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Fair Haven (2016)
Good intentions
19 October 2022
I wish I liked this more, but it's all very predictable, pedestrian, ABC Movie of the Week kind of stuff. It does certainly mean well though. A small town boy is sent to a gay conversion camp and then comes home to his single dad, Tom Wopat looking his years, supposedly "cured". He very rapidly runs into his former boyfriend and after some resistance, he gives up the nonsense that being gay is something that can be cured and the question then becomes can his father accept him. The lead, Michael Grant, isn't bad, but he isn't a strong enough actor to truly pull us into his pain and longings. He's a better piano player. Josh Green, as the love he is trying to run from, gives a stronger performance. Gay conversion therapy is a cruel and pointless thing to put anyone through, so I applaud this attempt at showing the pain it causes, but you'd be better off seeing Boy Erased or have some fun with the topic with But I'm a Cheerleader. This is neither all that affecting or any fun.
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