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Narrative Style

The midpoint of a pony's leg is a po-knee.


Epistemology · 2:54am Jul 17th, 2023

This is a rant blog that has nothing to do with ponies; feel free to ignore.

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The Best CMC Story · 4:59pm Oct 22nd, 2022

There's a series of six chapter books known as Ponyville Mysteries. I highly recommend them, and they even fit the Nightmare Night atmosphere! They have characters staring into the face of death, and lore, and an overarching plotline. It's the CMC at their best.

That's all I've got to say right now.

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A Confession... · 2:30am Oct 10th, 2022

I hadn't watched most of season 8 or any of season 9 until a few weeks ago, nor any of G5 until this week, due to horrible anxiety. (Yes, anxiety about watching a tv show I want to watch. My brain is messed up.) So in no particular order, I need to get out some thoughts.

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Spike's Magic · 10:25pm Sep 28th, 2021

I'm watching through the show again, and noticed a lore thing that I thought was worth making note of. In Spike at Your Service (yes, that horrible episode where Spike is depicted as clumsy and incapable of things like cooking and cleaning that he's been shown to be skilled at in most other episodes), Spike has this personal "Spike the Dragon Code" card. But what's interesting is where it comes from: He breathes it out with his fire to materialize it, and then breathes fire on it again

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Isn't It Funny... · 10:33pm Sep 15th, 2021

...When you're just looking at the latest stories, and suddenly there's a propagandist promotion of an extremist who advocates against democracy and openly admires the worst dictator in history in the description of what you naively thought was a shipping story?

...When an avowed Communist asks for money as though that isn't inherently hypocritical?

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Here we go again... · 12:18am Aug 22nd, 2021

The NYC area is bracing for yet another hurricane (or at least everyone living here should be). Supposedly they're rare here, but we seem to be getting them pretty regularly now. I'm not in the center of the track, but I expect to lose power for at least several hours even if we only get peripheral wind, because the electrical grid is held together by hopes and wishes. More concerning is one report I saw that compared the rainfall potential to Irene. Where I live, Irene was a record-level flood

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On Why the Discourse on "Trans" Matters to Me · 10:32pm Jul 24th, 2021

I've voiced my thoughts on the whole concept of transgenderism a few times previously, sometimes in blogs, sometimes in comments. A lot of misunderstandings tend to follow, which on the one hoof are never completely unavoidable, especially when saying something that other people might not want to hear, but on a second hoof, perhaps could have been headed off, if just a little bit, if I was a bit more upfront with why I care. It's not that I've been hiding it, exactly; more, I haven't always had

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What Do You Get... · 1:13am Jul 22nd, 2021

...when you have a great soundtrack, amazing visuals, compelling acting, and fascinating ideas, but a director who can't tie it all together? Loki. Loki is what you get. Take that as you will.

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Cuba Double-Followup: This Is Why · 5:22pm Jul 15th, 2021


Cuba Followup: Bernie and "Democratic Socialism" · 11:17am Jul 13th, 2021