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  • Member Since 18th Jun, 2021
  • offline last seen July 12th

I have a passion for creativity, especially fiction. I admire this site not just for what it’s based on, but for its creative stories and writers such as Wildcard25 and extremeenigma02.

Blog Posts
  • 63 weeks
    An new story idea I wish to express

    This is a story that I may or may never make.

    My idea is Sunset Shimmer ending up (somewhat like Disney Chronicles or Cinematic Adventures) falling into worlds beyond her wildest dreams.
    ABC For Kids Promo (1993-1997) - YouTube
    In this story, it may have something to with loose Equestrian magic. But nothing too evil included. Just Sunset seeing new places, making new friends and maybe help solve problems.

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    2 comments · 177 views

An new story idea I wish to express · 10:57am May 1st, 2023

This is a story that I may or may never make.

My idea is Sunset Shimmer ending up (somewhat like Disney Chronicles or Cinematic Adventures) falling into worlds beyond her wildest dreams.
ABC For Kids Promo (1993-1997) - YouTube
In this story, it may have something to with loose Equestrian magic. But nothing too evil included. Just Sunset seeing new places, making new friends and maybe help solve problems.

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Report Fiction97 · 177 views ·
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Comment posted by Fiction97 deleted Jun 8th, 2022
Comment posted by Fiction97 deleted Jun 18th, 2021
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