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Frost/Nixon (2008)
Who knows how accurate it is, but entertaining all the same
20 October 2016
"Frost/Nixon" was a curiosity for me; for one, I wanted to see Frank Langella as Richard Nixon, and the other reason is just to see how they'd distilled so many hours of interviews into a two-hour running time. I've never seen the original footage, so I can't speak to the film's accuracy, but it makes for great Hollywood dramatization nonetheless. Ron Howard frames it as a boxing match; an inexperienced journalist facing a veteran who knows how to run rungs around his opponent. Langella comes alive when he taps into Nixon's ferocity, and the movie really gets interesting when Michael Sheen stops soft-balling and goes on the attack. If you're going into this for two great performances, it excels on that basis alone.

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