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This movie is aging well - worth a look for a 2nd look
17 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS -- There is no shortage of people complaining about this film, but ST5 is a charmer for one simple reason - it is best-ever rendering of the Kirk, Spock and McCoy partnership the series ever produced.

Trekkie's generally see the movie as the stepchild of the series, and even the Trek establishment writes it off as non-canonical. Many complain that the movie distorts the characters, or exploits them for humor. To them I'd say the movie offers some of the deepest moments in the relationships between Kirk, Spock and McCoy that the series ever had. THIS SHOULD BE STRESSED, in this chapter the three likely have more scenes together than they ever had anywhere else. Not every moment works, but together they grapple with betrayal, joy, doubt, loss. They do it with friendship, camaraderie, heroism and joy that justly makes them one of the most memorable pop-culture phenomena ever. (I do pity the rest of the original cast, most of whom have at least one unenviable scene.)

It's great to return to this film and see these guys doing what they do best - long after they retired from the roles. Shatner and Paramount may have bungled a few things here, but I forgive them, because the three leads hit all the right notes. Give it a fair shot and see for yourself.
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