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  • Member Since 26th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 28th, 2022

Just a man trying to make the Ultimate Who story along with his pals. Feel free to PM me if you wanna say hi.

Stuff I'm writing but may not finish.

My Pal's

Kirito-Persona: Young up and coming, and my best friend on the site, he wand I have become like peas in a pod ever since we first me. He's like your little brother, I gotta look out for him and make sure he's ok. But I also gotta push him so he can fly out the nest. He's going to be a great writer one day, so you need to check him out.

Megamind Morgan Freedmom (Aka Doctor Grant): Also as I call him a Doctor Who encyclopedia, the man Who knows his Who more than I do, i you need a head cannon, theory, or the history of Doctor Who you go to him. He and one other who I will list in a moment have aided me in my grandest adventure yet...To make the ultimate Doctor Who/MLP crossover....One day...One day...We will get there.

DarkPonyD A master of Anime! DarkPonyD is a interesting fellah who I can tell has a few stories to tell. He has helped me in my Doctor Who adventure and has allowed it to expand into the different realms of storytelling and I am honored that he has decided to join me in my quest to make the greatest Doctor Who story ever..


She-Ra/He-Man fanfic · 5:14am Sep 13th, 2020

So I'm writing a She-Ra/He-Man fanficiton if interested https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13671525/1/She-Ra-and-the-Masters-of-the-Universe

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