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  • Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Prithee and well met, thou tempestuous witch of storms, to alight so delicately upon the jet streams of the cerulean sky. Welcome to Spirit Airlines.


Aquaman's Feel-Bad Story Time Hour (Or: At This Point Whatever's Going On with Me and Flurry Heart Is Frankly None of Your Business) · 5:53pm Nov 27th, 2023

Did you enjoy (in a figurative sense) me writing about Flurry Heart being in a toxic relationship in "And I Hope You Die"? Have you been thinking (in a literal sense), "You know, I bet the result of that toxic relationship's end is going to be that cotton-candy pony princess doing things that would be war crimes if she didn't win the war she crimed in?"

If so, first of all: what's wrong with you?

And second of all, I wrote a sequel to "And I Hope You Die":

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Monophobia Postmortem (Or: I Have Now Released My New Shit and My Fell-Off-Ness Is In a State of Constant Flux) · 8:18pm Aug 6th, 2023

"You used to be big."
"I am big. It's the [website] that got small."

(Come on, I've been living literally on Sunset Boulevard for a year and a half now. Gimme just this one bit of referential self-aggrandizement.)

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I Ain't Fall Off, I Just Ain't Release My New Shit · 7:42pm Jun 16th, 2023

That's true, by the way, not just a cheeky two-year-old Lil Nas X reference. I really have been working on lots of stuff over the past year or so: a few TV pilot scripts that I'm generally okay with as learning experiences, some networking-type stuff here in LA with other "pre-WGA" (which is our fun term for "aspiring" [which is our extra-fun term for "unemployed"]) screenwriters, a couple other things here and there that I definitely

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'Sup · 9:03pm Aug 24th, 2022

Hey, horsefic folks. How it's hanging?

I hope "in Bellevue" is at least some of your answers, because that's where I'll be in a few hours and will remain through the EFNW weekend. I'll be, as always, six-foot-four and affably daydrunk, so say hi to anyone who meets that description and sooner or later it's bound to be me.

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Report Aquaman · 428 views ·

Regarding Less-Than-Positive Interpretations of Pride · 5:03pm Jun 29th, 2021

Let's get a quick disclaimer out of the way before we really get going: I don't like foalcon. By "foalcon" here, I refer specifically to M-rated stories that depict characters who are very clearly meant to be minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct with other minors and/or adults. Not a fan of it! I find it gross on a personal level, I think it's morally reprehensible that a site of this size has yet to crack down on it to literally any degree (let alone a meaningful one), and I would very

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Report Aquaman · 1,964 views ·

The Life That Was Given to Us (Or: The Unbearable Betrayal of Sincerity) · 8:06pm Apr 22nd, 2021

Got a comment on my last blog a little bit ago that went something like this:

"Why not get a life instead of taking Internet horse drama so seriously?"

I'd like to talk about this comment a bit. Not the lazy insult itself, but rather the perspective it represents, and how I both sympathize with and can no longer accept that point of view.

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Not Being Vague Anymore · 12:40am Apr 21st, 2021

(4/21/21 10:15 AM EST: Slightly edited so as to play slightly nicer with others.)

(4/21/21 IDK when: more edits from site mods; there used to be screenshots of the original post and a particular comment that prompted mine.)

Here is what I sent to TittySparkles in a private DM, reproduced below in text form so that it can be seen publicly without being deleted from under the relevant blog or removed with said blog:

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Look What I Did Instead of Anything of Substance Today! · 5:17am Dec 14th, 2020

Posh did this, and then Present Perfect and Jake the Army Guy did it too, so now I'm giving in to completely imagined peer pressure to do it, because I've been out of the game for a hot minute and this felt like the least scary way of

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*noises of a horse vagueposting* · 1:54am Aug 15th, 2020

Boy, you have some gullible fuckin' followers, fam.

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Horses, Hatred, and the Need for Us to Fucking Talk · 5:54pm Jul 17th, 2020

No sarcasm this time, folks. This one's raw and uncut.

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