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Not as bad as it seems...
12 January 2003
Being the tenth of the series, where else could they bring this franchise to? We have the Next Generation crew seeking out new life and new civilizations, boldly going where no television franchise has gone for 7 years. They have covered virtually every facet of science fiction but what are truly gems to me are the "quiet" episodes where human drama takes precedence.

Nemesis is a good human drama that plays in the backdrop of average science fiction. On one hand, you have a charismatic megalomaniac take-over-the-universe-with-weapon-of-mass-destruction villain versus a Federation flagship captain who has seen it all. On another, you have the sweet partings of a family that has stayed together for the past 15 years.

The weakness of this movie is that it tries to balance both within the confines of a feature film catering to 2 crowds simultaneously- the Trek fan and the general public. What ended up on screen is a compromise of sorts, though I guess that Paramount should make it up to the fans in the future DVD release by incorporating some key deleted scenes to make this a movie worthy of being a "generations last journey".

Mainly for the human drama, I'm giving this movie a "10" as a tribute the tireless cast and crew who has extended Gene Roddenberry's vision and made the "Star Trek" universe relevant to the people today.
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