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Review of She Said

She Said (2022)
The actual story is way more intense and dramatic then this bland movie adaptation.
7 December 2022
Not any good? Well, Carey Mulligan is a favorite actress of mine and she was THE reason I started watching it. And she does act well. (when doesnt she?), BUT...

The bad: this movie is void of real drama. That's incredible, when you think this is one of the most (if not) THE most explosive story Hollywood has faced the last decade. But what we as viewers actually get to see are LOTS OF BLAND talking scenes in boardrooms, with lots of supporting actors who are there there, without any real merit to the stories dramatic arch.

Perhaps it adds new insights? New angles of looking at sexual intimidation and violence? Nope, the story is straightforward simple, longwinding and TEDIOUS.

Not terrible, but terribly bland, because it is severely lacking in true heartfelt drama.
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