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Awful and Disgusting
27 December 2006
I gave 2 points out of ten, and those 2 points for visual effects, technique and colorful costumes. The rest? Crap. I don't know how to describe it...maybe like 1960s' James Bond movies, childish. What they call "historic events" is just a plot, a scene for the movie, nothing to do with real historic events as the movie does not have such a purpose....The maps are just a decoration, which really look good, but again unreal. That is OK, but why do they try so hard in the advertisements and so on to show it as a "historic movie" And if the movie is really an action movie, why do they depict Turks not only as villains, but also ugly and stupid? In many scenes Turks stumble and fall! They cannot run, they cannot hold a gun properly and fire! If we were in 1930s maybe we would laugh....But now, it felt disgusting. Heyy, look around guys, finance is just a prerequisite for making films, it shouldn't be the film itself. (((
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