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Drags A Lot
1 February 2018
For some reason, I feel the need to review this film because it's not a terrible film but I was kind of let down

This film drags so much. One of the biggest issues is it's pace, it drags and goes on and on without much pay off or anything dramatic happening

A root of this problem is from the fact that there's barely any conflict in this film

There aren't much challenges or hurdles, but since this is a self discovery film, that's a bit forgivable but the fact that there's not really any conflict at all or the problem that the film doesn't highlight that conflict until the very third act is problematic

The characters are also lacking something. Even though the film spends so much time developing the relationship between the two main characters and establishing their personalities, I never got the sense of knowing the characters or understanding what they were about

It's really messy and there's a lack of focus/direction and there are way too many distractions

There are positives too. The film doesn't rely on exposition that much and the characters do a good job of expressing their emotion without using on the noise dialogue, and that's credit to some really great performances by Timothy Chalamet and Michel Stuhlberg

The cinematography is also really good. And the soundtrack is amazing, they chose the right songs for the right scenes.

What this film really had it going for itself is that it didn't feel like a film, it felt like a real life experience.

But there are issues that made this film dull and kind of unbearable.

It's not a bad film, I can appreciate it's positives but it didn't quite click with me, it's my least favorite oscar contender.
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