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The Princess of Asturias Foundation

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2012 Prince of Asturias Awards Special

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Rafael Moneo

Rafael Moneo


A Spanish architect of universal scope whose work enriches urban spaces with an architecture that is serene and meticulous.

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Martha C. Nussbaum

Martha C. Nussbaum

Social Sciences 

Considered one of the most innovative and influential voices in philosophy today and an advocate of the role of the humanities in education.

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Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto

Communication and Humanities 

The Japanese designer of world-famous characters and games Shigeru Miyamoto is the main architect of the revolution in teaching, educational and constructive video games.

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Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos

Spanish Federation of Food Banks


The food donors and volunteers and organisations for which they act as a channel constitute crucial, generous examples of this selfless effort for others.

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Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja

International Red Cross and Red Crescent

International Cooperation 

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is considered the largest humanitarian network in the world.

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Iker Casillas y Xavi Hernández

Iker Casillas and Xavier Hernández


Both players, who have achieved the most important titles with their clubs and the Spanish Football Squad, are an example of fair play that is admired by all.

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Gregory Winter y Richard A. Lerner

Gregory Winter and Richard A. Lerner

Technical & Scientific Research

The researchers Gregory Winter and Richard A. Lerner stand at the forefront of research on the immune system.

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Philip Roth

Philip Roth


The narrative work of Philip Roth forms part of the great American novel, in the tradition of Dos Passos, Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulkner, Bellow and Malamud.

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