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From Beyond (1986)
A very disturbing but also creative movie...
7 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea what to expect when I downloaded this movie. The plot summary on IMDb seemed interesting to me. I didn't look at any other aspects to keep myself spoiler-free.

I have to admit that the movie surprised me in many ways. As it happens, I apparently watched the uncut (director's cut) version of the movie.

There are some really strange and disturbing scenes in this movie. There is a scene where a woman dresses herself in black leather and continues by touching a man in... certain places. I don't know if the normal version of the movie has that, but that's what I saw.

HP Lovecraft's From Beyond tells of two scientists experimenting with a device called a Resonator. With it they are able to amplify a part of the brain known as the Pineal Gland. To their amazement, they see a new world inhabited by creatures unknown. However it becomes clear too soon that these creatures aren't very friendly...

A clever, creepy and sometimes disgusting or disturbing movie. You need to have some sort of experience with movies like this or else it could be too much for you.

I recommend this movie to any fans of strange, gory movies. Fans of HP Lovecraft's work will love it, I'm sure.

7 out of 10 stars. It's certainly not a bad movie, just very strange...
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