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Typical french comedy
18 March 2012
This movie is definitely not an Oscar material, but if you don't know what to do of your evening and want to enjoy harmless fun without too much thinking, then this is for you. The main story revolves around a trio of cops coming from the minority living in France (1 African Arab, 1 black African and 1 Asian) who are assigned the task to find a serial killer, who kills and rapes women in the french town Villeneuve. Their investigation leads to many comical and absurd situations, which are used to complete the main plot of the movie. Most of the jokes of in the movie are clichés about Islam, Muslims, and minorities in France in general but without being really offensive. I enjoyed also the appearance of the "muscles from Brussels", Jean-Claude Van Damme. It's refreshing to see him in a comedy role for once, and also to see him acting(?) in french again after JCVD. But as I said, not an Oscar material, so do not expect to be amazed by a great story or an incredible acting work despite the presence of some famous french actors (Jugnot, Belasco...)
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