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From Beyond (1986)
Humans are such easy prey!
30 September 2001
This film is without a shadow of a doubt, the best film ever - believe! Pure twisted weirdness that pummels you into submission, without ever letting you catch your breath. Starring the great Jeffrey Combs (Re-Animator), as the unfortunate Dr. Crawford Tillinghast who is assisting his superior - Dr. Edward Pretorius in creating a resonator with the intent to stimulate the pineal gland in a dormant part of the brain (to create a sixth-sense). Unfortunately, things don't go as planned (it would be pretty boring if they did!) and Dr Pretorius gets his head bit off ("Like a gingerbread man!") after weird slimy creatures start to appear while his sidekick gets away from the house but is blamed for the death and put into an asylum. A very sexy doctor - Dr. Katherine McMichaels accompanied by a Shaft wannabe - Leroy 'Bubba' Brown ("I'm the LAW here!") remove Crawford from the institution and back to the dreaded house to recreate the experiment and prove Crawford's innocence, needless to say, Crawford is a bit miffed about leaving his cosy straitjacket and; relative safety.

There are GREAT lines (especially from Combs) - "Alright! Come and get me...EUNUCH! This time I'm not running away!", gross-out effects aplenty - heads being twisted off, killer bees that reduce their victim to a bloody, boney mess, and just look at how Dr Pretorius slowly changes into something vile;

Crawford - "My God Edward, what have you become?"

Pretorius - "Myself!"

Pure genius.

I love this film, I really do. If not for the fact that there is never a moment of boredom, the fact it has a real Lovecraftian sense of dread, or the way it manages to come off looking like some kind of acid trip, then just to see, Barbara Crampton in full S&M gear.

Oh, the movie was filmed using some sort of pink filter, which just adds to the weirdness. Did I mention how great it was?

See it (wo)man, just see it!
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