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  • Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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Marble Pie is hoping for a bit of change in her life, but with her father, mother and sister still resistant to it, all she can do is simply stay quiet and soldier on. But that doesn't take away her desire to at least find out what else there is to life besides aching for a lost love, or doing the same thing every day.

This is a Jinglemas story for FanOfMostEverything. The man. The legend. HE WHO WE ALL LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING COMMENTS FROM.

His request for this year was: No genre notes, but I'd like to see something with Limestone and/or Marble Pie.

So here we go!

Chapters (1)

Sol City has the biggest, most impressive Nightmare Night Parade in all of Equestria. Floats, holograms, free stuff... the works! It's everything anycreature could ever hope a parade to be... and this year it's even more special: Not one, but two legendary singers—Hard Rock Legend Yumi and Neo Pop Super-Star, Legend and main attraction, Sweetie Belle—are going to open and close the parade respectively, ending in a city-wide concert that will also be streamed across the world.

Enter Neon Clove, a unicorn runner/musician that loves Sweetie Belle's music and might (just might) have hacked her chances to win the Golden Ticket and take part in the parade, and counts herself the luckiest mare alive.

None of them could anticipate that this Nightmare Night would change the world forever.

This is my entry to the 2023 Cyberpunk Nightmare Night Story Contest!

The entire story has been finished and will be posted daily for the next five days. My thanks to Pascoite & GaPJaxie for edits and feedback!

Cover art by Ruby, used with permission.

Chapters (7)

In the silence and comfort of the Royal Canterlot Library, a young Twilight Sparkle considers her future while studying the words and thoughts of Princess Celestia's previous students.

2nd Place Winner of Ciderfest's 2023 Iron Author! The prompts were: Legacy, The Space Between, Journal, and Injury.

Cover art by: RhythmPixel used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Just as Fluttershy is about to go have a picnic with her animal friends, her flanks start blinking, signaling that she is needed somewhere else. And while they understand it's important, said friends are really getting annoyed with a certain tree that keeps calling her for help.

It's time to tell it to stop!


EFNW 2023 Iron Author Entry.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom attended one of Twilight's talks about magical constructs that emulate creature's intelligence. But why limit that to magic, when good ol' Earth Pony ingenuity can do the trick?

Many thanks to Alumx for the cover art!

Now with a Russian translation, courtesy of CuTiE_PoNY-JacKie!

Chapters (1)

It's Hearthswarming Eve and Gallus has started to really feel the distance that has been building up between him and his friends since he decided to join the Royal Guard. But now, he was invited again to visit, and how could he say no to Smolder?

Written for GaPJaxie for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, in the mystical and whimsical Land of Ooo, there lived two self-proclaimed sisters. The oldest, a Demon tied to the Setting Sun, and the other—younger by just a few years—a Vampire Queen.

Together they could do anything. And so, they embarked on an epic quest: To bring the sickest, gnarliest licks their guitars could produce to the unsuspecting people of Ooo.

And possibly save the world if they felt like it.

(Art by DustySculptures)

Chapters (5)

Discord knows this one place where he's wanted to take Fluttershy to ever since they became a couple. A place where he can show her why it's so much fun to mess around with reality, and she has just the thing to try out.

Written for Nailah for Jinglemas 2021

Quick thanks to Corejo for last-minute corrections and minor edits. And while they didn't specifically help me with this, I would like to thank Petrichord for the coffee that got me through writing (and that one consultation about changing the POV), and also Admiral Biscuit for that advice he gave me at the bar a couple of months ago to not overcomplicate things, especially when talking about lesbian horses. Thanks guys.

Chapters (5)

Applejack enlists the help of Spike to search for the Legendary Sandy Paws across lands near and far, for he is the one being able to help her save the farm this Hearth's Warming Eve.

A Jinglemas story for: Ghost Mike

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer was too late. Before she could convince Wallflower Blush to release her friend's memories, they were lost forever. As she confronts Wallflower, and takes the Memory Stone for herself, she contemplates what she must do... and realizes, maybe she's not worth being remembered.

And now it's time for Wallflower to stop her from making a horrible mistake.

Chapters (1)