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  • Member Since 29th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 13th, 2017
Municipal Engines

Rantapalooza: my thoughts and frustrations · 6:43pm Nov 28th, 2015

(Spoilers for Season 5 Finale)

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Graverobbing: A Look At Dead/Hibernating Fics · 8:49am May 9th, 2015

Pawing through the latter half of my favourites led me to write this blog to showcase some stories that are either abandoned or on "Extended Hiatus". These are stories that I really miss and get all nostalgia-ey about the first times I read them. Please note I haven't read most of these in a very long time so my reviews of them will probably be wonky at best.

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Season 5 Ep 3 Review · 9:13pm Apr 11th, 2015

The writers seem to be trying so so so hard to get us to think the castle looks aesthetically pleasing, going so far as to make Rarity mention that "fact" two episodes in a row and have her friends back her up on that. In reality it looks like a Crystal Empire Playset ripoff that spits all over the aesthetic of the town whenever it's in shot. Hopefully it will be in shot by the bare minimum.

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Changes to the Story · 5:15pm Apr 1st, 2015

I've been mulling over this for quite some time now and I've decided on a big change for the story:

The character of Orion will be replaced by Flash Sentry.

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Clarification · 10:40pm Dec 20th, 2014

In the previous blog post I told of how I deleted the story I had just put up. People seem to think it was meant to be permanent. It wasn't.

I was originally intending to shelve it for the mean-time because the unfinished product didn't seem worth my attention in light of my other commitments in life, the sub-par reception it got and the ever-present and ever-mounting desire to see NFC update.

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Progress Update · 11:25am Dec 20th, 2014

Okay, rather than waste time on a new story that didn't seem too popular anyway, I've decided to delete it so I can concentrate on Night's Favoured Child. I can always put it back up and continue it at a later date, I think.

Anyway, university will be the one major thing that restricts my ability to write, so the further along in the year we get the more my focus will be drawn away from the story.

Still, I hope to get this update up sometime January or February.

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The United Kingdom Remains United! · 5:30am Sep 19th, 2014

You have no idea how happy this makes me. I'm extremely glad my fellow countrymen in Scotland decided to remain my countrymen. Hopefully the issue will be settled for some time (rather than the so-called neverendum of Quebec and Canada fame). Hopefully it'll lead to true federalism in the UK, of which I am a big supporter. I speak to you after an initially intense and nervous night which got steadily less intense after more and more council areas in Scotland voted predominantly No. The

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NFC Updated · 4:55pm Aug 21st, 2014

Yes it's updated, please don't fill up the comments section with words of astonishment that it's active or jokes on how it's finally alive or other spam.

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New Story: Einherjar · 3:13pm Feb 27th, 2014

To work through a hump I had with the latest chapter of NFC, I wrote a oneshot. It's basically a scene of a much larger fic that I don't have the time to write, but I may get round to writing eventually. Even still, it's simply something to be read as it is. There's a little world-building, but mostly it's a piece driven by the last peaceful moments and thoughts of a warrior. I hope you enjoy reading it.


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Fan Stuff · 5:36am Dec 4th, 2013

Along with the TVtropes article, there's some more wonderful gifts drawn by fans to whom I am deeply grateful.

Endrome's Art:

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