spoil. Within 5 minutes, I was absolutely captivated. It's rare to watch a movie that I picked at random and say to myself "WTF?.... Oh, yes!".

Now, that may suggest there is something wrong with me, I'm not sure - but all I can say is that Good Boy is a rare find. It's truly original, not necessarily in a good way, but original.

This is not only a sick film, twisted in so many ways, but the acting, direction, plot twists, and well - the whole thing is something to be enjoyed. Excellent production quality and the scenery is quite lovely from an American's view.

All I can say is that I think you will come away loving your dog even more - although I'm not sure that has anything to do with anything.
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Interesting But Bizarre
stevendbeard11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Good Boy, starring Gard Lokke-Troll, The Tough Guys; Katrine Lovise Opstad Fredriksen-Hytteterapi, Ikovei Island: An Earthlock Adventure and Amalie Willoch Njaastad-Bring Down the House_tv, Cabin Crazy.

This is an interesting but bizarre little movie. It's made in Norway, it's subtitled and it's written and directed by Viljar Boe. The movie starts off with Gard eating a meal and then taking a bowl of food to his dog. The dog just happens to be a man dressed in a dog costume, barking and acting like a dog. Gard meets Katrine on a dating app and after a nice meeting over coffee, invites her back to his house. That's when the fun and the bizarre begins. Of course, Katrine is shocked at meeting the dog but Gard explains that he is an old friend that identifies as a dog. Gard tells Katrine to just treat him and talk to him as if he were a dog and there won't be any problems. When Katrine gets home and talks to her mother, Amalie, about everything, they both discover-from looking him up-that Gard is rich and probably a little eccentric so Katrine decides that it's no big deal breaker. There are a few twists and turns that explain things more and things are a little more complicated than you might think.

It's rated R for violence and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 16 minutes.

I enjoyed it enough to buy it on DVD.
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Derivative and generic.
johnmichaelandlucy17 April 2024
It clearly takes inspirations from american pyscho and donnie darko, which some scenes clearly alluding to those films. It has some unnecessary dialogue which only serves to make us distracted. The characters are shallow, with Christian being the only one who is minimally compelling.

It's got some repetitive shots and long expositions of places that it makes me think that they were employed just to make the movie longer. It has little soundtrack, which at least to me makes the movie even more tedious.

I do find the central theme of the movie good, but the movie refuses to expand it and instead we're left with the Sigrid boring problem of being stuck with a delusional agressive man.
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It dont trick the viewer
igrsm16 March 2024
Kudos to actually finishing the movie's storyline. It was a unconventional and explorative movie but, if not good, at least with cohesive narrative.

Sure, here's a 500-character text:

"In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the chaos of traffic and the cacophony of voices, there exists a serene oasis-a small park where time seems to slow down. Here, the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds create a symphony of peace. People from all walks of life find solace in its green embrace, escaping the demands of their daily lives. In this tranquil haven, worries dissolve, and minds find clarity. It's a reminder that amidst life's chaos, moments of serenity await those who seek them."
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The 'Dog' Frank
salemzin12 June 2024
Although at first glance the film seems to lead the plot through a comical and absurd proposal, "Good Boy" (2022) has no focus on the comedy genre, portraying the bizarre situation seriously.

The premise of presenting a character who lives with a man who dresses and acts like a dog sounds curious and different from cliché horror film productions. The mystery is constructed with great care, instigating the public's curiosity at all times. An extremely positive point are the performances of the protagonists, especially Gard Løkke, who delivers moments of pure confusion and tension. Although bold and creative, the plot unfolds with many conveniences and unconvincing attitudes, making the experience less palpable. Its disturbing ending works and impacts the viewer, however, every twist would be more ingenious if presented in a less predictable way.

The film opens up space for debates with different interpretations between the lines of the script. Disregarding its premise, "Good Boy" doesn't stray too far from common productions in the horror genre, needing to rely on the "dog" to be more attractive.
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Wonderfully creative & twisted, blending conventional horror-thriller foundations with something new
I_Ailurophile6 October 2023
A wildly outrageous premise can make something ordinary feel fresh and new; tried and true foundations can temper the ridiculousness of even the most far-flung idea. It's safe to say that reading the one-line synopsis of Viljar Bøe's 'Good boy' raises a quizzical eyebrow, and one's bewilderment isn't quickly ameliorated as the film presents from the outset as a romantic comedy-drama. One can only assume that a turn will come, but until then the picture is just fabulously curious - or rather, creative, in a way that it so often seems filmmakers in the United States have forgotten. Yet while the space this plays in ultimately proves to cover familiar territory, Bøe's twist on the violence, cruelty, and madness allows this 2022 movie to feel wholly original. I had no idea what I was getting into when I sat to watch, but I could hardly be happier with the end result: 'Good boy' is fantastic!

It's well made in all the ways one hopes of modern features, with high production values. The cinematography is crisp and vivid, the editing is sharp, the sound design is crystal clear, and the filming locations are terrific. Gard Løkke and Katrine Lovise Øpstad Fredriksen give outstanding performances of range, nuance, emotional depth, and intensity that bring the tale to vibrant life, from the sweet, to the strange, to the diabolical - and what can one say of Frank except that, well, he's a very good boy? Bøe illustrates a keen wit as director, orchestrating shots and scenes with a sly, wry playfulness accentuating the lighter moods, and a cold viciousness augmenting the places where the narrative goes. In terms of that narrative it's fair to say that we viewers can guess at where the horror-thriller will end up, yet like the superficial absurdity and the underlying commonness, that predictability does not in any way diminish the ghastliness of the third act. The writing swerves hard from quirky romance into bold, dark, earnest (if quirky) insidiousness, and the ending splits the difference between providing the sinister vibes genre fans crave, and simply being too sickening to actually sit well with us.

Yes, one may also reasonably offer the criticism of the writing that Sigrid makes one specific choice that is too poor to pass muster of our suspension of disbelief. I can't argue much with that criticism. I would, however, firstly just suggest in turn that it's no worse a sin than many other titles have committed; secondly, given the fearful behavior she illustrated before that, perhaps those traits we see borne out at the end were already boring their way into her thoughts. With this point having been considered, I can't think of any other flaw or weakness in 'Good boy.' I sat to watch unsure of what I was getting into, certain only that it would be peculiar. It is that, but swirled together with more conventional flavors that complement each other very nicely. As a matter of personal preference this won't appeal to everyone, but I am utterly delighted with how smart and inventive this film is - inventive, and nefariously grim, not least in some of the themes it touches upon. It's definitely a picture best appreciated by those who are receptive to all the wide, wacky possibilities that the medium generally and the genre particularly have to offer, yet so long as one isn't put off by the very premise, I'm pleased to give 'Good boy' my very high, hearty, enthusiastic recommendation! Bøe has given us something very special, and I can't wait to see what he does next. Two paws up!
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Entertaining & disturbing
stephanieroxannej8 July 2024
I thought the actors were great. I've never seen this concept in other horror films so I found it quite unique. Although bizarre- and disturbing- it definitely was entertaining to say the least. And this could actually happen in real life unlike some over exaggerated horror films. It sucks it doesn't come in English and you have to read subtitles but foreign films are sometimes the best. I could tell my anxiety was raising as I watch this movie not knowing what was gonna happen next. It left me wondering and thinking about it even after it ended. Very unsettling..... bravo! I would recommend although it is outrageous.
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Dog life
kosmasp6 February 2023
No pun intended - sometimes a dog can have a better life than humans. Especially if it is by choice. Now here is where this gets bizarre ... well not just here. But the movie starts off with introducing us to the dog owner and the "dog" itself. Now it is safe to assume that you will be taken aback ... to say the least.

That being said, you have to suspend your disbelief and not overthink the whole thing. It would not make much sense if you do. Like the beginning and end ... where would that all be? What would it all mean? And how would it play out? And then there is the ... swing and a miss thing. Although that is not entirely true ... because it is a swing and hit .. but just a single one! And if like me you won't understand why it stays singular ... well you may have bigger issues with the conclussion of the movie. Not that it is going to be hard to guess where it is leading ... to.
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A not far-fetched horror movie
ndanchao4 July 2024
It's a good movie: it creates a realistic atmosphere and avoids being overly mysterious; the music is restrained and effective, not overwhelming; the plot is credible, and although the characters' backgrounds are not fully presented, they can nonetheless be considered detailed and not exaggerated; the lines are concise without any unnecessary words, and the progression is compact without dragging; there aren't many characters, but the performances are all pretty decent (Frank, the dog, has limited space to play, but the unexpected moment involving him in the middle of the film really scared me). As for the theme, I have a sentence I wrote before for your reference: in horror movies, we are so scared that we can't sleep at night; but in real life, we are the demons of others. Although men can also get hurt, women and children are always more vulnerable to bullying across the world. Be kind to others and also treat yourself well.
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