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Viewing messages 1 to 50.

George Robert Greig | E-mail
My father was given a comemorative plate by one of the survivors at the POW, camp in Nethy Bridge
Moray Scotland at the end of the war,it is very difficult to confirm that it came off the Bismarck. though he is no longer with us, he would have liked to prove its provinance.
I can supply photos of this item, & a press clipping of my father with his plate. I hope someone can help confirm. Thanks :
15 November 2009 - Scotland UK

Anthony Marshall | E-mail
The Bismarck was a true battleship in the sense of the word. Very sad for it to be sunk with such a large loss of life, as was the loss of HMS Hood. Both beautiful ships both lost to the casualty of war.
11 November 2009 - Scotland, UK

Jim Moser | E-mail
I was just looking at the crew roster and i came across a sailor, His name was leopold Moser I was just wondering how I would go about finding out if I might be related to him Since my relation came from germany back in the 1800's Please Email me with any info.Thanks Jim Moser
8 November 2009 - Irma, Wisconsin. USA

Commander Nick Messinger | E-mail
Brilliant archive on Ark Royal,in which my late father served throughout her Force H operations.
6 November 2009 - England

T O'Hara | E-mail
I bough 4 range finders one 2 world war 3 first and 2.the one is from the Bismarch, its from one of the big guns and its four feet high and is made of Bronze. It has a badge, is by Carl Ziss.It is very heavy. One of the three is very odd,i think it was for low flying bye plains.
30 October 2009 - Liverpool

weston | E-mail
This site about Bismarck is very helpful and enrich. visitors will surely be benefited. Thanks!!
28 October 2009 - israel

Karen Lindeman | E-mail
The Captain is my distant cousin. It's great to have a site like this to learn about his ship.
Thanks so much!
25 October 2009 - Danville, CA

alecfitzgeorge | E-mail
this is one of my favourite sites, i am now in the process of building this superb ship.ie model only thanks very much alec
4 October 2009 - United Kingdom

i was only 12 when i bought my first book about BISMARCK.now i'm 44 but my interest did not chnage at all. in the navy musuem of liverpool at albert dock i saw a piece of BISMARCK'S Bullet that was found on the HMS RODNEY during the final battle.i was impressed, that was the only part of BISMARCK i could ever see in my life time.i look forward to visit hamburg anyway. all glory and honour to the brave german sailors who signed the book of HISTORY and died for their country.
28 September 2009 - ITALY

Marco Ziegler (Mayer) | E-mail
Hi , my granny was on the Bismarck. He don't come back. Thank you for this side to remember the sailors
21 September 2009 - Germany

Shawn Batten | E-mail
I have always been awed by the large battleships of WWII, the greatest of which , in my opinion, was the Bismark. I remember listening to the Johnny Horton song "Sink the Bismark" when I was only about 8 or 10 years old. 30 years later, I still remember the lyrics to that song. My interest at present is to build a wooden model of the Bismark, something about 5 or 6 feet long. I have been searching for kits for the past two years with no luck. I now realize that I will need to scratch build one. I am now in the process of looking for detailed plans of the hull contours and deck structures. The few photos that I have seen do not have the detail I was looking for. I have seen several other pre-built wooden models of the Bismark so I know there are plans and blueprints in existance somewhere. I just need to find them. If anyone reads this and can help me out, I would be eternally grateful.
19 September 2009 - Avon, Indiana USA

barry goulder | E-mail
bismark.tirpitz.and prinz eugen have to be three of the most truly beautiful warships ever built. my thoughts sre always with those crew members who did not live to see the end of the war no matter whose side they were on they were heros to their loved ones and i am very humbled by just reading about their demise.
9 September 2009 - east yorkshire

mike Lowe | E-mail
Thank you for putting photos to crew member lists. It brings to life those who lost their lifes on a truely monumental day in history.
9 September 2009 - Poole Dorset, England

Miodrag Kovac | E-mail
I like KBismarck because is one of the most powerfull and technology advanced ship in this time!
Also that was the tme for true heros and gentelman!
8 September 2009 - Croatia

Barry Boesch | E-mail
I am building a model of the Bismarck. Your site is extremely helpful.
4 September 2009 - state of Illinois, USA

Neil Higgins | E-mail
Thank you , the site is VERY good and the line drawings superb.
2 September 2009 - Australia

carol ann prim | E-mail
Is there anyone left from the kriegsmarine,that knew General Admiral Rolf Carls personally? If so, who is it?
28 August 2009 - united states

Michael Sullivan | E-mail
I know a woman living in MA. Her brother died on the bismark. she has shown me pictures and letters from her brother.
15 August 2009 - stationed in Germany

Liam | E-mail
I Feel like i was on board the Bismarck . one of her crew my friends believe i was. in another life.

this is a fab site keep up the good work
11 August 2009 - Eire

Linda Louw
This website of the most feared German Battleship of World War 2, is truly a worthy way to honor the Sons of Germany who sacrificed their lives for the good of the Fatherland. May this be an inspiration to the future generation and show them the past.
10 August 2009 - South Africa

carol ann prim | E-mail
I am related to general admiral Rolf Carls. My late grandmothers'maiden name is Carls. He's from her side of the famiy.
6 August 2009 - united states

paul mather | E-mail
great site, one of my neighbors served on the suffolk and was there from start to finnish.
31 July 2009 - uk

Mike Buchholz | E-mail
Awesome site. My father was on a U boat stationed in the mediteranian. I became fascinated with the Bismark after it was located by Dr. Ballard.
21 July 2009 - Ontario, Canada

tom adams | E-mail
nice site pictures great im watching the movie right now for the 5th time
3 July 2009 - sturgeonbay wiscosin

Laura Christine Rhoda Meinhardt-Stybel | E-mail
I have been interested in this ship since 3rd grade when my dad told me about Bismarck. I am German on his side so I have always been interested in the German battleships. My grandfather on mom's side was in the Royal Navy during WW2 so he was interested in talking about this and my great grandfather, his wife Rhoda and 2 sons immegrated from Germany. His 1 son later joined the air force and was stationed in Germany. I'm now 25 and still love reading about this ship. Thank you for creating this wonderful site
28 June 2009 - Ohio USA

Todd Conkey | E-mail
I Have a model of the Bismark made by a seaman from that ship likely in prison in Manitoba. My father acquired it at that end of the war. I am looking for some help in identifying who could have made it.
16 June 2009 - Vancouver BC

Mike Cottle | E-mail
Remember seeing the movie sink the Bismark. I have the book showing the discory by Dr. Ballard. Hope it is keep as a memorial of the sailors who died for their country.
13 June 2009 - Selma, Alabama USA

Kurt Theis | E-mail
A very enjoyable site. I finally understand what my grandfather was talking about.
9 June 2009 - Aurora, Colorado

gerard | E-mail
68 yrs as gone but the brave men from both the hood and bismark will not be forgotten god bless them .
28 May 2009 - england

Nice site! I have always been fascinated by the story of the "Bismarck" and the Naval war in particular since my father was a sailor in the war, too! I wonder if there will ever be a great PC - Game with awesome graphices around the "Bismarck" - Story? If someone "in charge" reads this: PLEASE!?
27 May 2009 - Germany

William McCroden | E-mail
Fine website- very informative. I have one suggestion- in the "Battleships of the Time" segment I think you should show USS North Carolina. It was commissioned in April 1941 and like Richelieu which you show was technically a neutral ship but very formidable.
11 May 2009 - Cleveland, Ohio, US

John Ensor | E-mail
The BEST thing the world can do is let these people slide into well-deserved anonymity. Really,should the world honor anyone who fought for Adolf Hitler? Nice site for its type though.
1 May 2009 - Fresno, California

Stephane Pittet
Hi! Very nice website with tons of beautiful pictures and detailed info ! Congratulations
18 April 2009 - Switzerland

Frank Bowen | E-mail
Compare the loss of Bismark to the heroic Victory of HMS Onslow at the Battle of the Barents sea. And thank God for the Royal Navy. Then thank the Royal Navy for your Freedom
17 April 2009 - 73 degrees North

mrKEITH DUNN | E-mail
12 April 2009 - UNITED KINGDOM

Sean Smith
im doing a project on this, thans for the info
8 April 2009 - united states

Martin Rohde-Wünsche | E-mail
Thanks a lot for this huge amount of information that I can use in my job as guide on the "Stevnsfortet"; a museum about the cold war which, among many other items, has ( some of ) the guns from the Gneisenau!
31 March 2009 - Stevns, Denmark

Matthew D. Parker | E-mail
I just watched the movie, "Sink the Bismarck," and then found your site. I want to thank you for honoring the heroes of that behemoth of a ship. Although they were fierce adversaries of my country, USA, I believe it is proper and just to honor the men of either side.

I want to state that I also host a site that recognizes and pays tributes to the brave men of the Confederate Army, and do receive some flack for it. Why? Because they were a defeated foe, and the Victor has always been all too harsh, as well as very unkind, to the vanquished.
But again, they were all brave men, honorable men, and are worthy of our respect in the annals of world history…

Thanks for creating a website to do that!
23 March 2009 - Sylva, North Carolina, USA

Adalbjorg Karlsdottir | E-mail
Hello, I have been reading the U-boat part of the webpage. There is an artile: Meine Dienstzeit bei der Kriegsmarine, die letzte Fahrt von U-300 und die Gefangenschaft in.
I'm very much interested in getting in contact with Mr. Carsten Corleis who manages this part of the site, to obtain more info about the material in this article. Many thanks in advance A. Karlsdottir
16 March 2009 - Iceland

dr. sonia | E-mail
this was one of the models i had in my childhood.it was a gorgeous ship n i had its stories.its great to see so much about it in jst one place.may God bless the souls of those brave sailors who sank with this great ship.
22 February 2009 - pakistan

Ernie Ambrose | E-mail
after years of reading war books never have i been over so glad to hear these possible quite true accounts of BISMARK/TIRPIZ/AND ALL THE OTHERS
9 February 2009 - horley U/K

The Bismarck is often regarded as the most powerful battleship ever built. But really the IJN Yamato was much bigger and could probably sink the Bismarck. I'm not saying that the Bismarck was'nt a formidable ship, I just don't think people give the Yamato enough credit.
12 January 2009 - Canada

Phil Mullins | E-mail
I had the pleasure of meeting Bruno at the Show of Shows in louisville Ky many times. He was a very nice man & I got his autograph on a few items. I enjoyed your site very much. I was saddened when I learned of Bruno's death. I will miis him.
8 January 2009 - Indianapolis Indiana

The Cowboy | E-mail
This is awesome site. see our DRAG CAR "Tirpitz" and "Bismarck" at our Drag Racing for History website: the 3 w's and just type streettostrip, the period and dot ORG. Thanks
31 December 2008 - Bronson, Florida

N A Wagener | E-mail
As an American naval veteran (born in 1950) and a lover of history, I can assure you that this one man holds the respect, honor, and sadness of the loss of life and this ship during this most difficult time in human history. I carry this in regards to the Bismarck as I carry the same concerning the Arizona, Lexington, Sharnhorst, Hood, Yorktown, Yamato, and the many other ships and crews from all nations involved in World War 2. It is my hope that in the findings of these graveyards of the deep, mankind will finally see the futility of war and the incalculable damage it brings. To my "brothers of the sea" and all
who have done their duty, I say, "God speed".

N A Wagener
30 December 2008 - United States of America

Ana Maria Zacagnino | E-mail
Wenn es zu Silvester Stürmt und Schneit,
ist es zun Neujahr nicht mehr weit,
drumm wünsche ich Dir aus dem fernen
Argentinien ein ¡¡Prost Neu Jahr!! 2009, in der
Hoffnung möge alles dass Du dir erwünscht hast
in Erfüllung geht.
Herzliche Grüsse von Ana María

25 December 2008 - Argentina

Wilfred Martinez | E-mail
Great and very informative site on possibly one of the most famous Battleships to ever sail the seas.
24 December 2008 - Philippines

Nigel Soden | E-mail
Please can someone direct me to any information concerning the crew members of the Ark Royal during the Bismarck battle. My farther was a crew member of the 15 Swordfish that attacked this great ship. I've been trying now for a number of years to get his military history but with not much success.
16 December 2008 - South Africa

Ben K | E-mail
Easily the best Bismarck site ever made!
14 December 2008 - SK Canada

Larry Preston | E-mail
It is too bad Admiral Lutgens sent Prinz Eugene off on her own. She might have been able to tow Bismarck to safety after the stern torpedo hit.
7 December 2008 - Hamilton,Ontario,Canada

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