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Ad Astra (2019)
Space Odyssey
4 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is obviously not a hardcore sci-fi but falls into the genre of space opera, which was first developed in the 40s. Its aim isn't to creat a story based on solid science, plus all the so called illogical plots are explained in the movie already.

Moving on to what this movie really is about, it's not, in my opinion, about "how we take things for granted", or the father son love cliché. It's an attempt to answer how we deal with the feeling of hollowness and emptiness in our daily life, how to find meaning in the often seems to be meaningless universe. Pitt, like his dad, wasn't a man of too many feelings. He wouldn't seek remedy for his failing marriage, couldn't have sympathy for his dead colleagues, didn't even have bad dreams. The reason he could stay so calm under all circumstances to a degree of heartless is that he doesn't have an anchor in his life or couldn't find a thing to live for- due to his father's abandonment. His father's chose to seek solution in outer space in the firm belief that there are intelligent beings out there and he simply couldn't accept the fact that their mission had failed. Roy went on a different path though.

To my disappointment, it seems like the movie is trying to talk about something deeper and more philosophical like existentialism or nihilism but somehow didn't managed to execute well. Apart from it, it's a depressingly beautiful movie with great cinematography, music, special effect and all others.
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