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  • Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

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  • 2 weeks

    Hey guys.

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  • 6 weeks

    Heyo guys!

    Just wanted to give you a quick update on progress. The latest chapter is written, and I have started on writing the chapter after that. So the story is moving ahead nicely. :twilightsmile:

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  • 7 weeks

    I'm so sorry guys, but I have to put this story on pause.

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  • 10 weeks

    Writing: 100%

    Editing: 0% (Will start soon.)

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  • 13 weeks
    New New Cover

    Soooo, due to popular demand, the old cover has returned, until I have made a better one. Thankfully I can still use the artwork, just without the text. But don't worry, you guys have your cute Luna back. :twilightsmile:

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Happy Torsdag! · 6:03pm Oct 15th, 2020

This whole scene still gives me goosebumps.

My favorite movie as a child, Valhalla, based on the comics of the same name. Created by Peter Madsen, a Danish comic artist from my homeland.

Just listen to the music, the feel of the sheer power and awe, the bloody artwork. I wish we would make more cartoons like this...

P.S. The life action movie suck balls, good actors, good visuals, but come the fuck on. Don't make Røskva the sole hero that saves the gods and almost becomes a goddess. Tjalfe and Røskva were both important to the story, both contributed a lot and brought something to the table.

Comments ( 7 )

Ja, med Dick Kaysø som Thor. :ajsmug:

Been a long while since I've seen it, loved it and now that you reminded me of it, I'm going to watch it again, along with iron giant

Another great classic with amazing animation. :twilightsmile:

I presume this episode is... That Myth Where Thor gets humiliated and STILL looks awesome at the end?

Why doesn't Marvel do this?

Because Marvel has the fake Thor, and we have our old pagan Thor. ;)

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