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Singapore Student Visa Rules

Singapore has emerged as a modern, vibrant nation with an excellent educational system, providing numerous opportunities for internationals who wish to study abroad. Education is a priority in Singapore and the nation is recognized as a ‘global schoolhouse’.

It’s a must for all International students to have an approved student pass / visa from Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) before they enroll for a full time course in Singapore. Normally, it takes 4 weeks or more to complete the visa processing stage.

All students accepted to study at a university in Singapore receive their visa with their letter of approval. It means that successful applicants don’t need to apply for a visa directly since it’s issued with their in-principle approval (IPA) letter which is provided by the institution. This letter works as a visa and it can be used at entry checkpoints. Though, students need to apply for the Student Pass for studying in Singapore:

A Student Pass:  It is mandatory for the student to apply for it no earlier than two months before the course begins, yet no later than one month before the course commences. To obtain the Student Pass, the student will have to sign up with the special Student’s Pass Online Application & Registration System (SOLAR).

A Student Pass allows the student to work along with studies. All international students can work during holidays but are limited to 16 hours of work per week in term time. However, it’s important to note not all students are allowed to work during term-time, so one needs to have to check regulations to see the conditions.

Rules and Requirements for Student Visa

  • Original documents supplied must be in English or attached with official English translation.
  • Application fee (non-refundable) to be paid in Singapore Dollars by Visa or MasterCard credit card, bank draft or Singapore bank cheque.
  • Name and duration of the course, fee amount, evidence that the course and education provider meets foreign student requirements, whether the student is full-time or part-time
  • Fee-paying foreign students who are under 18 years old must provide a statement from their education provider confirming that the student’s accommodation complies with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Student.

Entry and Visa Requirements

  • Once accepted by a university, applicants must apply within two weeks to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for a Student’s Pass (S$90).
  • The application is processed online. Successful applicants will be issued with an in-principle approval (IPA) letter.
  • Applicants need not apply for a separate visa as it is incorporated in the IPA letter, which can be used at entry checkpoints.
  • On arrival in Singapore, complete formalities on production of a range of documents including passport, disembarkation/embarkation card, and a medical report in the prescribed format.
  • Singapore’s universities have demanding entry standards and are unlikely to accept anyone without good English. For applicants whose mother tongue is not English, the individual universities will set their required IELTS/TOEFL scores.

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