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This is a Netflix movie...that's all you really need to know
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix has perfected the art (I use that term loosely here) of churning out cliqued, ho hum action movies that usually try to see how many earlier, better movies they can steal ideas from then use those ideas badly.

Rebel Moon a sci fi version of this formula just as The Grey Man was a spy thriller version of it and Extraction Two was a shoot-em-up version of it. But here it's really pushed to the nth degree. The plot of this movie is lifted from several other, better movies, there's really nothing original here at all and you know what's going to happen way before it does. Throughout it's 2+ hour run time (!) you keep getting the feeling: "where have I seen all this before?"

Add to that an incredible number of cliques and worn out plot devices and characters who are so two dimensional that if they turned sideways they'd disappear and you've got Rebel Moon.

And once again we have the 100 pound woman who can kick the butt of any guy twice her size with twice her body mass. God this has been done to death! It's so overused that it just looks stupid now but here it's made worse by the fact that Sophie Boutella looks like a strong wind would blow her away and her fight choreography is really awful, almost as bad as her acting. She really just doesn't have the chops to carry a movie, even a good one and this isn't one of those. That she's backed up here by a cast of cliqued, uninteresting, two dimensional and badly acted characters just makes it more noticeable.

The "story" just moves from plot point to plot point through holes in the that plot big enough to fly a space ship through and characters doing nonsensical stuff because the script tells them to. Everything that happens is boring and predictable and at times an actual insult to the viewers intelligence. Bad story, bad acting, bad action scenes and bad CGI are all you're going to get here. If that sounds like fun to you then enjoy and wait eagerly for part two. Personally I think wasting over two hours on part one is sufficient.
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