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Not sure if it will work for people that don't understand French
22 August 2017
I didn't know what to expect from Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis. The story sounded all a bit cliché to me but since a lot of my friends in Belgium used their expressions after watching the movie I thought I give it a shot. And honestly I did like the movie. I don't know though if it will work for English speaking people or other languages than French in fact. Because if you don't understand or speak the French language a lot of humor will make no sense at all, even translated. Because most of the humor comes from the dialect they speak in the North of France, close to the Belgian border. For me it was all easy to understand since I'm from Belgium but I have my doubt it will have the same effect on other people not understanding French. Basically the story is a guy moving from the South of France to the North and of course he has the usual prejudice about it being cold there, and full of a bit retarded people. It's like somebody from California was forced to go live in Alaska. Kad Merad and Dany Boon are playing the main characters and they did a good job. Don't expect it to be a great story, it's just a funny view between the differences of North and South.
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