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Review of Liaison

Liaison (2023)
Not As Good As it Could Have Been
8 April 2023
Having seen the complete series, I can't recommend this Euro-series. The story never really grabbed the viewer, and (maybe because I'm an American) the "risk" never really registered with me. Beyond that, I didn't like most of the characters (many of whom will killed off--with no impact on me) or their choices. The one "pure at heart" character basically gets shafted--while many of the loathsome characters survive and flourish. Speaking of characters: I've always loved Eva Green since her early films, like "Dreamers"--and lately she's been making horrible choices in projects. "Liaison" is just the latest. Finally, there's Vincent Cassel. I've never liked him--especially as a Leading/Romantic type. He's way too self-centered; and his facial expressions gives new meaning to the phrase "He has a punch-able face." Needless to say, I found his character in "Liaison" unappealing. Bottom line: because of a storyline & characters not worth caring about, and unappealing actors, in a world of "Night Agent" and "Gray Man" and even "Red Notice" there is no reason to spend hours with this silly "Liaison."
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