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The show treats Mickey and his friends Like the toddlers more than the audience.
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a 2000's kid who grew up with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and now as an adult helping raise my nephew I can say with absolute confidence that Mickey Mouse Funhouse pales in comparison to ots predecessor. The biggest and most glaring problem of the shoe is the titular "character" itself, Funny the Funhouse. A sentient, omnipotent magical overpowered clubhouse that has acsess to an infinite about of pocket dimensions for Mickey and friends to explore to teach them some sort of heavy handed lesson. The dynamic between the Mickey gang and Funny is very unequal and frankly really patronizing. The Show itself infinitives the characters and treats them like they are preschoolers instead of grown adults. In Mickey Mouse Club, all the characters were fully autonomous. They were clearly adults who when they wanted to do something or gp somewhere planned it out and did so. When they had a problom they worked it put on there own with HELP not someone solving it for them and then make them think it was their idea. The clubhouse and Tootles were sentient but not in the same way, it acted more like a helped and assitant rather than a manager. Funny acts like a helicopter parent smothering and coddling them doing most of the thinking for them and pointing it out to them. He decides where they go and leads them into what to do and is ALWAYS watching eveyone over there shoulders. He is everywhere and everything. It actually reminds me a lot of Disney Channel's Smarthouse movie with the overbearing house controlling eveything. And when Mickey and the others go up the stairs the house makes sure they take their backpack like children going on a field trip which is essentially what it is.

The Clubhouse kind of just is what it is, it exists as a magical place to just hang out and have fun with friends and you don't really queastion it. You can understand it more easily and just go along for the ride and be part of the club. The Funhouse just raises more qeastions with NO answer given!! How is Funny alive? How did Mickey Meet/find this place? It's not Mickey Mluse themed like the clubhouse so did it already exist before hand? How and why does it have all these doors to difftent worlds? Are they real? Are the characters in those worlds the real characters or just clones or artificial or the actual characters acting a senarip put. Were thosd characters there in the gunhouse the whole time at Funnys disposal for these little adventures like some sort of creepy living puppet show?

The pocket dimension worlds Funny takes them to are also really weird. Each one has side characters (Clarabelle Cow, Ludwig Von Drake, Chip & Dale, Pete and Cuckoo Locca) acting like NPC actors just put into the world to fit whatever role needed but still technically more or less the same character with some sort of themed take on their name like "lady Ckarabelle" or "Dynamo Dale and Cannonball Chip" or something like that. These characters act like the world has always been there a d they are apart of it and it exists outside of the funhouse but at the same time just feels like a production set up just for them to solve and be done with and it stop existing until next time. It's very confusing. There are some story speicific chatacter that arnt just classic characters playing a part, and on a rare ocassion Disney characters like the Muses from Hercules. And then there are just recolor clones of Mickey Mouse, Like Rocket Mouse (voiced by Jamie Camil Intrestingly enough.)

Another big issue I think is it takes the children watching out of the story. Viewers are now only observers of the story instead of active participants helping Mickey. The viewers help makes Clubhouse feel more interactive an sincere. But Funny in a way takes that place ordering them around and telling Mickey and his friends where to go, what to do and what to think. But in a more condescending adult talking to clueless children kind of way. Facilitating eveything for them and treating them like preschoolers in a school setting. It's just awkward and uncomfterble. On top of that Funny is very creepy and his voice is rather grating and giggly. He plays dumb to play along with the senseio and wolrd HE SET UP!! And the way he is just a face that shows up in random places me of a much more aggravating version of World from the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Movie ripoff.

Nothing is really learned from their "adventures" except for very obvious morality lessons like "rest and exercise are equally important" or "don't decide you think something is icky before trying it because it hurts people's ferlings" type of situations layed out very blatantly. In Mickey Mouse Clubhouse children actually had to engage their brain instead of numbing it and practice critical thinking of how to solve issues in the shoe with what they are given and learn lessons along the way without realizing it by absorbing it. They could feel more connected and drawn in because they were a member of the clubhouse too.

The only reason I am giving I 2 stars instead of one is because the only improvement from the Clubhouse is the locations of the adventures. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 90% of the time atuckniy to thr clubhouse setting and only venturing not very far off. This show does have a wider range of fun places to explore abd mstching costumes for the gang. There was ab episode set in Korea about Korean culture, a pirate ship, the wild west, etc. Which I will admit are creative and interesting putting aside the reused and recycled side characters that inhabit the world. And the ORIGINAL characters they add in those world are much more engaging and fun then seeing the same old repetitive filler roles. But that dosent make up for the rest. Ditch Funny, replace the side characters with new characters as the cast of the other worlds, include the viewerr and have Mickey and his friends act more autonomously and it could have at least been decent...but sadly it is far from it.
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