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La terre et le sang (2020) Poster

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Just watchable
danielcereto20 April 2020
A watchable French drug thriller with the same old script than other B-movies. The acting is correct but not remarkable. Also, there are a lot of plot holes and weird decisions by the characters. Why? To add, I'm not sure why this kind of action B-movies are not more risky, and add at least an original ending or some interesting scripts. So, overall watchable B-movie but really far from great. I recommend to go for Lion the Professional to watch a good French action movie.
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Edvis-199727 April 2020
Drugs,brothers,gang,shooting,selling business. A lot of things were happening but everything was so bland and not tasty to watch. Very cheap movie. It tried to compensate by intense music and some kind of horror elements(like cutting hand or unscrew the head) but it didn't help at all. It didn't entertain me at all. I wouldn't recommend to watch this movie because it's useless.
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vinerai19 April 2020
No attempt at character development. RAMBO type film, with very basic action of gunshots. I dont know what else to say. Was quite boring and gave up after persisting 1 hour, Netflix should be more careful how they spend their money.
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Worst decision maker ever, or Mr. Frenchman and a series of stupid events
nicomal7519 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I hate when characters make stupid decisions. Sometimes they are forgivable. But here is just one after the other, like leaving your deaf daughter alone when you know some drug traffickers may be coming to the place where you left her. Or sending home workers, practically an army, who could help you protect yourself and not calling the police. If he wasn't going to call the police why not give the drug back, why go to town to call the police only to return when he saw the bad guys, and call the police ON THE PHONE. The only one with half a brain was the drug dealer, and he is a criminal. The rest of the characters are stupid or helpless. But apart from the script you have the awful action scenes, where you don't know who is hunting who, there is no sense of geography to the scene, you don't know what anyone is doing. And for some reason the guy has cancer and is going to die soon, but does not affect the story at all, well he then goes to sell his property, but that does not go anywhere.
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Minding your own business
kosmasp29 April 2020
No pun intended. And maybe if the lead character wasn't so charismatic, the movie would not have struck as much with me as it did. So I see everyone voting lower and I understand. This is not a great thriller, it is more than decent though and even if there are cliches being served, we get suspense and edge of the seat entertainment.

It does what it says on the box and the last third of the movie is quite the payout for what we saw before that and all the silence or rather slow moving story for the most part. Violence is not always the solution, but this is a movie and it does what it has to - or rather our main man does. Is it enough though?
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Too damn dark
bcoburn8321 April 2020
Too damn dark, felt like I was watching a movie through a dirty periscope or apartment peephole. I understand what the director was trying to do but it was horribly executed.
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I Actually Enjoyed This Film.
I don't know why the rating (5) is so low. And I'm not sure why people complain it's dark. Maybe the dubbed Netflix version is, but I saw the original French-language one so maybe something was lost in the dubbing? To me, the weakest part was the acting, or should I say, over-acting of the daughter. Then again, she is deaf and all that crazy nonsense was going on around her. I suppose if I was deaf I'd be a freaked out mess, too. Yeah, there were some implausible decisions made, but the film wasn't slow-paced like others have stated. In fact, it moved along at a nice brisk pace. Recommended.
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Incomprehensible and confusing
imap-0523220 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With the sawmill scenario and a determined tough guy in the center of the story this could be at least an intellectually non-demanding but entertaining movie. However, there are too many stupid decisions by this allegedly smart 'hero', such as driving to get the police instead of using the phone (what he later did), leaving the deaf daughter behind, and sending the whole staff, all of them strong workmen home. The showdown is just an endless annoying gunfight we've seen 1000 times before; most of the time difficult to recognize who is who. No tricky moves by the the main character on the basis of his knowledge of the particular environment. Another trash, provided by Netflix not worth watching.
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Great French thriller
MikeWindgren17 April 2020
This a very good movie, with it's tense moments and some bloody scenes.

Acting is good, setting in the old sawmill is perfect for the story and is used very well.

Relax and see it on Netflix when you are into thriller, action movies.
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Nothing movie waste of time
nanhemail18 April 2020
One of the worse movie ever, very bad story very bad acting, practically nothing in the movie. What a waste of time. To add to this very bad acting.
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Terrific french flick
gorbos-4773017 April 2020
Is it worth a ten? Nope, but not far from it either. The ten is to counter the few dozen illiterates before me. What Hollywood used to do in the seventies has apparently been picked up by the french. What might that be, you wonder? Well, how about strong genre flicks also known as B-movies. Good acting mixed with lesser, bombastic score and blood splatter. And most importantly, the strong silent lead character who saves the day. Not many of those around any more, are there? Once again France has proven that feature films are not dead. Vive la France! Watch and enjoy.
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Good Gangster Thriller
Pairic19 April 2020
Earth And Blood: French gangster film. A gang steal back heroin from a police station but then try to cheat their boss. A sawmill owner becomes involved in the resulting mess. Some convincing action scenes in the police station, in a forest and in the sawmill. Sami Bouajila plays Said the ordinary man who fights back. Nothing particularly original but it's a competent thriller which keeps the tension going. Directed and co-written by Julien Leclercq. 7/10. On Netflix.
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Not recommend
josenunezpilone20 April 2020
I did not like it. Incredibly boring and very predictable story. Pass on this one and watch something else.
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An average kill 'em all - thriller
kostipynnonen9 December 2020
The main character carried the whole movie quite well but nothing special. There was literally a little less conversation and more action - French style. :) The picture is very dark.
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Ok, so it features Sami Bouajila
silverton-3795913 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sami Bouajila is a very good action/thriller actor and I've seen several films with him as the lead actor. They were all pretty good, so this film having him as the lead (Said) isn't going to be a bad film. Said is diagnosed with cancer and knows he doesn't have long to live so he's selling his business in order to leave something for his daughter Sara and her aunt, Catherine who are the true heirs to the property since Catherine is the sister of Said's deceased wife and the sawmill belonged to their father who is now dead too.

That part is the setup for why he's selling so abruptly. What ruins his plan is that a young employee (Janis) whose brother (Mehdi) is a criminal has stolen 8 kilos of dope from the local police evidence lockup and Mehdi is making Yanis hide the dope for him on the sawmill property. The way he does it makes no sense: making the kid switch cars with him and leave him the company SUV.

That's a dumb move that will immediately involve Said once the company vehicle is found to be missing, and another SUV, which Said doesn't recognize is there instead. Yeah, that's dumb. The dope is in a small enough bag that the kid could have just taken with him in the sawmill's SUV. That makes no sense at all. It turns out that Mehdi has contracted to steal back the dope from the police lockup for the dope's owner, a gang boss named Adama, who is a vicious sort of guy.

OK, so Mehdi is beaten up by Adama, because Mehdi was so stupid with his little plan to hand off the dope to his kid brother, and Adama goes to get the dope from the sawmill with a few of his crew who are also vicious guys. Adama then kills Mahdi once they get to the sawmill.

Said is going to go get the cops, but he sees the gang at the gas station, so Said guesses that someone is going to come for the dope and he goes back to the sawmill and gets out his double barrelled shotgun...

I know, it is sort of lame, but at least the sawmill guy is Sami Bouajila. Mayhem ensues and the killing scenes are pretty good, so there's that. Maybe 7 stars was too generous. Maybe not.
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earth and blood
marmar-6978029 April 2020
Earth and blood was a very weak watch to me,i didnt found any character to be interesting or to be at very least fun to watch,all of them were completly out of personality and they felt like they dont belong in this kind of film,story and its moving was also very slow and i found most of scenes to be tiresome and just to unimportant for this type of subject,dialogue was also very poorly written and it didnt catched my focus for more then 2 seconds,which is big flaw since films expecely foreign ones get tough regognition and films like this just put a bad name on them,earth and blood was a french film that is just very forgettable watch
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Dark - and not in the good way
dana-kellish7 May 2020
There's nothing, absolutely nothing, here that you haven't seen before. It's OK for what it tries to be, but that's not enough. And pretty much the whole thing is hard to see because the director shot it with the least possible light. Watch something else.
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French Films are SOOOO Underrated
kupcr18 May 2020
French actress Sofia LaSaffre plays a deaf character named Sarah and plays one well, although she isn't in real life which makes her an amazing actress. In this movie, Sarah's father, Saïd, owns a sawmill deep in the woods and he decides to sell it, but little does he know that one of his apprentices, Yanis, played by the wonderful Samy Seghir, had been forced by his brother to hide a large amount of cocaine inside the factory. French actor Eriq Ebouney plays a rough and tough drug dealer. This film is in French with English subtitles and is a well-worth edge of your seat watching. Such a great French action film.
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What i just did for myself
AhmedAshraf9125 April 2020
Terrible Movie ... You can watch it if you have nothing to do sbut if you want to see a good movie , please don't watch this ... An old story which made many times before . The movie is very dark so sometimes i felt like actors blurred while I watched it on AMOLED screen Really Baaad
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Big plot hole!
ddunck28 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If he didn't want any trouble. Why the hell he didn't just send the employee away with the drug once he discovered it?
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Rather efficient action movie !
fredenic-5570221 April 2020
Efficient B series which goes straight to the point and does not bother with unnecessary digressions, the French director (Julien Leclercq) returns with this action movie to a rural western but via Netflix.

Let's admit... Earth and blood is not a "big film" but a decent B series which ensures a constant spectacle and which keeps the spectator alert throughout its 1 hour and 20 minutes.

The plot is very simple: a guy who has little to lose will defend what he has left, namely his daughter and his moral values, against the assault of gangsters who come armed to the teeth to recover a bag full of drugs.

Sami Bouajila has the potential of the job to shine in genre cinema and the talent to give substance to characters however archetypal. And facing him, Eriq Ebouaney brings all his charisma to an implacable and cruel bad guy.

The dialogues clearly play on the economy, the cutting is sharp and the director takes care of his staging without necessarily seeking the beautiful image. He willingly summons a certain imagery of the western which fits into his story.

Basically, the film finds its identity as a rural western with big touches of country survival and siege film. As a matter of fact, there's an old tradition of French genre cinema that Eric Valette had unearthed with Le Serpent aux mille coupures. Here and there one would think of Total Western, Canicule or La Traque.

When the hunt takes place, the action becomes more and more present and the suspense settles permanently. There are sequences of chases in the forest of a rather ectic energy, sequences worthy of an undercover thriller in which the decor is largely involved, short shootings but still effective and well constructed, and even some scenes which leave a good place for savagery or even gore (in the sawmill).

Little room for nuance in this movie, with the good guys on the one side going to run up against the bad guys who attack them, but isn't that all that is asked with this kind of production: Efficiency and little small talk! Even if one can sometimes regret a somewhat dull photograph, seeking to transcribe the greyness of the Ardennes.
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Sami Bouajila is, at least, good
r96sk5 January 2021
Decent viewing if you just want to switch off your brain, but 'Earth and Blood' isn't anything good.

It's just so underdeveloped, there is little to no reason to care for any of the characters onscreen. We get pieces of backstory with a few of the protagonists, though the antagonists are completely plain and lack any creativity. I was never invested in this, unfortunately.

Sami Bouajila is, at least, good in the lead role. I've now seen three French language films and he has been in two of them; following on from the also underwhelming 'The Crew' from 2015, which is directed by Julien Leclercq too. I do like Bouajila. No-one else stands out, though I did enjoy Sofia Lesaffre as Sarah.

It has a few decent deaths, a solid lead and a couple of nice shots - though they could've used the Sawmill location to greater effect. However, disappointingly, it's a poor film all in all. It's a positive that it only runs for 80 minutes, but a bit longer could've helped it create some depth to the onscreen lot.
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Modern French western
searchanddestroy-118 April 2020
This feature is in the tradition of French crime westerns taking place outside the suburbs or cities at night. You can think about: CANICULE, LA HORSE, TOTAL WESTERN, LES GRANDES GUEULES....; Maybe a little more about LA HORSE, the scheme of drug gangsters who want to get their stuff back from a farm or another place in the deep France. Yes, we can watch it as a western with Sami Bouajila in a character very close to the one he already had in BRAQUEURS, a poignant role, a man lost in advance. The supporting characters are not the best I have ever seen, and that's a shame. But that remains a gritty, bloody and brutal French crime flick. I enjoyed the body count game...And one more thing, this movie came out thanks to Netflix, with whom directors have total freedom, no matter R rating or under 16 bull sh....they have to suffer for theaters release. Julien Leclercq said in an interview that the found a golden vein with Netflix, and many more French genre movies directors too.
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Actually surprised me
moroccananwar24 July 2022
Action with a twist, really liked the the saw mill setting wish there were more machine deaths lol, the colours and also the sound were nice. Adding a deaf girl gave the film good tension which she acted well. Can you imagine being deaf and in a situation? I like that really cool idea. Anyway why give low votes for a crime film that made such a good effort by introducing something different? It's an action film what do you expect. Anyway the characters were good and I enjoyed it for what it is.
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Amazing. Simply amazing!
marabue19 April 2020
Slowly building up. Great characters. Awesome photography. Intense and moving soundtrack. Outshines American movies by miles!
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