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Into the Wild (2007)
The glorification of a mentally unstable kid who runs away from home
13 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Besides the cinematography and music I completely hated Into The Wild. The following is a list that expresses this hatred toward the glorification of Chris Mccandless, a mentally unstable kid who runs away from home. Spoilers. 1. Chris teaches us that when you have problems at home, just run away. 2. Apparently he and his sister are the only kids to ever have to deal with fighting parents. 3. How could he just leave his sister? He obviously loved her and took care of her. But no, he leaves her there with his psycho parents. Never writes her or anything. 4. He was too scared to stand up to his father. He just ran and hid when his dad hit his mother. 5. He turned down a brand new car from his parents to keep a piece of crap. 6. "I don't need money." Umm lets see he needed money for a kayak. He worked for Vince Vaughn and Burger King for money so he could make it to Alaska. Just a little hypocritical there. 7. Apparently being a free-spirit makes you an expert kayaker. 8. Everyone he meets is the absolutely nicest person you could ever meet. 9. The male hippie's lines are laughably bad. 10. Male hippie tells Chris that he and female hippie are not doing good. Chris talks to male hippie for about 20 seconds and then goes swimming with female hippie. Male and female hippie go back to being completely in love. 11. The amount of times the word "Alaska" is uttered is just annoying. 12. Without the abandoned school bus he would have made it about a week. 13. Living in an abandoned school bus is not exactly living off the land, forgetting society. He slept on a friggin cot, had a place for a fire, and had sufficient shelter. 14. Man. Sitting there by yourself in an abandoned bus in the freezing cold. That's living man. Wow. 15. He thought he could make it in the Alaskan wilderness with no map. 16. His story is basically now a tale of what not to do with your life. 17. The only real thing he learned from his adventure is that "Happiness is only real when shared." Umm ya think? There's probably other ridiculous stuff from this movie that I forgot about. This movie makes this kid into some kind of hero when the only thing he accomplished was committing suicide.
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