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Mickey Mouse Funhouse (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

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artistmsbrill4 September 2021
Mickey and the Roaster Racer was SUCH a good show, why did they have to change it to mixed up adventures (which was okay but not awful) but this funhouse is not good, not good at all. It's way too repetitive, the funhouse talks and it's terrible. Toodles was an awful, annoying character from Clubhouse, and somehow the Funhouse is even MORE annoying. Is that an accomplishment? The adventures lack and are boring.
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Gets grating quick
brookew-0158618 November 2021
At first, I didn't really mind it. It wasn't anything special, just a new Mickey show trying to find its' place.

But it's definitely still finding it's place. It doesn't have the community of Roadster Racers and doesn't have the same charming magicalness of the clubhouse. I have the same issues as with late-season Toodles - why does Funny have to talk so much??? No one in my house finds him charming or enjoyable, I didn't mind him at first but oh boy does he get grating - especially since Disney Junior constantly plays the show. It as a whole doesn't seem to have charm, and the main 7 just seem so bland? I enjoy Daisy to a degree but it just. Gets so grating.

I didn't understand why people hated this one so much, but after 7 episodes I can completely understand why. It just feels so bland.
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Great Show
brettw-6654619 May 2022
I love how Disney Jr made their shows going faster pace these days which may look entertaining for adults and the ones with Disabilities including me.

I love Mickey Mouse Funhouse because It Mickey Mouse and his pals goes to so many Adventure Doors to many exciting places, I also enjoy it have a lot of GIF videos of it too.
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ckokajko31 July 2021
Lacks the fun of the Mixed-Up Adventures and any learning that was in Clubhouse. It's a dulled down version of the new Mickey Mouse stuff for strictly younger audiences, but doesn't add any of the problem solving or secret learning from Clubhouse. So what was the point? To continue to isolate Mickey Mouse and friends from a wider audience?

The first episode tries to grab those who loved Roadsters with a superfluous ride and eollercoaster moment at the very beginning. And then the Hotdog dance and the upgraded theme are ruined my kid wasn't as interested in the show beginning. Then we have some convoluted reasons for our new friend Funny leaving behind all the great and interesting characters we developed in Hotdog Hills over the last 3 years.

But the worst absolute worst part is that stupid dance break music at the very end of the episode. If parents were indifferent to the rest If the episode that alone should ruin it for you.
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Funhouse voice is terrible
sheliamarieot21 September 2021
The house sounds like "Pat". Its sounds like male for a few words, then a min later its using a female tone. Its like that voice someone would make to sound stupid. Its awful. The wiggle song gets on my last nerve with its annoying sequence of odd notes.
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Fun show! Daisy's new voice...
chocochip260-15 May 2024
I actually really like this Mickey Mouse show! The songs are fun and the themes are innocent and wholesome. Yes, the house/Funny's voice and character isn't anything special, when I first heard it I thought it sounded a lot like Mickey's voice and was confused. But I think a couple of years later it works.

Ok something I can NOT get past is Daisy's new voice! Her new voice sounds so forced and fake, like trying too hard to sound like a duck, and completely lacks the personality and sassiness she had before! I cannot stand it. Distracts from the entire show. I hope they find someone new who can bring back the fun character voice she had before and not sound like someone is STRAINING to talk. It takes away from the whole show.
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I'm sticking with the CLUBhouse, thanks 😑
mjnonweiler5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first I thought this was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse reboot ,but then I watched the first episode on YouTube, and... oh boy. It's just a mixture of remake Muppet Babies but with Mickey characters. And I have a few complaints! #1 Why do we need to have the long, cliche, transition to the "funhouse" like basically most kids shows I've seen now?! What was wrong with "Meska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse"?!! #2 Funny the Funhouse is a very forgettable character. Both him and the wind up thing ( Windey I think they called it?) we're just trying to be the new Toodles, only being useless, pointless in the show, and is supposed to be the cliche talking object in the series with the idea he's funny ( Ironic right?) but he isn't. #3 Everyone and everything moves to FAST! With Mickey Mouse Clubhouse they are taking they're time for the children and had some fast pacing too, not to much but not too little. This feels like somebody is always talking or moving in the background! It gets repetitive real quick. I don't blame Disney for this though, because it's their own mascot for crying out loud! It's whoever decided that this concept ( Or even thought up the concept) would work at ALL. So yeah I'll be watch MMC thanks.
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Jeez why is this underrated?
ultimatedisneycruisefan10 November 2021
Argh...DASH IT ALL, PEOPLE!!! It's a fun cartoon!!! I. LOVE. IT. I don't care if Mickey has many houses, this is the best new show no matter what. This show has put Disney Junior (formerly Playhouse Disney) to the next level. A talking house with a literal dog-house that's actually a dog? I love it! Funny is my favorite character in this series. Kids love it so much. Stop looking at some of the bad reviews and ignore the 6/10 star rate and just check it out for (Peg leg) Pete's sake! It doesn't deserve that much underrating, like Clubhouse had. As someone who loves animation, I find this show very enjoyable, cute, adorable, and very amazing! Well at least Bluey is the most lovable, but this show, this sweet little cartoon deserves so much more love! Seriously, come on, people. Would you rather watch Cars 2? I can't deal with your incredibly stupid complaints. No offense. But still, I'm not letting this rot in sadness, I'm gonna protect this show NO MATTER WHAT!!!

Harvey Guillen NAILS it as Funny honestly. He's a good guy.
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Classic Mickey Mouse
BuldakNoodles281 July 2022
It's nothing too new or too different. It's just your classic Mickey Mouse cartoon like Roadster Racers and Mixed-Up Adventures. Although Funny the Funhouse is annoying, even when I watched only 7 minutes of the show. That's my only complaint.
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The fun house is annoying
ned-1160231 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The look and ideas of a fun house is cool. A house that can go anywhere could be so fun but the voice of the house and the repetitive songs are too annoying. I miss mickey's club house when they had critical thinking, counting and sorting. My kids got a lot out of it. Tootels was annoying but my kids liked him they called oh tootles and answered the questions. They were learning something. Theres themes of covid life in this new show too:/ The house gets sick doesn't want to tell the gang bc he wants to go on a picnic. He's sick and doesn't tell anyone bc he's afraid of the dr. Bring back critical thinking and basic things little kids need to learn.
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Way more fantasy and imagination than clubhouse!
hannah-wiegard1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To me the vibe is way more true to disney than in the uncanny video game animated clubhouse - sorry to say and we all like clubhouse for what it is. Little things stand out that just make it sweeter like more singing, a softer look, and I liked that daisy is dressed as a knight not a lady, the needless gender norms are so often frustrating. Satisfying story in episode one and excited for more. Is Funny josh gadd or someone doing a spot on impression???
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So hard to find adult friendly kid friendly shows
cmburton-2987530 January 2023
So I'm writing this as a person with a two year old. We don't watch that much tv but he gets about 30 minutes in the morning with dad in bed between mom going to work at 8 and dad has to work at 9. It's really not that bad but I feel I need to emphasize how much better Roadster racers and mixed up adventures were. I love the new adaptation of characters that are mainly for little kids but not dumb enough to make me answer questions directed at the tv. The characters have some sort of development despite it being one episode before another. Daisy especially was usually hilarious. But funhouse has all these horrible songs and back to a very confusing theme. Not a fan. It's better than clubhouse but not by much because now I have crazy songs.

Edit: bring back Daisy's voice! What the heck happened to Tress. So irritated to even listen to this.
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Dreadful attempt to revive mickey
trostbrewed7 August 2022
This show is abominable. There's no value for kids and it's a complete mess. The funhouse "funny" seems like someone who is on an lsd trip and is constantly a main focus of the show. Cancel this rubbish and bring back the other mickey shows.
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The worst and cringiest Disney Junior show ever after Goldie And Bear
jadiwarna19 January 2022
This is probably the most weirdest show disney has ever created. In my personal view, Funny (The House) isn't funny at all but is literally VERY ANNOYING. I'll never understand why do they have to stop Mixed Up Adventures.
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Stolen IP?
scott-822894 September 2021
Yikes, did they just make a cartoon version of the Imagination Movers and replace them with Mickey? Sub out the Idea Warehouse for the Funhouse? This is derivative at best; an obviously "borrowed" concept, at worst.
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My son's favorite
Jimmypop-922602 September 2021
This has become my son's favorite Mickey show. Clubhouse, Roadster, and Mixed up adventures take a backseat to this new series. It is more fun and adventurous than the other shows.
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I Don't Like This New Mickey Mouse Show!
FluffyBlueyGreenie7 March 2023
I Give This Series A 1 Out of 10 Because Of A Few Reasons...... 1. They Gave Minnie A New Voice Actor Minnie Is An Iconic Mickey Mouse Character, and they should have kept the old voice actor for Minnie in the Clubhouse, but her old voice actor died, so now her new voice actor is Kaitlyn Robrock.

2. It's A Rip Off Of The Clubhouse In The Clubhouse you learned how to count, find shapes, etc But with the Funhouse you don't learn anything! And they just had to have house in the name!

3. Funny Is Not Funny!

"Funny" Is 1 of the main characters in this new series and I don't like him because he's alive, has a very creepy giggle, and his actual name is bad ("Funny" Wow So original!)

If you like modern Mickey then try Mickey & The Roaster Racers, Mickey Mouse Mixed Up Adventures, or even the original Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! But not Mickey Mouse Funhouse! Thanks For Reading My Review, and Have A Great Day!
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arielsiere12 March 2022
The animation is so cool i find it way better than Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey And The Roadster Racers and Mickey Mouse Mixed Up Adventures. A house who talks is really epic i don't care about the negative or positive reviews.
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The show treats Mickey and his friends Like the toddlers more than the audience.
cgandaj15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a 2000's kid who grew up with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and now as an adult helping raise my nephew I can say with absolute confidence that Mickey Mouse Funhouse pales in comparison to ots predecessor. The biggest and most glaring problem of the shoe is the titular "character" itself, Funny the Funhouse. A sentient, omnipotent magical overpowered clubhouse that has acsess to an infinite about of pocket dimensions for Mickey and friends to explore to teach them some sort of heavy handed lesson. The dynamic between the Mickey gang and Funny is very unequal and frankly really patronizing. The Show itself infinitives the characters and treats them like they are preschoolers instead of grown adults. In Mickey Mouse Club, all the characters were fully autonomous. They were clearly adults who when they wanted to do something or gp somewhere planned it out and did so. When they had a problom they worked it put on there own with HELP not someone solving it for them and then make them think it was their idea. The clubhouse and Tootles were sentient but not in the same way, it acted more like a helped and assitant rather than a manager. Funny acts like a helicopter parent smothering and coddling them doing most of the thinking for them and pointing it out to them. He decides where they go and leads them into what to do and is ALWAYS watching eveyone over there shoulders. He is everywhere and everything. It actually reminds me a lot of Disney Channel's Smarthouse movie with the overbearing house controlling eveything. And when Mickey and the others go up the stairs the house makes sure they take their backpack like children going on a field trip which is essentially what it is.

The Clubhouse kind of just is what it is, it exists as a magical place to just hang out and have fun with friends and you don't really queastion it. You can understand it more easily and just go along for the ride and be part of the club. The Funhouse just raises more qeastions with NO answer given!! How is Funny alive? How did Mickey Meet/find this place? It's not Mickey Mluse themed like the clubhouse so did it already exist before hand? How and why does it have all these doors to difftent worlds? Are they real? Are the characters in those worlds the real characters or just clones or artificial or the actual characters acting a senarip put. Were thosd characters there in the gunhouse the whole time at Funnys disposal for these little adventures like some sort of creepy living puppet show?

The pocket dimension worlds Funny takes them to are also really weird. Each one has side characters (Clarabelle Cow, Ludwig Von Drake, Chip & Dale, Pete and Cuckoo Locca) acting like NPC actors just put into the world to fit whatever role needed but still technically more or less the same character with some sort of themed take on their name like "lady Ckarabelle" or "Dynamo Dale and Cannonball Chip" or something like that. These characters act like the world has always been there a d they are apart of it and it exists outside of the funhouse but at the same time just feels like a production set up just for them to solve and be done with and it stop existing until next time. It's very confusing. There are some story speicific chatacter that arnt just classic characters playing a part, and on a rare ocassion Disney characters like the Muses from Hercules. And then there are just recolor clones of Mickey Mouse, Like Rocket Mouse (voiced by Jamie Camil Intrestingly enough.)

Another big issue I think is it takes the children watching out of the story. Viewers are now only observers of the story instead of active participants helping Mickey. The viewers help makes Clubhouse feel more interactive an sincere. But Funny in a way takes that place ordering them around and telling Mickey and his friends where to go, what to do and what to think. But in a more condescending adult talking to clueless children kind of way. Facilitating eveything for them and treating them like preschoolers in a school setting. It's just awkward and uncomfterble. On top of that Funny is very creepy and his voice is rather grating and giggly. He plays dumb to play along with the senseio and wolrd HE SET UP!! And the way he is just a face that shows up in random places me of a much more aggravating version of World from the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Movie ripoff.

Nothing is really learned from their "adventures" except for very obvious morality lessons like "rest and exercise are equally important" or "don't decide you think something is icky before trying it because it hurts people's ferlings" type of situations layed out very blatantly. In Mickey Mouse Clubhouse children actually had to engage their brain instead of numbing it and practice critical thinking of how to solve issues in the shoe with what they are given and learn lessons along the way without realizing it by absorbing it. They could feel more connected and drawn in because they were a member of the clubhouse too.

The only reason I am giving I 2 stars instead of one is because the only improvement from the Clubhouse is the locations of the adventures. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 90% of the time atuckniy to thr clubhouse setting and only venturing not very far off. This show does have a wider range of fun places to explore abd mstching costumes for the gang. There was ab episode set in Korea about Korean culture, a pirate ship, the wild west, etc. Which I will admit are creative and interesting putting aside the reused and recycled side characters that inhabit the world. And the ORIGINAL characters they add in those world are much more engaging and fun then seeing the same old repetitive filler roles. But that dosent make up for the rest. Ditch Funny, replace the side characters with new characters as the cast of the other worlds, include the viewerr and have Mickey and his friends act more autonomously and it could have at least been decent...but sadly it is far from it.
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A worse version of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
loverpooh16 June 2023
So, i like Mickey Mouse, And as a Mickey Mouse fan I have to say this, This is the worst Mickey Mouse show EVER, And also, Why is the house alive? Mickey's house didn't have to be alive before, And why does this show exist when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is just a better version of it? Anyway, back to the review, Why does Pluto have a car? He can't drive, He's a pet dog, He doesn't have thumbs to hold the wheel! Scrap that, He doesn't have fingers at all! Why not give the house a car while you're at it! This show was only meant to be for toddlers and very little kids, Anyone above the age of seven would not like this, Also, If you want to watch some good Mickey Mouse cartoons, I recommend the original shorts like Steamboat Willie, or the new Mickey Mouse shorts that are on Disney Plus, Or if you want some educational Mickey Mouse cartoons, Go watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Also, This only my opinion, You can have your own.
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Yet another Mickey property
BoxwoodExpress21 August 2021
Summary: Yet another Mickey Mouse series. Think of it as like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but with less interactivity and the same animation as Roadster Racers/Mixed-Up Adventures. Made because Disney needs to have Mickey.

Writing: Much better writing than Clubhouse, because it feels more organic and natural compared to the interactivity of Clubhouse. The first episode "Mickey the Brave", is surprisingly clever. The Sensational Six debate on whether or not dragons are good or bad. Some of the characters, like Clarabelle and Pete, think that all dragons are bad just because one dragon was bad to them. And as it turns out, Farfus didn't mean any harm. He only wanted to play. It gives a strong message that you should get to know people without judging them. One person is not representative of an entire group. And there's always an underlying cause for things. 2/2

Characters: The show is a major step-up from previous incarnations because Mickey isn't self-centered. Not everything is themed after him. The rest of the Sensational Six are written normally. There's also a new character named Funny, who is the titular Funhouse. He's like Toodles but he's a house. However, I'm not fond of him so far. He's just a deus ex machina. 1/2

Music: The music in the show is generally unremarkable, except for some moments that use the signature Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme - M-I-C-K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E. I find that quite clever. 1/2

Animation: Pretty excellent animation. It serves to show that CGI has come a long way since 2006, and is very colorful. 2/2

Voice Acting: All the signature voice actors are back. And Minnie's new voice actress is a great replacement for Russi Taylor. That's all there is to say, 2/2

In total, 8/10. I recommend this to young Mickey fans and older Disney cartoon fans.
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Millie and Melody Mouse and Pluto's Quin-Puplets in Mickey Mouse Funhouse
dcox-147092 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is going to be the first time Minnie's nieces Millie and Melody and Pluto's Quin-Puplets in Mickey Mouse Funhouse.
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Not bad, Daisy is annoying tho
SamSullivan7 August 2023
It's entertaining enough. My daughter loves it so far. But man is Daisy annoying AF. She just always says things that do not make sense at all. Minnie is constantly trying to be nice to her and not point out how dumb she is but she really should tell her she is acting a fool.

The animation is cute, fun vibrant colors. I like that they are constantly exploring and discovering new adventures as a team. Everyone is involved. But can't get over Daisy. At one point she says "that doesn't look goody good!" No one says that...like what? Seems like they are dumbing her down.

I like how they incorporate Pete. Cute show overall.
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