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Review of Chopper

Chopper (2000)
Best portrayal of a psychopath since Taxi Driver
10 July 2006
Not for the faint of heart this movie gives a grim insight into the mind and life of a career psychopath. Many of you will know or know of people like 'Chopper' and most of you probably cross the road when you see them coming. Based 'on fact' some portions are a bit too over the top to be fully believed but the movie makes apology for this from the outset. Eric Bana's performance is simply awe inspiring and the supporting characters and performances throughout are believable, convincing and multi-layered. Despite 'Chopper's obvious mental problems, his manipulative charm, animal cunning and the intelligence behind the insanity all shine through Bana's eyes. Direction is tight and non-intrusive, almost documentary style and i must say it works really well. Its one of those films you very quickly forget your watching a movie. While i do enjoy flashy and creative camera usage some films don't need it, this is one of them. The story is funny, sad and shocking in almost equal measure and this is one 'little' movie i'm very glad i stumbled across, thoroughly recommended viewing, i give it a 9/10. Congratulations to all on worked on this, you made a rough diamond.
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