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  • Member Since 14th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Hello. I'm MisterEdd and a horse is a horse of course of course.

Who Am I?

Name: Edd (As far as you know)
Place of Origin: USA
Discord Username: Artaxlivesbitches#7600
Deviantart ID: Throwmeafreakingbone

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Blog Posts
  • 2 weeks
    Been a While, Huh?

    Hello, everybody.

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  • 11 weeks
    "A Pup Named Fenrir" Status + Overall Update

    Hiya, gang! Sorry for the radio silence, I just needed some time away while I sorted out some personal things. I've undergone a spiritual and emotional re-evaluation of my life and current circumstances, figuring out how to proceed with the way events have played out. For a while, I was afflicted by low-energy and what I thought was writer's block, leaving me capable of coming up with new ideas but unable to sit down and actually write the damn words down. You see, I originally conceived of

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  • 55 weeks
    Update-What's the buzz, tell ya what's a-happenin'!

    Hello everyone(pony)! It's your...well, I guess not "favorite" but rather, "semi-adequate", writer here. So here's a few things:

    1: I'm stuck on "A Pup Named Fenrir"; I put out a recent blog post asking for help with an accent that I plan on giving a character but have gotten no responses on the matter. The next chapter is going to be late as I try to finish it and hopefully avoid pissing anyone off.

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  • 56 weeks
    A Bit of Trouble w/ An Accent (A Gentle Plea for Help)

    Hello, my freaky darlings!

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  • 81 weeks
    Ho Ho Ho! Meeerry Christmas! (Plus, APNF sneak peak)

    Hello, one and all! It's that special (or not-so-special, depending on your personal preference) time of year once again! I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hearth's Warming, Happy Holidays and Good Sunday, et cetera, et cetera. As a special treat, I am going to release a sneak peak of the next chapter of A Pup Named Fenrir, which is almost complete. Yesiree, I know that this one took a while but I've been hard at work perfecting it and now it's almost here. So without

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Been a While, Huh? · 1:00am July 6th

Hello, everybody.

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Report MisterEdd · 96 views ·