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  • Member Since 16th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday
Mega NewWays97

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More Blog Posts66
  • Friday
    Long time no see

    Yeah, it's me assuming you know who I am or maybe I just got you to remember. Boy it's been almost three years since my last post. Longer still since I made any updates on this site. Where I went is mainly FFN with Blue Glass Spear. I spent more time over there for more general stories because this site kind of was never going that

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  • 174 weeks
    Is it me or has things utterly changed?

    Know I disappeared along with what I am assuming was several others from this site as the series continued on into its later years and basically just checked out with the series final. Yes, I keep taps on here and I decided to see how the last year went.

    Ok, wtf happened?

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  • 197 weeks
    Whelp this year I taxing

    Ok so I got caught up on twitter, dumb idea do not recommend it, and then this pandemic hit and everything else. First, I am not 100% in the moment and I think I am suffering with a bit of depression and writers block. Which I guess was evident. Anyway, I am really hoping fir a gen fiction but I guess thats been no go?

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  • 282 weeks
    Finally made a new story.

    Discord in the New World

    Basically its the Third Overlord crossover on the site. I mean this Overlord.

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  • 311 weeks
    Yeah I'm about to lose my Fanfiction account

    UPDATE: One of the admins replied to my abuse report email. They're asking for links to everything Blaze has done. I'm compiling a comprehensive list of all of her offences, both against me, and the rest of you. If I manage to pull together enough evidence, she might just get banned.

    They are going to ban me. I asked for help and this time I REALLY NEED IT!

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Teaser for my new Story · 12:29am Jun 15th, 2018

Wait this can't be true! Me preparing another story on Fimfiction!? Yeah, I am.

Loki: When are you going to finish my story?

Bad Loki! *tosses back into the 4th wall* Now then let's go on about what it is going to be with a teaser!

"Now why did you barge into my home, and why did you bring a Void Hunter with you?"

On the side, Freeza was eating the remains of an Eldritch Abomination eater. Sunset watched the Wendigo eat on the bone shape lung. Loki turned to the God of Anti-matter with an awkward laugh. "Well you see we were traveling next to the Starcraft dimensions and just when we turned to head to Smashverse it attacked us."

"And you decided to bring it hear to fight it?"

"No, we fought it through seven universes before it pulled us into here." Loki paused before giving the Anti-matter being a thankful look. "Thanks for helping us through."

"What about the random Chaos bolt you launched where did it impact?"

"I think it may have displaced someone," Loki paused and pulled out a draft. "Oh, right says here my creator wanted to to do a displaced story at some point and the two I displaced are Ash and Serena..."

"... You have five minutes before I blast you with the force of a newborn universe."

"Right." Loki pulled Sunset with him as a portal to the void opened, "Come along Sunset, I have to prepare two care packages for my author mandated displaced."

I know DJ tried it but I figured I could do it myself. Now expect it next month and updates will be sporadic due to life. Assuming i don't forget to post the first chapter later this year. (no seriously I might forget.)

Comments ( 3 )

Hunh... Never realized you (and Loki) were back. Can't wait to see more of it in the near future!

yep. Also do you know when gen fiction is coming?

welcome back!

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