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The Last Duel (2021)
Underappreciated movie that should have been better recieved
19 February 2023
The Last Duel is a very well directed, well acted historical drama that, while a bit long, is well worth your time. As has been stated here in the trivia section, it was one of the most notorious box office bombs of 2021 but that doesn't mean it's not an excellent film, it is.

I think there were several reasons for its poor performance in theaters. First is that it didn't appeal to todays younger movie goers because it is a historical film with a complicated plot that actually requires some thought and it doesn't have any characters dressed in Halloween costumes with super powers.

Second is that it was one of the films that Disney inherited in their purchase of 20th Century Fox and while they were contractually obligated to release it they did almost nothing to promote it. Proving once again, as if anyone needed further proof, how galactically inept Disney has become at the entertainment business in the last decade.

The effort put into this movie by all involved is apparent on the screen in almost every scene. True it does have a long running time that likely could have been trimmed down a bit but it holds your interest well throughout. It has excellent production values, acting and directing and is a film that forces you to think about what you're watching. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys intelligent movies about real people.
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