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Unique adventure movie, solid all around
bkam31 October 2003
Le Pacte des Loups is a fairly impressive movie. What other movie can spend two and a half hours on a ravaging monster fought by a scientist and his loyal Iroqois "brother" in 18th century France, and keep its audience enraptured? Its plot is a bit obscure in places, admittedly, leaving the audience not so much in suspense as confusion, but this is the unconventionality that comes with such a unique work. The acting was a bit above average, the actors and actresses combining well with the enchanting atmosphere and succeeding in making memorable characters. The score also contributes to the film's mysterious mood, and great cinematography (although occasionally overdone) helps it out too. While all this goes a long way to making a great film, it is the dazzling action sequences that make it a classic. The choreography is great, the sound effects make you feel as if you're standing a foot away, and the mystery of the movie is such that nearly every battle's outcome is uncertain. If the romance is trite, a few lines seem out of place, and the plot falters a bit, overall, this is still quite a movie to watch if you're looking for a lot of adventure and action. [8/10]
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Luxurious period piece marvelously filmed with good production design , evocative cinematography ,and spectacular combats
ma-cortes1 February 2014
Interesting as well as exciting epic movie plenty of violent fighting , thrills , inevitable ending confrontation and resulting to be a mix selection of genres . The picture is full of tumultuous sequences with frenetic action , surprises , wolf attacks , fierce combats and groundbreaking struggles . In 18th century France, a dashing hero , the Chevalier De Fronsac (Samuel Le Bihan) and his native American friend Mani (Mark Dacascos) are sent by the King Louis XV to the Gevaudan province to investigate the killings of hundreds by a mysterious beast (based on facts about an unknown animal who killed more than one hundred people in France at the end of 18th century) , a werewolf-like creature (made by Jim Henson factory) that has been massacring villagers . As an Iroquois valiant fighting alongside white blood brother . A huge wolf-hunt produces a pile of carcasses , but the attacks continue . Meanwhile , Chevalier and Mani visit a bordello , there meet Sylvia (Monica Belucci) , in fact the only person who knew the whole truth to both sides of the story regarding the beast and she manipulated Fronsac into dreaming and nightmare . Then , Chevalier falls sin love for a mysterious courtesan (Emilie Dequenne) and they are hindered by her jealous brother , Jean Francois (Vincent Cassel) . All of them become caught up in religious , political intrigues , rampant superstition and the vested interests of local aristos . At the end The French Revolution has swept the land and The Revolution has become the Terror.

This sumptuous period drama displays action-packed , Chop-Socky , thrills , swashbuckling , fast-paced and wild fighting images . It is an action-filled and violent film , being splendidly filmed by Christopher Gans . Director carries out an alchemical fusion of cinematic elements such as scary monster film , mystery , thriller , Kung-Fu and period drama . The movie was released in January 2001 and was a great success , as more than five million people saw it. Fights , attacks and exciting combats very well staged by expert Philip Kwok , the result is a strong entry for action buffs . Marvelous production design , set in 18th century France , though imbued with a 21th century sensibility . The picture was based on true events , in fact there actually was a Beast of Gévaudan which was a real wolf-like creature that prowled the Auvergne and South Dordogne regions of France during the years 1764 to 1767, killing about 100 people, often in bizarre circumstances and all the primary characters, except the Native American Mani, actually existed and lived during reign of King Louis XV. Extraordinary support cast formed by prestigious French actors such as Jérémie Renier as Thomas d'Apcher , Jean-François Stévenin as Sardis , Jacques Perrin as Thomas , Jean Yanne as Comte De Morangias Bernard Farcy as Laffont , Edith Scob as Mme De Morangias , Bernard Fresson as Mercier and Philippe Nahon as Jean Chastel . Thrilling as well as evocative musical score by Joseph LoDuca . Colorful and glamorous cinematography by Dan Laustsen .

The motion picture was stunningly directed by Christophe Gans and achieved big success at European box office . Universal Pictures paid $2 million for the rights to distribute this movie in the United States, and this movie went on grossing $11.2 million in limited theatrical release in the United States, making it the second-highest-grossing French-language movie in the United States since 1980 . Its director Christophe Gans is a good French professional who has realized a few but stunning films . Gans first realized Shorts and he then decided to make movies and directed one of the three parts of Necronomicon (1994) called "The Drowned" , later on , "Crying Freeman" from the famous Japanese Manga. And finally the big budgeted horror ¨Silent Hill¨ , he is nowadays preparing a new version of "Beauty and the Beast" .
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Interestingly eccentric blend of horror, period piece and martial arts - but it loses a lot of steam towards the end
MovieAddict20162 January 2007
The Beast of Gevaudan roamed the region for three years in the mid-18th century, killing 80 - 100 people in this time range and prompting the king to call upon numerous hunters to track the beast and kill it.

To this day, the Beast is an unsolved mystery. Some claim it was a deranged wolf with a blood lust (since it rarely ate its victims and would instead crush their skulls with its jaw), while others believe it was an extinct species of hyena. Others believe the beast has been exaggerated over the years and it could have merely been an escaped lion. Then there are those who believe it was a trained creature working with a human counterpart - an early serial killer using an animal to help him kill.

The movie is interesting because, like Mark Pellington's "The Mothman Prophecies," it takes an engaging urban legend and instead of trying to find any direct answers or make it a film entirely _about_ the creature itself, it uses the backdrop as a means to explore other elements.

"Le pacte des loups" (The Brotherhood of the Wolf) takes the story of the Beast of Gevaudan and twists it around quite a bit. Some of it works well - the mix of period piece and action movie is a nice blend - but particularly towards the end, once it turns into an unbelievable Jet Li-style martial arts flick, it goes down an awkward path and ruins a lot of what it has already established. It's the one thing that pushes the genre-bender over the edge and it really does feel too bogged down by that point. Also, the revelations during the finale - involving the beast and the plot behind its motivations - are fairly weak.

However, the setup is fine, and the movie is an interesting oddity: a weird little mix of genres that offers a bit for everyone, even if its ending is a let-down.
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Merchant Ivory takes up kickboxing
mikerichards23 October 2001
In 1765 something was stalking the mountains of south-western France. A 'beast' that pounced on humans and animals with terrible ferocity. Indeed they beast became so notorious that the King of France dispatched envoys to find out what was happening and to kill the creature. By the end, the Beast of Gevaudan had killed over 100 people, to this day, no one is entirely sure what it was, wolf? hyena? or something supernatural? Whatever it was, shepherds had the same life-expectancy as the red-suited guys in 'Star Trek'. The Beast is a popular myth in France, albeit one rooted firmly in reality; somewhat surprisingly it is little known to the outside world, and perhaps incredibly it has never been made into a movie. Until now, and what a movie!

Categorising 'Le Pacte des Loups' would be tricky, but I'll try. Its a period costume horror martial-arts werewolf movie and surprisingly all those pieces work together provided you don't concentrate too hard. Why no one has previously made a period costume horror martial-arts werewolf movie before is a mystery, but I expect plenty of imitations in the future.

Taking the Beast as its starting point the movie quickly diverges from historical fact and steps up the pace. We are introduced to the two heroes, Gregoire de Fronsac (Samuel le Bihan) and Mani (Mark Dacascos) in the midst of a torrential storm that culminates in the first of many magnificently staged fights. De Fronsac has been dispatched by the King to find the Beast. De Fronsac represents the new rational world of the Enlightenment which is being forced to confront the backward, superstitious France outside of the capital. Mani, an Iroquois shaman and hunter befriended by de Fronsac whilst adventuring in the Americas brings another type of wisdom entirely. At the time of the movie America was a dark and mysterious place, home to all of the fears of Europeans. Of course it was shortly to become the home of the very republicanism that would sweep across France and remake the Old World in a new image.

'Le Pacte des Loups' wears its republican colours on its sleeve and uses the conflict between rationalism and the stereotypical backward villagers to drive home the point. This is good old-fashioned horror movie territory and the source of much of the plot. Guvaudan is the sort of village that would give the inhabitants of Sleepy Hollow the creeps. If it were in England, Christopher Lee would be the lord of the manor and Peter Cushing the priest.

'Le Pacte des Loups' has one of the strongest French language casts possible, a mix of veterans and some up and coming talent. Here it is dominated by the priest Sardis (Jean-François Stévenin) and the saturnine Jean Francois (Vincent Cassel), a crippled hunter and explorer who rapidly becomes more dangerous than the Beast itself. Both are scornful of the changes coming from Paris and seek to shield their world from the future. The remainder of the population are either stupid, indolent, superstitious or just evil, holding back the new rational world of the big cities. The Beast is very much an extension of their way, as much as it is a physical monster, the Beast is a projection of all the villagers hatreds and bigotry.

A strong female role is unusual in movies, but two? And such different characters. There is the strikingly elegant and almost hypnotic courtesan Sylvia (Monica Bellucci), playing her role of seductress with frigid professionalism. In a world where women had little more than their wits to protect them, she is the most dangerous of all and far more than she first appears. For most of the movie you are unsure if she is going to help or hinder the heroes, she is always mysterious and captivating.

In complete contrast there is the innocent, fragile, and astonishingly beautiful, Madeiline (Emilie Dequenne), younger sister to the protective Jean Francois. Surrounded by evil, prejudice and superstition on all sides she is clearly the romantic heroine, but is also intended to represent the French Republic; the very symbol of which gives her name. De Fronsac falls hopelessly in love with this witty and charming woman, but in doing so he risks further conflict with Jean Francois.

The two leads are fantastic and share a chemistry reminiscent of the relationship between Butch and Sundance. Le Fronsac is wise when needed, with a sensational put down for those who think that Mani is less than human. Mani is a man of few words but utterly dominates the screen when present. Needless to say, they are both fantastic fighters.

Horror movies live or die by the creature and fortunately this movie delivers. Wisely there is never a chance to get a good look at the animal - it is enough to know that it is big and nasty, the viewer's mind will fill in the details. The creature is also used surprisingly sparingly. When the viewer might expect it to pounce it doesn't, a few minutes later it appears out of nowhere - wonderful, shocking stuff reminiscent of 'Alien'.

Whilst the design of the animal from the Creature Workshop is perfect, some of the CGI work is a little below the standards we have come to expect - a couple of the daylight shots are well-below par, but the nighttime work is outstanding. Indeed one shot where the creature stalks out of the fog behind the hero has to be amongst the most effective CGI work in film.

Cinematically this is some of the best work of late; it bears many resemblences to Ridley Scott's 'Gladiator' - luscious slow character-forming scenes mixed in with frantic camera work for the action scenes. Again, this strange hybrid style works exceptionally well, although perhaps it can get a little too frantic. Just about every camera and digital trick is used at least once, some to excellent effect (one flashback scene is particularly striking, using a strongly solarised effect to give it an otherworldly texture).

One of the designers was previously involved with Merchant Ivory productions and the luxurious interior scenes have every bit as much detail as any period piece, (and a special word for the costumes that use some of the most sumptuous fabrics possible). A good deal of the film is lit by candle or fire light, filling the screen with warm oranges and flesh tones (and the movie *never* misses a chance to show lots of flesh).

In contrast the exterior shots are frequently chill blues and washed out hues, making the French countryside look like a hostile world that could conceal all forms of dark secrets. The countryside itself is magnificently filmed and quite different to the stereotypical French landscapes.

Tragically all this splendour is playing to minuscule audiences, I saw it with just five other people whilst the queues for 'American Pie 2' stretched across the auditorium. Do yourself a favour and try a foreign language movie. For those people who think French cinema involves two middle aged peasants smoking Gauloises whilst arguing about the finer points of philosophy this film will come as a revelation.

At 140 minutes perhaps the movie runs a little too long and there are one too many plot twists (there is one near the end that is VERY difficult to accept, but just wince and accept it), but it doesn't outstay its welcome.

For the English-speaking market the film has been subtitled. Sadly they seem to be quite workmanlike translations and some of the wittier dialogue isn't translated, a shame because the script (even to this very poor French speaker) sparkles. A number of misspellings and grammatical errors in the subtitles should have been caught earlier, but for once you can actually read the subtitles.

This isn't great art, it doesn't redefine the genre and it doesn't preach. Horror by is very nature is irrational, there is nothing to learn from horror (apart from don't split up a group and never go down to the basement to check why the lights went out). This movie delivers over two hours of solid entertainment, you'll probably come out with a silly grin on your face - and what more do you want?

Finally, a word of praise for the most imaginative dissolve between two shots I have ever seen - a woman's breast fading into a mountain. No doubt the women of the World are eager to find out just what Christophe Gans can do with the Eiffel Tower.

In short, I have to give 'Le Pacte des Loups' two paws up.
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A brilliant genre film ...
beingofsoundmind24 November 2003
Candle-lit interior cinematography, lush misty landscapes, strong characters, exquisite costumes, an authentic boudoir recreation of 18th century French society, a new kind of savage 'monster' and some of the finest stylized fight scenes ever laid down in a 'genre' film, place "Brotherhood of the Wolf" among the classiest horror adventure films of all time.

Great moments include the culminating rage of Samuel Le Bihan's gentlemanly character 'Fronsac' who explodes into a Conan-like fury as he meets out 'justice' to those that wronged his Iroquois-Mohawk 'blood brother' played by Marc Dacascos, Vincent Cassel suitably creepy as the decadent 'Morangias', sensuous Monica Belluci as the dangerous and vicious 'Sylvia', interesting historical plot-points, and a bond of friendship between an unlikely pair of frontier adventurers, make director Christopher Gans "Brotherhood of the Wolf" an original masterpiece of 'genre' film-making...
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Good atmosphere, fine styling.
CMUltra20 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Slight Spoilers*

This is a movie I kept *meaning* to watch but for one reason or another never got around to. Last night I finally settled in with the requisite snacks and prepared to enjoy a werewolf movie.

I was surprised to find it was something different. It's a period mystery, set in 18th century France. That's not to say lycanthrope is not a subject of the movie but... well, you should watch it and see for yourself.

I'm not knowledgeable enough of France during that time (or most other periods) to comment on whether the movie is authentic in its detail. I can say, however, that the style is superb.

The director, Christophe Gans, uses Hong Kong choreographer Philip Kwok for the fight scenes. A smart move as many directors try to take on that job themselves. Action choreography is a discipline unto itself and, though a director may excel in dramatic or comedic execution they can fail miserably here. Gans' use of Kwok gives the movie a well presented quality throughout.

The story is also nicely done. As I said, it's a tale of mystery. A fantastic mystery, to be sure, but fans of the genre will surely be pleased. Le Bihan makes for a charismatic investigator and Dacascos as his Native American ally provides further dimension to the story.

The pacing could have been better. I saw the directors cut, which is well over 2 hours. As a mystery movie, one cannot expect constant action but there were times when the movie tended to drag under the weight of unnecessary scenes.

And then there were deleted scenes that should have, at least in part, been included. In the deleted scenes section of the DVD, Gans commented that the first fight scene (an exciting sequence in the rain with our two heroes facing a troop of French soldiers in drag) was shortened to delete Le Bihan's participation. Gans stated that he didn't want the audience to see Le Bihan in full action so early in the movie. However, when he does go into full martial arts mode late in the film, fighting the titular group, it's a little disconcerting. Since he displayed *no* martial arts prowess beforehand in the rather lengthy movie, we're left asking, "Now where did this come from?"

As far as the language, I recommend whichever method allows you to best watch the movie with the least distraction. I preferred the dubbed English so I wouldn't have to look at the subtitles. HOWEVER, the dubbed voices are not well acted. I will undoubtedly watch it again in the native language without subs now that I know the story.

Overall, this is an enjoyable mystery movie with plenty of action, a well done plot and fine acting. Check it out!

6.5 out of 10.
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-LE PACTE DES LOUPS- One of the Most ORIGINAL Movies in Modern Cinema. Warning: Spoilers

-- --The Brotherhood of the Wolf--- or -------El Pacto de los Lobos---- ---title in French, English and Spanish, respectively)


LE PACTE DES LOUPS is a very entertaining movie at the beginning and a film that invites a lot to reflection and afterthought in its middle and final parts. It also has very nice scenarios, both natural and man-made. It keeps us most of the time wondering about the outcome of the three parts that (IMO) constitute the central plot: the story of the characters, the story of the hunting of "The Beast of Gévaudan" and the history of La France and Europe as a whole during those years, corrupt monarchies and controlling church included.

Scenography is very good and really makes us dream about the "époque" the film talks about, with all its good and bad (and sometimes very very bad) things. We also had some very decent scenes of action and an overall feeling of being experiencing things very close to they way they should have been in France during the seventeen hundred and something. An eclectic mix of drama, terror, eroticism, martial arts and both historical and detective novels that I found completely enjoyable, thrilling and satisfying!!!!!!!

One of the most interesting things, I guess, is reading in the IMBb Trivia Facts about the real existence of a "Beast of Gévaudan" during the XVIII Century, same as most of the main characters depicted by the movie, even when we know that a lot of it'd have been novelized, knowing that virtually all the elements in the movie have at least some historical background is impressive, to say the least.

Thanks for reading

IMDb Review written by David del Real. México City. México. November 2017.
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Greatly entertaining and deeply stupid "potage a l'aventure"
1M27 January 2002
They threw everything in the pot on this one -- oversized mysterious woman-eating beast, Machiavellian court intrigue, religious espionage, hot enigmatic gypsies and even hotter enigmatic Italian prostitutes, a rakish knight accompanied by a jujitsu-master "Peau-Rouge" (it appears, in fact, that martial arts instruction for both sexes was de rigueur in 18th-century provincial France), life-saving potions, conspiracy paranoia, incest, racial intolerance, amputees, bizarre weaponry, several cans of Whup-Ass, and a little French revolution tossed in for seasoning. And I've left out a lot. A ludicrous popcorn movie that should be very very bad but is redeemed by sheer reckless enthusiasm (the tone is demonstrated by our martial-arts Iroquois shaking out his long black tresses in Miss Clairol slow-motion). If it seemed fun, they threw it in. Check your brain at the door and enjoy The Dissolve - a cut so ridiculous and juvenile it has become an instant classic.
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VERY Cool Movie
LebowskiT10009 February 2002
From what I saw in the previews this looked like an interesting movie, then I heard from some friends that it was pretty good, so some buddies of mine and myself went and saw it. I have to say that I LOVED this movie. I knew it was going to be subtitled, and I knew it was a French movie, but other than what I saw in the trailers, I didn't have a clue what to expect.

I must say that the trailers were PERFECT, cause they showed just enough to get you interested, but not enough to ruin the cool parts in the movie.

I was truly shocked at how good the "Beast" looked, I was really fearing that it would barely be shown and when it was it would look bad, but I thought it looked great! It was no T-Rex in "Jurassic Park", but nonetheless, it looked believable and quite real at times.

Then there's the fight scenes. These fights were incredible. My hat is off to Mark Dacascos, I saw him in two of his earlier films; "Double Dragon" and "Only The Strong" and was really impressed with his fighting in both of those films. As far as fighting goes though, I think this film takes the cake. Truly impressive, if you ask me.

His buddy in the film, Samuel Le Bihan, was a great fighter too. Mark seems much more of a martial arts fighter though, whereas Samuel is more of a weapon wielder, but equally impressive.

Like most movies there were a few scenes that I could have done without, but overall, I was really happy with the film. It was worth my $9.

Another thing I wanted to mention is the wardrobe. Normally I'm not one to really pay attention to the wardrobe, but it really stuck out in this film for some reason. The costumes were great in this film, I really liked the outfits that the two main characters were wearing in the beginning of the film when they're standing in the rain (the costumes shown on the poster). They just looked so cool.

If I had to complain about something in the movie, I'd say that the director went a little overboard with the slow-motion. And more specifically, the slow-motion-to-full-motion shots. There were certain times in the film where I KNEW the directer was going to slow the shot down and "surprise, surprise", I was right. But it didn't bug me enough to get me upset, just something that struck me as odd.

Well, I hope you like(d) the movie as much as I did and thanks for reading my review.

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An amazing discovery!
deacon_blues-8863222 February 2023
I had never heard of this film before. I was amazed at the gorgeous cinematography and set/costume design. Wonderful cast (especially Monica Belucci!!!). So many memorable shots!

The script and story are very intriguing and well executed. This is a fictional retelling of the French legend of the Beast of Gevaudan and the Chevalier Gregoire de Fronsac. Very detailed and well done!

Really nice creature effects and fight scene choreography featuring martial arts expert, Mark Decascos (Iron Chef).

All in all, if you're looking for a top notch action adventure horror period drama, look no further! This film does not disappoint!!!
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When the French make a Hollywood-like movie
Munin7526 August 2011
"Brotherhood of the Wolf" has all the ingredients of a mediocre Hollywood action film. Don't get me wrong, my favorite movies tend to be American, but Hollywood also produces many cliché action flicks lacking in originality, but champion in cheesiness. With this film, one can see the French have masterfully picked up on it.

Let me list examples showing how "Brotherhood of the Wolf" looks like a typical Hollywood movie :

-A narrator presents the movie to make it look more intellectual than it really is,

-Fight scenes in the rain with slow motion moments, typically with one dude kicking many people's ass all at once using eastern martial arts (in 18th century France),

-Cool American-Indian thrown in, whose medicine and knowledge is somehow better than that of a developed country, cause he's so close to nature and all..,

-Very politically correct denunciation of racism and ignorance (but granted, typical French movies also do that a lot),

-References to real historical facts in order to flatter the more cultured audience's intelligence,

-Female characters who other than their hotness are absolutely useless,

-Lack of character development (does anyone actually care for the main characters?),

-Surreal dream-sequence added to make the movie seem mystical,

-Uninteresting romance seemingly thrown in the movie for the Hell of it,

-Scene where the main character takes his revenge in a hate-fueled bloodbath,

-White guy goes all Rambo on the bad guys, dressing like an American-Indian in the process because he surely learned how to be a commando when he fought with Indians in North America,

-Unrealistic conspiracy theory revealed like it's something awesome,

-Final face-off fight during which the antagonist explains his actions,

-Many anachronisms,

-Cheesy ending which tries desperately to be tragic.

I surely forgot some moments, but these are examples which made me smirk or sigh.

"Brotherhood of the Wolf" stays a relatively entertaining movie, although sometimes I wished it could just cut to the chase, so I believe it at least deserves an average 5/10. But contrary to what many people have said, it most certainly does not look like a French movie. I believe many non-French people rated the movie highly because in truth it looks American, yet it's French so it felt "exotic" and they were perhaps pleasantly surprised. But if this movie were American, it wouldn't have been praised so much in my most humble opinion.

If you want to see a typical French movie, don't watch this one. If you like Hollywood action movies which aren't particularly original, you might like "Brotherhood of the Wolf" and then feel good about yourself for having watched a foreign film.
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Information warfare but with muskets - and Monica Bellucci - naked
LordVanRubenstein20 July 2021
If you are the King of France in the 18th century and your authoritarian mask is slipping, because of rumors and fake news, you are kinda in trouble. Your authority will be questioned by the peasants and the aristocracy. So, what will it be? Pitchforks and torches or poisoned wine? Your world is at stake!

What do?

Well, if you don't intend to just kill everybody, you better brush up on your Propaganda 101 and come up with a stronger narrative than your competitors.

The movie has great action scenes, great acting, great cast, great camerawork, great screenplay, great everything. One thing that stood out for me: all important characters have their own little story arcs and motivations to do what they do. No one is just evil for evilness sake.

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A powerful, ambitious production
Leofwine_draca12 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This modern French epic is a strange, definitely unique amalgamation of a number of different genres: set during the French Revolution, the storyline starts off as a classic horror yarn, with peasant girls being hunted down by an unseen beast (presumably a werewolf); then things move into a mystery-thriller with plenty of conspiracy and dark shadows; finally the film reveals itself to be an action-adventure, incorporating some very visceral and exciting elements of the classic revenge story into its design. There are also plenty of moments of drama and not a little romance thrown into the mixture. The result? Well, sometimes its muddled, sometimes it doesn't feel right and sometimes the whole thing gets a little bit silly, but for the most part this is an enthralling, thrilling film with a fresh feel and an unpredictable narrative. It's also one of the most surprising and entertaining films I've seen in a long time, lacking the predictability of most modern movies, sequels or otherwise.

Director Christopher Gans is obviously an accomplished technician, taking care to deliver a film with a distinctive visual style. The colour palette is exaggerated yet beautiful in equal parts; for the best example, check the splendid red costumes of the French aristocracy in comparison to the subdued, dull gloom of the haunted woodlands. Atmosphere and suspense are strong throughout, and definite care is taken with the sound editing, whether it be the ceaseless patter of the driving rainfall or the heaving atmosphere of a noisy brothel. The horror or 'attack' sequences are artfully played out, coyly refusing to reveal the identity of the creature; but when at last it is shown, the special effects do not disappoint. Gans uses some graphic violence and bloodshed sparingly, adding to the impact, so although this is not a bloodbath, it is sometimes a fairly strong film in that respect.

Unfortunately by necessity I watched the dubbed version of this film. It has to be said that the dubbing (by one or two English actors, seemingly) is fairly awful, reducing the effect, so the subtitled version is the one to go for if possible. The acting, as far as can be told, is strong, especially with Samuel Le Bihan's charismatic lead. A whole host of familiar French actors fill out the supporting parts, from Vincent Cassel's almost caricaturish turn as the one-armed de Morangais to Monica Bellucci as an alluring French prostitute. The only non-European actor is B-movie martial arts specialist Mark Dacascos, who undoubtedly gives us his best performance yet as the honourable Native American companion, Mani. Dacascos also takes centre place in the numerous martial arts sequences in this film, delivering a wide array of powerful kicks and bone-breaking punches. Gans goes a little overboard with the slow-motion in the fight sequences, but they can be genuinely electrifying, and get better and better as the film progresses until some moments literally drip with death-dealing power.

BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF: a strange film, yes, with a myriad mixing of genres which can be a little confusing, or unrealistic in places. Yet the overall impression is one of a powerful, ambitious production, created with infinite care and technical skill; I recommend it to one and all, just to see the kind of cinema the French are capable of when they feel like it.
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What the hell was that?
Superunknovvn7 August 2002
Since I'm a big fan of Vincent Cassel and horror movies I was looking forward to seeing "Le pacte des loups". Unfortunately the movie was a complete letdown. Started out interesting but then the story got more and more ridiculous. It seemed as if the makers didn't know what they wanted: action? horror? romance? drama? All and nothing. The martial arts were the coolest thing but didn't quite fit in. In the end I was glad when it was over.
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A Rainy Day Extravaganzza
vfuess4 August 2004
When it is cold and wet and foreboding outside, leaving one to fend for a good escape into fantasy and a time gone by, then this movie DELIVERS. Say whatever you want about miniscule "holes" in the story, or the tedium applied to the cinematography or the excessive use of slow camera effects in the fight sequences, THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT.

This movie carries the viewer into a whole new world- not like the one inhabited by Hobbits and Elves, and other creatures that obviously DO NOT exist- but rather a world of old France where the people are stranger than fiction and the times are changing. Fables meet their demise AND their verification in this film.

It's not a movie I would call a "favorite", but it IS a movie that I consider a "guilty pleasure" on a day that affords me three hours to slip out of my existence and follow a satisfying and well-presented fantasy. Every millimeter of every frame is a work of art, and that alone is worth getting lost in.
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This film is excellent.
Rooster9929 December 2001
I am very pleased to see French cinema depart from the "if you don't understand my movie, then you are not an intellectual" approach to film making. More often then not, French films have been explorations of relationships or psychological dramas. And they have generally been very difficult to sit through. Take "Place Vendome" for instance. It won all sorts of awards at Cannes, but is basically a very boring, unwatchable arthouse movie. This film is nothing like that. It is exceptionally well-made, it is exciting, horrifying, and will keep you glued to your seat. I have rarely been so impressed with a film. The plot is a little far-fetched, but it is based on a folkloric creature that stalked people in the 18th century in southern France. Therefore, if the movie gets a little bit super-natural, than I can accept it. After all, the "real" wolf was supposed to have killed over 100 people during it's reign of terror 200 years ago, and there must have been something odd about a wolf capable of such carnage.

Christophe Gans is the same person who directed "Crying Freeman", still one of the best action movies of all time (in my humble opinion). Mark Dacascos of "Crying Freeman" is equally in "Le Pacte des Loups", playing an Iroquois warrior, a traveling companion to the French protagonist. Where an Iroquois learned to fight like that, I will never know, but then again, I wasn't around during the French-Indian wars to verify how they fought:) Suffice it to say that the action sequences are terrific, the beast is terrifying, and the story is engrossing. This movie cannot be simply branded a horror film, nor an action film. It is a fantastic escape into pre-French Revolution France with a very large wolf thrown in. I loved it when I saw it in France in French. I bought the DVD as soon as it was out and watched it again. I am very pleased to say that it did not disappoint the second time around. I would highly recommend this film to anyone, providing they understand that : a) it is an action movie b) it has elements of a horror movie c) there are some supernatural elements to it d) it is set in 1780 in France e) it was originally filmed in French

If you can handle all of these points, you will love this film. Truly superb film-making. This is the only film I have rated to which I have accorded a ranking of 10.
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love the kung fu action
SnoopyStyle12 June 2015
In 1764, the beast arrives in France. In one year, the fear has spread far sending the region of Gévaudan into darkness. Grégoire de Fronsac is a naturalist from King Louis XV's court. He and his Iroquois companion Mani investigate. They examine survivors and bodies. They encounter Captain Duhamel and his men who are hunting the beast. Fronsac figures the beast to be 500 pounds.

This French movie marries a costume period piece with some kung fu action and the horrors of a werewolf. I don't find the costume drama that compelling. Other than Mani, I don't find anybody that compelling. I love the kung fu action though. It's a fascinating marriage. There are some fun moments with an interesting idea. The wolf horror isn't that scary but it's still good.
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Beautiful Epoque Film
dromasca12 December 2003
'Pacte des Loups' is a beautiful film, in the tradition of the French historical movies, but well adapted to the needs of the contemporary commercial cinema. Based on a French legend, it builds a complex and convincing story line, and I was captivated to follow the action despite the length of the movie. Filming, staging and costumes are of exquisite quality, and so is the acting, with Monica Belucci shining at the top of her acting career and beauty. Certainly the director made concessions to the the commercial cinema, and the story in the second part does not really meet the expectations of the well built tension in the first half. However, it is overall a good cinema experience and a film worth watching in the cinema, or renting the DVD version. 8/10 on my personal scale.
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A damn good movie, with damned annoying distractions
panquin4 June 2007
Someone in the comments called Brotherhood of the Wolf a great B-movie, and that is my take on this film - a superb diversion that doesn't insult your intelligence or waste your time in any way, but that, essentially, is a slight bit of Saturday-matinée semi-fluff. It's fun, it's historically accurate (right down to all the characters' names, save Mani), it's a period piece from one of history's most colorful periods (pre-revolutionary/revolutionary France)...hell, even the music is worth listening to (oh rarest of rare things!). Other wonders this movie deals in (that, again, are rare-to-nonexistent in 21st-century film-making): able acting, stars that aren't hyper-pretty (save, um, Monica Belluci, and her prettiness is quite contextual) and a very solid screenplay. However...

...you may've noticed I didn't mention those fight scenes that seem to send everyone over the hyperbolic edge - you know, the oh-so-super-cool Matrix-style fight scenes. Hey, okay, they're impressive, and as far as they're crucial to the story, they're necessary. But the direction of them using excessive slo-mo and crazed martial arts was (to my mind) utterly and totally fatuous, because when they happen they (ironically) distract from the ever- catapulting story that stops dead when the fights kick in. Also, generally, the direction was sound, but again, why the excessive use of slo-mo? It just got damned silly. The friend I borrowed this movie from reminded me that, when BOTW came out, Crouching Tiger and Matrix were all the rage, so of course this film went a bit over the deep end with the fights and slo-mo nonsense, and I can understand that...but...having seen it for the first time only a few days ago, I can tell you this: that style only hinders, only dilutes. It's like in the '80s, when established rock bands were going synth-crazy (Rush's Power Windows, for example), and you listen now and realize, "My God, cheese ages better than this." Ditto BOTW's heavy doses of absurd flying humans and slo-mo. Hasn't aged well, Mr. Gans.*

*To be honest, as much as I love the Matrix, that film's got the same problems when viewed in 2007. When the fights happen, it's hard to know whether to laugh or yawn or both at once.
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Crazy movie but what an incredible soundtrack
blond100029 July 2022
Yes the movie manages to encompass every genre imaginable, but it certainly keeps you in your seat with nary a dull moment. Even though its cheesy several actors do stand out. By far the most impressive thing is the brilliant sountrack, judt thst alone makes it a rollicking ride.
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My, what big teeth you have...
BA_Harrison17 May 2012
Christophe Gans' Brotherhood of the Wolf, a fictional account of the beast that terrorised Gévaudan, France in the 1700s, is a feast for the eyes from start to finish: whether it be a dark forest caught in a blizzard, a rain drenched, mud-caked smack-down, the lavish banquet hall of a stately home, a mutilated corpse in a pond, or the delights of a French brothel, every frame is a carefully composed, beautifully lit work of art.

Unfortunately, the film's narrative and pacing aren't quite as flawless as its visuals: the plot meanders aimlessly at times; at two and a half hours, the film is way too long for what is essentially a highly stylised slice of comic-book entertainment; and the flow of the film is not helped by frequent unnecessary use of slo-mo and freeze frame (Gans been watching too much John Woo?). The director also has a propensity to labour a point (seriously, how many pumpkins do I need to see explode before understanding that the characters are excellent marksmen).

Worse still, Gans seriously under-uses his greatest asset, martial artist Mark Dacascos, who plays an American Indian with Asian fighting skills (don't ask!); Dacascos's action scenes are so poorly pieced together that they lack any real impact (Samuel Le Biha's fight scenes are much better; his revenge driven rampage is particularly bad-ass, and he isn't trained in kung fu and karate).

Despite it's problems, however, I still rate The Brotherhood of the Wolf a reasonable 6/10—it's worth that for the marvellous cinematography alone, never mind the fact that it also stars the very lovely (and very naked) Monica Bellucci.
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Oh, come ON!
everyonesacritic-11 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Movie Summary: Full frontals (female, of course) for no reason other than just because, and martial arts. EVERYONE knows martial arts. Even europeans from the 18th century! Kick it with my ninjas!

And now, down to the nitty gritty:

Plot - There is one there somewhere, but the makers obviously had better things to do than follow it. More boobs, they said. More pointless fight scenes. More shots of that crazy peasant girl with tangled hair who shows up every now and then for a close-up to laugh like a maniac. And more lovelorn looks between whats-his-name and whats-her-face. Why? For no reason! I yawned a lot.

Cinematography - Very nice. It's always like that, isn't it, that when you see a movie that has absolutely stunning visuals, the rest of it is just pure manure. Costuming and the rest of the setting were also quite nice.

Score - Absolutely beautiful. A keeper.

Actors - Let's not go there... The male lead annoyed me to no end. He was so enamored with himself that I'm surprised he even noticed anyone else. He came across like a smug middle aged playboy who hasn't yet grasped the fact that while he was hot way back in the 70's, it was a long time ago. Now he just embarrasses his wife at parties. Giggidy giggidy giggidy! Even if I couldn't recognize any of the supporting actors, I can tell there were real actors there somewhere. I can always tell someone is a trained, experienced actor when he/she doesn't make me wish someone would kill him/her.

I can't say anything about how the director handled his job, because the rest of the film was so bad it distracted me.

Most disgusting moment: The rape scene. I just wanted to grab the person responsible by the neck and shake them. Why was this scene in the movie? It was irrelevant, to say the least. And made me want to take a shower.

Most irritating moment: The brothel scene. As a female viewer I found it unnecessary (see above), and demeaning. I'm so sick and tired of male fantasies I could scream.

Most disappointing moment: When the 'beast' (whatever it was) was shown completely. It was silly. And it was never explained just what exactly it was. Except that, apparently, it was made of wicker and flesh and doodled on a napkin in a café by H.R. Giger and H.P. Lovecraft. While it might have looked kind of cool as a creature, it felt very out of place in the movie. Haven't been this disappointed in a creature since I saw the Village.

Most rewarding moment: The end credits.

Hated it.
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An insane mashup
BandSAboutMovies27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's pretty amazing that this French language film played cineplexes in the United States, but I saw it twice in theaters during its run and bought the DVD as soon as it came out. This is a film that I am evangelical about, purchasing numerous copies for people and recommending it to countless more.

How many other movies do you know that have incestual werewolves battling the martial arts of a royal naturalist and his Native American companion while Monica Belucci plays a courtesan who is really an assassin for the Pope?

Grégoire de Fronsac, a knight of King Louis XV of France, and his Iroquois friend Mani (Mark Dacascos) have come to the French village of Gévaudan. A mysterious beast has been killing people and seems to be controlled by a human master.

The truth is that the town - in fact the entire country - is consumed in a conspracy to undermine the king of France. Somehow, this beast will help their cause, as the Brotherhood of the Wolf wants to restore God through blood and chaos.

Not many period pieces combine horror, martial arts and mystery all in one movie, but I've always found this combination to be perfect. There's also an audacious shot of Belucci's cleavage that transforms into a mountain range that is so ridiculous that I cheered in the theater.

This was based on a true story, as the Beast of Gévaudan was a wolf-like creature that killed 100 people in the Auvergne and South Dordogne regions of France from 1764 to 1767. Also, all od the primary characters, with the exception of Mani, actually were real people who lived during the time of King Louis XV.

Director Christopher Gans also made Crying Freeman, a Japanese anime adaption also with Dacascos, a 2014 reimagination of Beauty and the Beast (starring Vincent Cassel as The Beast, who - spoiler - is a member of The Brotherhood of the Wolf) and video game adaption Silent Hill.

There's really no other movie like this. I've barely scratched the surface of it in my explanation, but that's because I want you to discover it for yourself.
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Astonishing collision of genres, way ahead of its time
Libretio29 May 2005

Aspect ratio: 2.39:1

Sound formats: Dolby Digital / DTS-ES

In 18th century France, a young naturalist (Samuel Le Bihan) and his Native American companion (Mark Dacascos) are employed to hunt down a bloodthirsty 'beast' which has killed dozens of women and children. But their investigation uncovers an appalling conspiracy which cuts to the very heart of French high society...

Loosely based on true events, this high-powered Gallic blockbuster - directed by Christophe Gans, hired on the strength of his incredible genre-bending adaptation of CRYING FREEEMAN - wowed French audiences when released in 2001. And no wonder! A high-kicking combination of horror movie, period drama, political thriller and "Matrix"-inspired kung fu pageant, the film combines the best elements of these disparate sub-genres in a dazzling display of technical wizardry. Beautifully photographed by Dan Laustsen (MIMIC, THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN), and played with solemn conviction by an all-star cast - including relative newcomers Vincent Cassel (LA HAINE), Monica Bellucci (the "Matrix" sequels) and Jérémie Renier (CRIMINAL LOVERS), and veterans Jean Yanne (most recently seen in BELLE MAMAN) and Edith Scob (the elegant heroine of Franju's EYES WITHOUT A FACE) - the movie is a riot of action and intrigue, sustained by a multilayered screenplay (co-authored by Gans and Stéphane Cabel) which recounts an elaborate fable of class warfare and religious bigotry during a grim period of French history.

The fight scenes - choreographed with ruthless efficiency by Hong Kong movie veteran Phillip Kwok (MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE, HARD-BOILED, TOMORROW NEVER DIES, etc.) - are fashioned with elegant grace, and edited to perfection by Sébastien Prangère and David Wu (another prominent HK movie figure, Ronny Yu's current editor of choice). Much of the film's otherworldly visual texture is due to the sumptuous art direction (by Guy-Claude François) and costume design (by Dominique Borg), which roots proceedings in a recognizable period 'style', despite Gans' resolutely modern approach to the material. It shouldn't work, but it does, somehow. The 'explanation' for the beast and its murderous activities - which takes into account a wide range of modern research into the story of an animal which really DID terrorize the French countryside during the 18th century - forms the backbone of the entire production, and while much of the film is a rip-roaring joy, the climactic sequences are offset by an element of tragedy and sadness, which thoroughly distinguishes the movie from most of its Hollywood counterparts. All in all, BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF is a magnificent folly, way ahead of its time, and quite unlike anything ever made before. A triumph.

(French dialogue)
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Tone down the cheese
isabelbutic22 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
If a movie wants to look like its art, then it should actually mean something. At least make sense and wrap up subplots that were left hanging. But if the writers just wanted to play around by splicing together every B-movie/popcorn-flick gimmick- then they shouldn't take themselves too seriously. A good example of genre mixing would be Kill Bill. There is such a tongue-in-cheek, wink-wink, nudge-nudge feeling to the ultra violence, corny dialog and preposterous events (i.e. who needs physical therapy when you have will power?). Some completely unbelievable, messed-up stuff goes down in that flick. But hey, it's just a romp down grindhouse movie memory lane. I may be wrong, but I don't think that was the intent of the writers for Brotherhood of the Wolf. Basically, the tone and look was all wrong, wrong, wrong for such an ultimately low brow endeavor.

***Warning: contains spoilers***

First, it was way too long for such a cheesy mess of a film. Now I think Tarantino made the right move by splitting Kill Bill into two movies. BOTW didn't need to do that. Instead they should have cut the useless scenes, subplots that lead nowhere and the aristocratic romance. That's the second thing. Frosnac & Marianne's relationship was completely unbelievable. Sheltered, stand offish girl is the desire of every man in the province why? Because the characters said so, and the camera does close ups on her. Then this cocksure naturalist (with no aristocratic blood) waltzes in and wins her heart. So predictable -it gave me the dry heaves. But even worse was that he's like 35 and she looks like she's 16, 17 tops. Help, someone call CPS!! They should have done away with Marianne all together, and concentrated on the relationship between him and Sylvia. The intrigue and danger surrounding the witch/prostitute/undercover spy would make a much more interesting story than the banal affair with virginal Marrianne. At least it would be more believable- Frosnac looks like a dirty guy. Third- poor Mani. I had a feeling he was gonna die the second I saw him step onscreen. Following the formula, I knew someone had to be killed in order for the lead character to go ape sh!t and seek revenge- I was just hoping it would be Marrianne. (Sigh) I can't wait for Kill Bill Vol II to come out.
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